HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0865 I f- .. .. --- --.~' I! 194 1 . . . f -~.. _.__..__........__._....---..---....~--..,.. i , \ ; ~ AID wmm'lAI, th. ..14 Speo1el ....hr, Bun 8. 8\"'1.- and partl of the tlrst part to the.. pres.nts, ln purauaDo, ot the sa14 .r4et and d.oree ot the sald Gourt in Ghanoery, dld. on the 6th dal ot Bonmber', 1928, s.11 at pu'Uo auoUon the 8all ':"'ortpgecl preals.s, here- ID.ft.~ partloularll deaorlbtd, baving ~ir.t glven prtvlOu8 notloe ot the tlae and plao. ot s.l., .tth a d..otlptlon ot the said pre.i.ea, agreeable to the order aforesaid; at whlch ..le the Bald mortaaged prea1.ea, hereinattet partloularly desorlb.d. wert 801d to the 8ald partl ot the s.00n4 part tor the aum of ODe Thoueand 'tlooo.oo) dollara, that belng the hlgh- eat 8um bidd.n tor the aaae. .OW, !BEBEPORE, 11':11:) ~"ITURE WITHBSBmH: That the aald .Speola1 J.Iaster, In order to oarrl into .tteot the 8ald 8~le 80 made as atore..ld, In pursU8noe ot the 8ald de~ree ot the sald court ot Chano.r~: ~~ oon.1Q~ratlon ot the premle8e. a04 of the sald 8um ot One ThoU8Bod (11000.00) dollara, pald a' the time ot the exeoutlon hereot, bl the 881d party ot the Beoon4 palt to the 8ald Speolal Master, the reoelpt whereot he doee hereby aoknowledged, bar. granted. bargaine4 and Bold, allenet, released. oonveyed and oontlrme4, and by these pre.ents doe. grant, bargaln and 8ell, allen. relea8e. oonvel and oontlrm unto the 8ald party of the seoond part, and to his helr8 and a881gn8 torever, the oerta1n paroel ot land In the CoUntl ot !' Saint Luole, Stat$ ot Plorida, desorlbecl a8 tollows: BeglnnlD8 three ht.'.Ddred fliteen and one-half feet. mora or leB8. nol't~ the SoutheaBt oorner ot the Southwe8t Quarter ot the Southeast Qll8tter of Seotlon seventeen. In 'own8hip Thlrty-tour South of Bange ~orty East. thenoe run Botth tJ LI Three Hundred ,lite.n and one-halt feet, more or less, to the Northwest oorner of land de.ded to G. T. MoCarty by K. B. Danlels, thenoe tut West to the weet 1ine of the above mentloned Southwe8t Quarter ot the SOutheaet Quarter; theno. so~th thtee hundted flfteen and one-halt feet, more or le88. thenoe last to the polnt of beglnnlng. Alao. ooamenolng Six Hundred Thlrt7-three feet Borth ot the Southwest oorner ot the Southeast Quarter ot the Southea8t Qua-rter of Seotlon Seventetn. In Town8hlp Thlrty-tour South. Bange 'orty 1a8t, run tram thenoa last 'our Hundre4 .1natl-t~ 7eet; thenoe South Two Hundr" Ten 'eet; thenoe .e.t 'our Hundred .inety-two ~eet; thenoe Borth two Hundred 'en 'eet to the polnt ot beginnlng, oonta1nlng two and one-thlrd aor.a, more or 1eft8. [I Ii t~.th.r with all and slngular the tights, .ember8, prlvl1ege8, heredltamenta and appurte- nanoe. \0 the same belooglng or In anywls. apper\alDlng. TO BAVB AHD TO BOLD all and slngular the 8861 pre.ise.. above .entloned and desorlbed. and her.by granted aDd oODvelad. or lnt.04e4 eo to be, with the appurtenanoe., unto the 8ald party ot the .eoond part, hie helre ant allsigna, to the only proper ulle. benefit aDd behoot ot th. ..14 party ot th. seooDI part. hi8 heir. and aS818ns fotev.ro II WITBlSS W5IRIQJ, the .ald apaols1 uaster ln Cbano.r~. 88 atora.ald, ha8 hereunto 8.t hle bend and seal. the .ay an4 year firat above wrltten. Slgned, ..alel snd dellTet.d in the prea.no. ot: Bo.e Ann. KOU8nus . 'U , . u ) G. B. .oU1D8h.. Burl' 8. Sto.'l. (Seal) ) As 8peolal' Klstar ln Chanoery, atore..ld. I' i! HAT. 07 'n.oBll>>. ) 8&IBf LUCIE GOUlfY ) .., " I. an oftlo.r tal, authorl..d to tate.aotnowle4sme~t.. hereby oertlty that BURR S. &TOTTLB is w.11 Don h .., Bod 1QI01lD '0 me to oe the indivlduel de80rlbed in and who ax- 00.'" '110 fO".Oll18 "O'~f :~'O.~O' 0" 'ho' ho OOkDO"lO~fO" .0 'hol 11II oxoo.h' ~:..~~:s.~(.~~\?~;~.(t::~:~?~~~t})~~\~rk!:-. , , ': .' ::'" ..;ft9IV~~1:{{tJ~: