HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0937 i 266 I. I j i t ; . ~ f ".-..-..... -.-.-----___.._~ _. ...'_. 4..__...__...._.. _-:-_._....._.____,.~....-__~.._...__..._...~__......_ _ __.'__ _ ._._~.. ....__ ...,-_ __.W ~ a. suoh ottloer. ot saId Corporatlon, aod that they atflxed thereto the ottl01al aeal ot .aid Corporatioo and I turther oertity that I know the sald per80ns making 8ald aokoowledge- ..anti to be the individuals d..or ibed 1n !~.Dd who .xeo~ted the aald deed. In Witoe88 Wher.ot, I hereunto set ~ hand and offioial Real at ~ort Pieroe, laid ,--~ ~ . Statet'th18 28" da7 of Bonmber A. J). 1928. t \ Seal} : J i f-/' aod te6&rcr-t4 thl. r.' :;. lfCt.Ct.Seal) j \ \ , \., '- "-. /" P. P. Bltlitf notary P~blio for the State ot ~10rid8 at Large Uy Commission Bzplres Apr. 23, 1930 f"1 'Uti 6 d.~ at Deo. A. J). 19~8, at 2:69 .. K. P. C. Bldred. Clerk Ciro~it Court B7 ~ 1~ D. C. ',.' .6~1,' '. ~ . t" . : ~ :t ,c.J: ~..., )c \ l TJ ......................... E . K. S UlIl'i llB TO KASTER'S DEED HATTIE E. CHAlm:BRLIlI I TRIS lUDmITURB. Uade the 26th day ot Hoyember, 1928. between B. k. Sumner. as SPECIAL KASTllB ID CHAnCERY. of the first part, and Rattie B. Ghamberlin, of the 8eoond part: WBBBBAS. the Cirouit Court of the 218t Judloial Ciro~it ot the Sta~e of ~lorid&. io and for the Count~ of St. Luole. in Chanoery. on the twenty-ninth day of Sept6~~er. 1928, among other thlogs ordered. adJ~dged and deoreed, in a oertain oause theu pending io 88id Gourt, between Hattie B. Chamberlin. oO!Dplainant. Iud Lester B. Kinley and. Xd1th I. Kinley. his wife, defendauts, that the mortgaged premise8 meotioned 1n 8ald deoree. and he.reinafter partioularly desoribed. be sold by 8aid Haste.. at p~blio auotion, the 88id Uaster flrst gl viDg twenty-eight r/ noUoe of the time and plaoe of aale, in a newspaper published in St. Luoie ~ounty. 1n the 88id state, to-wlt.,th. 'art Pieroe Hew8 ~:ibune. ..J AXD WHEREAS. the said Speoial uastar. B. K. Sumner, 104 party of the first part to these presents. in pursuanoe of the s8id order and dearee of the s8id Court in Chanoery. did on tbe fifth day of 110yember. 1928. eell at public auotion the 8aid mortgaged premises. h6re~ inafter partioularly desoribed, having first given previous notioe of the time 81n plaoe of f.1 " . ~ 801e, with a desoription of the 8Fold premi888, agreeable to the order afo~~s8id; at whioh sale the 8ald mortgaged pr3mises. hereinafter partioularly desorlbed. were'sold to the said party of the seool.ld part'for the s.uo of Seyen hundre' aDd fifty and nO/lOO Dol18l's. that being the highest aum bidden tor the 8ame. Aod the Judge of 88id oourt haying made an order in Baid oause. on Uoyember 8, 1928. oonfirming Baid 8ale and the report ot aald apeoial 1Iaster. al,,;' dlreotlng the exeoutloo and del1yery of Uaster's Deed of 881d property to sald purohaser, Hattie I. Chamberlin'- HOW. TH!HBPORB. THIS IUDXNTJBB WITNESSETH: That the 8ald Speoial ~8ter. in order to gar.y Into effeot the said 881. so made 8S atore..id. in pur8~uoe of the said deoree of the 8aid Co~rt of Chanoery. lo oon.ideration of the premi8ea. and of the ..ld sum of Seyen hun- dred and fifty dollars, paid st the time ot the exeoutioo hereof. by tbe aeldparty of the saooo4 part to the 80id Speoial Hester. the reoeipt whereof he does hereby aoknowledge, has granted. bargained and 8014. aliened. feleased, oouyeye4 and oontirmed. and by theoe present. does grant. borgain and .ell. alien, release; oonyey Bod oonfirm unto the 88id perty of the s.ooo4 part. and to her heirs 811d assigns toreyer. the oertain paroel of lAnd in the County ot St. Luole. State of 'lorids. desoribed as follows: Weat Half of the Northeast Qusrter ot the BortheaotQuarter of the So~the.8t Quarter ,It of RBi ot Bit of 9B!). Seotlon SeTenteen (17). Township ~hir\y-fiv. ("36) 80uth. Rauge POt'tl (40) _._. oouhinlog "in (6) aous. 11IO.. Of 1888. I ~{ u ~~.~ ~ Ii ! I' L: . ~ , ' " . '; :~, ~.~?5~li~i~~~~~t!~;~: ~,':, ;i::~Y~:~ ~~;:~~.:~.~~~~~;:1it~.~~~:'~:'\~~~!{~~~~1?