HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0912 i-I . I - ......_--~--. ~.- ..,._~.- I , t , , " fJ IJ~ fJ fJ' fJ' i i I i I I I l I --- -~-"''''''''~-''.y., ,__. ,__ _ _-1 _. - --. ~. ~. --- _ _ - --L.-...--.-_ or ---~ ~ ......-:-----;- i ._---. . .-.. . -:-~_____4_'___ ______- . , 24 .' aat ~y th... pUMnh do.. h.r.'7 grant. 'arplD. Hll..D4 traD.tar unto the ..14 p."ty o~ 'h. ..000. part aod I"a h.l.a and a..lga. ~or.Yor. all that oertlin PC'oll o~ l.nd I)"iag . and belQl lD the Co~ty o~ ..1Dt ~uol. an4 S'.'e o~ ~erl4a ~re partloullr17 de.orlbe4 a. ~ollo.. : "at hal~ of \he .orthaaat qUi,'.. ~ lh. northwe." qllnt.r I. o~ I'Bt ot 111ft) and ...t hal~ o~ SOlltheaat quarter ~ .o'.tlnred quart.. I. o~ SBi o~ lI1ft) o~ S'OUOD .flY. (6) 'OWIIBblp 2hl"t7-~h. cal Sou'h, Rana. !hlrt7-nine US9) z.at, 'oontainl~ 89.91 aor.. .ore or 1.... SOBJ.ICT HOWIVIB. ~o 'D7 and all taxe.. g.ne".l. .peolll or 4rainag.. and also l;1ltJeot t~ 11II7 4ecluoUonl ~or l'1ghtl o~ -7, tor pubUa hlShway. or ~or 41toh..' or rlghtl'o~"y o~ the north.S\. ~uole _lyer Mrlinage >>iMt.lat. TOGM'HIB with all the 'en..nt.. hVUclU...rit. anet apparteDlDOe8. with ever7 priyUe.., r1ght. tltle, Int.re.' ID4 ..tete. dow.r ID4 r1ght o~ d~.r. reyer.lon. re..lnder and oal.- ..Dt thereto belonging or io a~8. appertalnlag: . TO BAVB AlID TO HOLD tb. .a.. In ~ee .1l1ple foreyer. Anet the .ai4 part7 ot the tiret part doe. ooyeo.nt with the laid party o~ th. .eooDd part that ah. 1. llwful17 sei." o~ the 18i4 premise.. that they are ~ree troa all iDOu.braDO.. end th.t 8h. has BOocJ. rigM lod lawfu.l authorU7 to s8l1 the ..ei and the 8aid party of the ~ir.t p.rt dO.s her.'y tul17 warrant the tltl. to aai4 land. aDd will defend the 88me against the lawt~ ol.i_ o~ all persoo. wboll8oner. .xoeptIng .x.aptions 18 .bove ape01fled. IB WITlIESS 1IHBBBOP. the .a14 pert7 of the firet part has hereunto .et her baneS 80d seal the da7 a~d 7.ar above 1f1'ltten. .,1':' S1gned. sealed aDd d.liyered 10 our pr...noo: B. L. HaIl.l wallao. 1'. Col. aertaat. H. ne_. a widow and 81"81e WOlleD. 801. helr and 801. benefioiary under the will of ~Q..ph ~. Rei. d.oeas.d. ~7: Uloha.l G. Het. Her Attorn.7-iD-~O' , Seal ) STATE or ~.souri ) ... COl18'.rY 0,. "ODon ) I har.b7 o.rt1~7. that on thl. 14th 4a7 ot Hoyeaber A. >>. lV28. before me per8ooal17 appe.r" Kioheel a. Hei. to .. knOWD to ~e the person desorlbed In aDd who exeouted the fore- gOlDS OonY.7anoe. end aotDowl.aged the ex.oution thereo~ to bs hi. free aot and d.ed for tho ue.. lod purpo.e. there1n .entioneA, a. At'orney-in-Paot for aertrw40 R. KI.... 80re h.ir at law of ~88eph J. Rei.. d.oa8sed. WITBI3S ~ algnatu.r. a04 otfiolal 8eal at Kaneo8 C1t7 1n the County of ~.OkSOD and state laet a~ore8aid& l " ~ I_.P. Seall . :. \' _......._,1 Pil04 a~~~ord~~tbi' i~., ~ t, Ic~.ct'3"7: , . \.. .~/. ""-,=,-,-,-.,,-.,-/ Adolph ~. lIe7" (Seal) .otar7 P~bl1o. 111 oo.al..ion expirea >>eoomber l6th- 1930 26 day o~ Hoy. A. D. 1928. at 1:39 P. K. P. C. Eldred. ~lerk Ciroult Co~rt B7 ~ 1~......... D. C. ~ :-> ") ~o " ?- .. . . ............................. ' r) .... ~. ..-;. '<i -;, . .-- -.----- ....---........._.__.__.-....__..--_.--.--__._._--_.---------------_._~_.- -;?:;~:~;7~F:~(~~;/if);?ii?~,~~~J;f . .' ; . . . o. ;-{~~~