HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0953 -~- ,-, ,......-....-----.-..---- ....-..._-.-.. -'",,=--.-. -~...'~.~_._~- -~.--. - .-.~.......------- I f ~ - --......----- I: 282 J ! ! I ! , I! '.' i I. I' f " r. t f t f l~ , t t f f t ~ . ~ " f t f. , i r ~ ~ t: f r' ~~ '<.-. ~:. t. t ~ oJ .1 ~} ~) } I~ ,- - A. H. WARBER,INC. TO A. JmIDIOBD HBRWIN WARRANTY DUD .T8I~ IBDBrrfUBB. Kade ~h18 28rd d.~ ot Ootobel' 4. >>. 1928, BM".Ilm A,. H. "ARNER. IlIC..1 . OOf~orltlon exi.ting under the law8 o~ the State o~ '10rid8, haYing its prinolpal plaoe ot bU8ineas in the County ot Sliot Luoie and State of Plorlda. and lawtul~~ authorlsftd to traneaot buaineas in the State ot Plor1d8. part~ ot the tiTat part. and 4. Dumaond ye.w1n of ,. the County ot st. Luoie and Stat~ ot Plorida party ot the 8eoond part. WITBISSI!H: That the 8aid party of the first part. tor and in aon81deration ot the eum at Ten Dolla~8 aDd other yaluable aonsider8tl~n to It in hand ~id by the 8aid pa~t~ of the seoond pt.t. !h8 reoelpt whereof i8 hereby aoknowledge.. has.gr8uted, bargained and 801d to the ~ aald party ot ,the aeoond part. hie heir8 80d aS8i808 torever, the tollowing desoribed land aituate, lying and being in the County of saint Luoie and State of Plorida, to-wit: 2he Borth Ralf (Ht) of the Bast 800 feet of th~ louth Halt (st) .ot Goyernmeot Lot .0~:16 in S80tlon 2. of Townshlp 37 South, Range 41 Best, oontaining 6 aores. more or ~s., tosether with all 11ttorsl Ind riparian rights. aooording to the plat of 88id 188t 800 ~eet by P. B. Englar 8S ot April 18. 1922. ADd the aaid party ot the tirst part does.hereb~ tully warrant the title to said land, 8nd will detend the 8ame against the lawful olaima of all persons whom80eve~. 19 "ITUESS WHERB01. the sa1d party ot the first part has oau8ed theee pre8ents to be [J. fJ ame by its proper otfioers. and its oorporate 8ea1 to be affixed. atte8\ed by fta seoretary the day and year above written. \ {C, orpy.seal.1 , ( orporate ......, " . . Seal ) ---- . Attest: AnDa~. ..roer aeoretary. [] A. H. WARHBB. INC,. By A. D. Merwin President. ligned. sealed 8ud delivered io the preseuoe ot'us: M. A. WorDer L. B. WarDer STAT! 01 PLORIDA. ) COUNty 01 Saint Luoie ) , I HEREBY CBRTI7Y. that one this 318t day of Ootober A. D. 1928. before me persotJaUy appeared A. D. YBRWIJ and AHHA C. WARUBa President Ind Seoretary .88peotively ot A. H. "ARDER. lHC., 8 oorporation under the law. of the 8'ate of Plorida. to me kUOWD to be the pers~ne who 8igned the torlgoing instrument a8 8uoh otfioer8 and 8eyer811y aoknowledged the exeoutioo thereof to be their free aot and deed as auoh otfloere fo? the usea au4 p~rposas therein men- tioned; and that they a~fix.4 th.reto the otflo181 s881 of 88id oorporation. ~nd that the said ~; II .' instrument is the 80t and d.ed of said Qorporation. W!'N~S my 8ignature aDd ottioial 8881 at 'ort Pieroe in the County of saint Luoie aDd .~tat/,,'-flO.l~~ the I . ' ~B.P.S.ol~ '" ....' .~..../ .'~"-- .:<...., Piled aad / reoorded \bi8 J \ ~ , ct .ct .Seal) \. \\ II day and year la8t ator'eaid. M. A. Warne. (8eal) Notary Publ1o. MY Commission expirea----19-- Rotary Publ10 State at 'lorlda at Lerge ~ Cosad..lon Ixplres sept. 22, 1931. 18 day ot >>eo. _. D. 1928. at 11:'6 A. U. P. C~ I1dred, Clerk Cirouit Court . , ~ '-!Cti\H'!d R f'If<'l f '-' " . B,~I~ D. c. -,~ -~..._;. ~,.:,"': .' .............................. }~~.;:;;;~j~:~;~1/~~f~:~~~.~~ ~~~J.:\~~~?Z, .' . ' , ~',: .~~~(~~~~~l~Jf;