HomeMy WebLinkAboutPRODUCT APPROVAL - ROOFING ACCESSORIESFlorida Building Code Online
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Facts Pablicatians. ` ^?+C S �fi u EQ_ Site P
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_ - sci5 Home Lag In Jr. Regta25or. P. RECEIVED
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B. 'USER: Fubl" ...FILE NOV ® 9,
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`~— 5'� +: 1: ` ApPli iion Detail Permitting
Frcc_ s..-,2rar=i Here -^d::r Gr asn!;c too _ == ST. Lucie County)
- FL537`•.-R5
FL- Affirmation.
=-- Application Type 20i7
Code Version Approved
Application Status
Comments BY
Archived St Lucie County
East Coast Metals, Inc.
Product Manufacturer 7301 West 8 Lane
Address/Phone/Email Hialeah, FL 33010
(305) 885-9991
acastellanos@eastcoast-metals. com
Tom Castellanos
Authorized Signature acastellanos@eastcoast-metals.com
Tom Castellanos
Technical Representative 2301 Wes` 8 Lams
Address/Phone/Email Hialeah, FL 33010
(305) 885-9991
tastellanos@eastcoast metals.com
Howard Callender 7r.
Quality Assurance Representative
2301 Vilest 8 Lane
Hialeah, FL 33010
hcallender@eastcoast-metals. con
Roofing Accessories that are an Integral Part of the Roofing System
Architect or a Licensed
Evaluation Report- from a Florida Registered
Compliance Method
Florida Professional Engineer
Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received
>lame who developed the
Robert Vieminen
Florida Engineer or Architect
Evaluation Report
Florida License
Architectural Testing, inc.-
Quality Assurance Entity
Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date
John 4V. KnezevI hr PE
Validated By
Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received
FL537a. R5 COI 2015 01 COI fdieminen_odf
Certificate of Independence
Standard and Year (of Standard)
FRSA/TRI April 2012 (04-12)
PAS 118
RAS 114
RAS 120
TAS 101
httn:llwww.floridabuilding.orglprlpr app dt1.aspx?param=xGEVXQwtDgtVSv8n70DFXfTA7V6GMEbUQple6Y8w7vk%3d
Florida 8uiiding Code online
Eauivalence of Product Standards
Certified By
Sections from the Code
Documentation from approved Evaluation or Validation Entity
Product Approval Methad
Date Submitted
Date Validated
Date Pending FBC Approval
Date Approved
5�7 -.?
Instaliationinstructions ;-
Limits c=," Use
FL5374 R5 II 20i5 03 FIigA! ER ECt•1 Trim Lock FL537 -
ypproved ;or vse in HV14Z: Yes i RA.odf.
i Approved for use outside i'%11HZ= Yes
? Verified By= Robert Nieminen PE-59166
z_slpact Pesistant' h/A Created by IndependentThird Party. Yes
oesion pressure:-N/Al-178
I Dther; 1.) Refer to Evaluation Report Sections 5.2 and 5.3 for EPa3!`1 jr. Reports 2055 03 FINAL ER ECh? Trim Lock F15374-
Limits of Use in HVHZ and non-HVHZ jurisdictions, 1 R4.odf
th Table !A ofs Created by independent Third Party: Yes
i respectively. 2.) The design pressure herein pertains to use In
non-HVHZ jurisdictions in
a i conjunction
Tables 2A and 2E in the
FRSA/ f RI April _0__ (0 .---.
ptions and associated allowable
Evaluation Repor for all o
design pressures. ___ —
I aflirrn that there are no changes in the new Florida Building
Code which affect my products) and my product(s) are in
compliance with the new Florida Building Code,
Yes No N/A
FL7374R3 COC 2417 09 A-FIRriAilOid ECi i-rL537A 6th Edition
(2)!_, ._odf
1°lethod 1 option D
--` { Description
Model, Mun:ber or Plante _-_._._
i Preformed metal channels designed for use as a hip & ridge
East Coast Metals Channel Metals
base to which roof tiles are bond_--
j --j 'A
-� 3z3ca Phone: 85 fi2~
Contact Us =: ro�72 z}: stone Road. 7allahassae r
C` Fonda- '• Privzastal-2-11 °' Accessih;I;r� Statem9rt :: Peiun at
Dose to a public records request, do not send electronic
The Stale a.:lorida is an �••:•J�=o e^n:}oY=r EG�'^°^t 30�� -01' State
ualic:ccards. if you de not vent Your s-maii .dress released in response have
Under rlarida tarn, email addresses a pChe °ice by ahona or i:y P rovide the Department wiN an ^_nail address f; to oersonal
aad}tione, mail. of you have any quzst;ons, please contact 850.487-t395- Pursuant to Sect o
mail [o this enG[y. r_nstead, ��, 3• licensees licensed under U:z ter 455, F.S. oust p
455.275(ll. Florida statutes, Effective OCaber 1,
one. The ema}Fl Provided may be used far afiti=l communication With the lb eMad avalabi email otibli addresses are pubic reca:d. ?f you do pat vrish supp )
add-rhe Please provide the be use Department vrith as email address which 3n be Made
click h! �}E to the public. io d_=r!nine i1 You are a licensee ender Chapter •755, P.S.,
Product Approval Accepts'
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