HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0902 231 I I go ing agreement, I ! p~rpo8e8 ~hel'ein i ! to me well known, and known to me to be the persons desoribed iu and who exeoutedthe fore- and they aoknowledged betore ~e that they exeouted the Bame tor the U8es and expre8.ed. < ..... I !made separately and apart from her husband. did aoknowledge before me that she exeouted the j' '; foregoing sgreement treel~ and VOluntarily. and without GUY teal'. oon8traint. apprehension or I. . ioompulsion of or from her soid huabaod. ! I !. WITlIESS IllJ hand ond otfioial seal at.Pt. Pieroe. &aid County and Strite. this the .22nd /~- _...~...... ! day of 1Iov. "er. A""b~ 1928 ',\ .. Seal) I' ./ : ..~ 1 STATE OF 'LORIDA , iCOUNTY OF ST. LUCI~ ADd the said Lillie L. Belk. wife of the 8aid W. A.Belk. upon 8 .epar8t~ examination fJ i . '. j i lIP i . . Bile L. Linebarger 1Iotary P~blio. State of Florida at Large. ~ Commission expires June 22. 1931 Thi8 day personally appeared before me HILTON BACHARACH. President of the ACHR FRUIT "it. ~ j lCOllPAlIY. to me well kuown ond known to me to be the person,desoribed iu IlId who exeouted the !foregOing agreement. Bod he Boknowledged before me that he exeouted the 8allle for the uses "and p~rpose8 therein expressed. ; . J ;.. . ,of llovember. 4. D. 1928; at 'ort Pieroe. 80id Count;! ond State. D WITnESS WHEREOP. I haYe hereunto 8et cy hand Slid offioial scal this the E2nd day ['-,-1 3 (D.P. Seol) { ... I '- /' ~ .,..., .~ 'lI'l1ed and reoorut[ this ... Ella L. Linegarger lIohry P~bl1 0 Stete of ll'lor ida. UJ Commis8ion expire8 6/22/31 (ct.Ct.seal). 22Dd do;! ot Hov. A. D. 1928. at 3:08 P. U. P. C. Eldred. Clerk Cirouit Court By ~~ 1\:....~_ D. C. CHARLES H,; TAYLOR AlID WIPE TO ~ THIS AGR~!. Made 'hie the 13th day ot Ootobar. A. D. 1928. b, and betw.eo CBABLES helm PRUIT COllPAnY ? <) .... "0 ,.... '/ I!. n ,a. , r.' '/' ~ ~. -.." ,. i .................................. .. .. :H. ~AYLOR. and HIlS!. tIXLOB. hi. wlt_, herainaiter known 8S 'he P8r~ie8 ot tha tiret part. ~I- . . ;8n4 ACKI IBUIT COMPADY. . oorporatioa, her$lnatter kDown a. the p.rt, ot tha ..00n4 part, .OW, DIe ~Ulm .IUlSa.u: n.t, Wherea., 'be parUe. ot the i'iret part are the iowuer. ot S oertsin oltrua fruit aroYe 01' srOYI.. .ituata4.1D tbe 'Gunty ot "int Luoie and !sta'e ot .lOfld., ~re partloUlarlJ 4e.orib" a. tollo..: j . . ._B.,lunlna at a polDt OD the Qual'ter Seotion 11De ot Seotlon 2went,-eight, townehlp fhlrt7-to~r Io~th ot BaQSe I'o\"t, ..t, U ohaln. Iorth ot tbe Quarter SeoUol.1 po., OD the Iouth liD. ot ..ld a.otloo 2Wenty-.i8ht; thlnoe rUD Borth 28002 ohain. to 11 . , i T a po.'; thanoe >>or'h sa 4ear'.. ..., ..ii oha1n. '0 the right ot "7 ot th. P10rlda za.. Coa.. BaUr*; th.DU 810. 'h. .e.t 11D. o~ fl,M ot .,. Iouth 20 dear... 3O;~DU'.. ...t '0 a polDt ~-ohalD. Bo.'h o~ th. 'o~th boun4ery ot 'he 8eo'iOD 11~.1 theno" .... '0 'h. polo. ot be.1DDlua. Al.o ~h. Bortli"IIa.~ td ~h. Sou'h 1Ja1t ot th. .orth..' qurt.r o~ ~h~ lou'hIi..t Quarhr and the 1fe.' Halt ot 'h. SOllth Quar'... , Ii I o~ th. .orth.... Quarte. ot 'he Iouth...' Q\1al't.r at BeOtlOD ".D'7..etpt. n. :tol'asOlag iant lte1D8 a180 ...orn.. a. Lot. .01lrteeD .nd 'lfl.e.~ aael that pal't o~ Lot, two aD4 !'hr.. 1,1D8 ..., o~ the ftorld. Ia.' Co.., Ball.., Co.panlAt 1'1Sh'.ot-.., ot BU88.11'. IultdlYl.ioD .. pal' pl.t reoord.d ID Pllat .Iook 1. pap JI6 ot ft. 1.Uoh GOUD,,1'04)I'4.. Go.pU08 hO"Ytr her. troa, 'h. c~''''ot now .... .. . publlo road OD pt .ff" 'h.~or"olnC p.opert,. , . . .u~ ) \ - -::",,;'.s-"';.t.- ~