HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0910 23 I ~- r d...ce. that ..y ba 60na to the orop., sroy.s. tre.., yes.tatlon; tenoe., 18"', brid,... aDd any aud 011 other atruoturea ot the o.a.r their hair. or ausigna, On the pre~is.. atora- aa14. ~y reaSOD of 'he rapair. opera'ion aDd ..intenanoe et ..i4 alaotrio tran.-i..ion and n .John .. JIIrUn byerDor. B. Clay Crawford S.~ra'.ry of state .J. B. .JOhD'OD A'torDey Oeneral .J. C. LUDDing Stata Tra.s\lrer. 1f. S. ,..\hon Sup" of Publio ID.truotioD '11ed aDd r800rted thia 26 day ot UOY. A. D. 1~28. at 9:30 A. M. u..tr1bUUonl1~~~'~""~ '. ~ ",\ , . . , . ~ 'S..l t the State~ot 'lor ida ) j . y ~...~",,-~/ ATTEST: [' ~ t . ...! .anaD *,0 Co..ia.ion.r at Aarlo\llt\lre. .. ... 'ct. Ct.geal) P. C. lalr.d, Clerk Ciro~it Court ~y ~~ 1~ D. C. " ~.~ <.. c. A. nxuIKLD .lDD lun ~o I'I.ORIDl WABlWift DBBD GBlft'BUb H. XL!IDI ~ ~ It.. (. .' .............................. :'t: ... .. I . THIS IllDbTURE. lIad. thh SeY8o\h day ot a.phllber A. J). 1928. Bm'W'B!H C. A. 1feketield aod Carri. A. .akatltll. hl, .it, of the County of "aodot\e and ~ta\. of Keo... parti.. of n th. tirat part. ao4 Gertrude H. Xl.... a widow and Bingl. wo..n. aole heir and aolo benefi- oiary UDder the will of J,seph J. Reim. d.oeasel. of th. County'of Jaokeon and stat. of Mi..our1 party ot tha .eoon4 part, WI~.BSSB!H. that the ,aid partiea of the fir.t part. for aDd 10 oODaid.ration of the .ua of T.n dollar. and other go04 and ?81uabl. oonal4.ratioDs to th.. in hand paid. the reoeip\ whereot 1. h.reby aokDo.l.4g.d. hlye grant'd. bargained. 1014 ao4 t.ancferrel. and by thes. present. do her.by gr.nt. bars-in, .ell and treDlfer unto the .ai4 party of the ,eooD4 part aod h.r h.ir. aod a8signs forey.r. all that oertaiD pa.o.l fl - of land 1yi08 an4 bai08 In the County ot St. Luoie and St.te ot '1ori4. aore p.rtioularll de30ribed 88 follo.,: "at half of the Borth...t quarter of Horthwest q~.rter (It ot NBi ofDWi) and last halt of Southesst q\larter ot Borth.e.\ q\larter lit ot SEt ot HWi) 'of Seotion tiye 16), towoship 2hirty-l'iYI 136) South. Ra08' Thirty-BiDe fa9) !Bst. oontaln- 10. 39.91 .ore. 1I0re or leaa. SUB.JBCt HOWEVBB. To any aDd all tax... g.oeral apeoial or drainBge. and to .11 .ea.....ot. or laYie. .ub.eq~ent to Daoellb.r 31st. 1921, and also .ubJeot ~o any ded\lotiona tor right. of "Y. for p\lbllo hlgh-..y. or for dltohe. or righ~s of ..y of the Borth St. Luole Hlyer Drainag. Diatriot. 8UBJlGT. ALSO, to a fir.t mor'._ge in the ..ount Gt e6.986.60 dated September 9. 1~26 10 fayor ot JosephJ. He1a. 'aid mortgage reoo~.d on page 16 ot book 2~ in tha pU'110 raoer4. ot St. Luoie CouDty. Plorida. TOGEfHIB with all the tene.ente. h.~e4it...ots and .PP\lrt.oanoes. .1th eYery prlYilese, r1aht. titl.. iDter.st and est.t.. do..r and right ot do..r. r..er.ion,r...1n4.r and .I....nt thereto b'lOQSi~ or In an;.is. appert.ini08: to BiB .llQ) "TO HOt.]) 'he .8.. 10 tee .imple torner. i~04 the .ai4 partios of the fi.at part do ooyeDan' .ith 'he ..i4 party of the ..oon4 par' that th.y are lawt\llly .el.ed ot the .ald p.aml.... that they are tree from all Inoua- brenoe. 8Dd 'hat th.y haya goOd rl8ht and la.tUl authority to .ell the ....; and the .ei. parU.a ot tha flut part dOf:llereby ful17 _rra.'r the title to _14 land, and w11l 4eteD. the .... again" the lawf\ll oui_ ot all penoD' WhoMoanr. ['1 ...::~ .~:Z?~~'J~~!:j??;.!t:::T~:~1?:'f~;J;:~;i~. -.~-~. .- ~- - _.._------.-._.--..."-----.~- ....;~..-.-.~~ - ----------,---_._~--- , ~. - ..' ~.-~.~-!~~~flfJ~1f~~~:::~:~ -...-..-.--..., '-