HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0923 "-.-". --....---~..___..'----__...._....__...___-._._4_....' ~ 25~ - '.-...r- -- - Lot 12 ot Blook . ~t 18 ot B1Gok . Lot 14 ot B100k I . , Lot 16 ot B100t I Lot 16 ot B100k e Lot 17 ot Blook 2 Lo' 19 ot Blook e Ii. 20 ot Blook a . rl South thirty (80) tee',' acr. or bsa of Lot 1 to 16 100. of Blook 8 South thlrty (30) t.et, 110.. or le.. of LOt 1. nook a ana 'h. Iouth fhlrt7 (80) t.~t, BOre or 1.8a at Lot 1 ln Blook 6 All aooordlO8 to the reoord.d plat ot Ala.-ode 8ub4IYlaion. tosether .1th all aol ...,alar th. right.. ...ber.. prlY~188'8. heredltamenta aod appurteoaooe. to the sema belonging or in an,.ia. appertalnlng. ' 2'0 BAVB AID TO B~all a04 alngular the a.ld premi.es, aboye ..otioned ani desoribe'. .01 her.by graot.. aol 000ye784. or lnt.oded 80 to be, with the. appur~eoaooes, unto .the ..i. pa~ti.a ot the ..0004 part, thelr h.ir. aot asaigns, to th. only proper. use, benetit ani behoot ot'th. .ai' parties ot the seooo4 part. their h.irs and .sslgn. toreyer. D WITBDB .trBJ:BBOJ the ..1d &paohl Ma.ter ln Chanoery, a. afore..lel, hee hereunto s.t hi. hand and leal. the elay and year tlrat aboy. writt.n. i . ! ! ! t nl ~ , Slgned, ..al.d and dellyereel 10 the pre.eoo. "lor LlddoD Jlahle "i.. ot:) ) ~.r Gooellett .a Gp.oial Master In Chaooery, ) (Seal) a8 aforeaaid. S'fUB 01 rllUiilDA,) n. LUCIE COUJI2'Y. ) I. aD ottloer duly authorla" to take aoknowla4gment., hereby oertifY that ~3R GOODLBl'T il vall known to at. aod known to me to be the In41Yldual described 1D anel who ex- .out04 the toregoing d.ed ot oonyeyaoo., a04 that h. aoknowlelge' be~ore me that ,. exeouted the forosoibS ..ed, as 8p.ol.1 lIester In Ch8oo.ry. .tore..id. ~r the purpo... thereio express- el. .1tn~.s mJ hand and ottl01al ..al, the .-.,..----.., County af9re.ald. \. 18y ot------------. A. D. 1928. io the ..hie --.J. tt Botor, Publlo. stat~ ot Plorlda at Large. IIy oo_l.alon exph.. 6/9/32 ....., ~' ,",---~.:._-j/ . .,' f '.\ I"t~~.l.. ~....t.. . ~,.r,.' \.," .-- P. C. I1lr". Clerk 'irouit Court ~ ~ 1~ D. C. lJ: PLIed ao4 reoorded thle 28 day ot Boy. .. D. 1928, at 4:66 P. M. ! . , ; , ct .ct .S.a~) .............................. JOSEPH UrlBTOB AlID 'lID ~o M'UlWlD OIL COlIPAlfY GADCJIIJ.lfIOJi 0' ~ THIS CAlCILLlTIOR 0' LIla.. ~I. aDd enter.. Into thiB 16th day ot Doy.~b.r. 1928. It 1>>y and. _ot..en JoonB UI'JaTOll .04 UA lI&BIB UP.!OB, his wlfe, of 'ort Pieroe. St. Luoie Count7. Plor148, partle. ot the tire' part. and ~D&BD OIL COUPAIY. a lorpo.atlon o..atel. orpah.d. ana ..hUng un4er end by vlrt~e of the la.s ot the B.at. ot Xentuoty. party ot the .eoo04 pa~t. '~WITI188B1BI That to. aDd ln oon8iler.tlon ot the Bum ot ~.n (110.00) Doll.ra. thl. d.,,'06ah In und pa14 to ..oh 'f the parU.. h.reto. aol o\her good anel valuable oon.14eraUon8~ ;~'~:i ,~;~J.~:~ ii.:7r.~~ :~}V;~'i~~ ?;~~.::1~~~~~~~;~~.. -. ...-. --- ~-_. --'----