HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0955 ._. ----~--_......__.-........ - ---._---_._-_..~----~_..------------ .-~.~ _._--.._-~ 284 ...- i . ! ; , ; . O. D. Cra1dord , geal ) 108 Speolal U8st.r In Chanoef7. a8 atoresaid. Signed, seal.d and delivered io the pr.senoe ota Bvallo Montgomery 118 hie >>Dull tt STATB O' 'LOOlDA u . . COUJTY 0' ST. LUCIE .)- I. an o:tfioer duly authorlsed to toke aoknowledgments. hereby oeUify that G. D. 'Crawford is well known to me, end known to me to be the Indivilual desoribed io and who ex- .o~te4 the foregoing oonveyauoe, and that he aoknowledged betore me that b. exeouted the :to.egoing deed. a8 Speoial ~a8ter in Chanoery, aforesaid. tor the purp08eg therein expressed. tJ and "!}.TH8S..lD7 hind C ~;ty afor:i;aid.' f Hc'P' S.01) and oftioial seal, the 12th day ot Deoember. A. D. 1928. iu the State' Jlah1a !DID1U notary Publio. Stete of '10r14a ot target 1(.v oommission expires: April 9th. 1932 /~.~ ~. " "'- '11.d ahd reoorded th1s / \ ( (c"c"S..j "\. . \ l':day of Deo. A. D. 1928, at 2:~7 P. U. P. C. Ildred, Clerk Cirouit Court ,(;.\,~\ ",~." \\- .('(6 ~fI':4.' . By~1~ D. C. .................... , . G. D. CRAlfPORD SPECIAL JUSTER TO U. c. Jo!faxIIsxlI CEBTIPICATB OF PURCHASB mow ALL KED ay THESE PRES:K.:lTS: That. whereas the undersigned Speo 181 Uaster in OhanOflry. appointed by Deoree of the 2l8t Judioial Cirouit of ll'lorida. iu and tor Saint Luoie County. 1n Chanoery, in a oause thereio pending. 1n whioh lIorth St. Luoie River Drain- age D1striot. by 7. O. UoKullen. D. B. Austin and L. L. Carlton, 80t1ng 8S the BOlrd of Sup- eryi80le ot 8ald Di8triot, .as Complainant. and Certain Lands aud others. were defen!ant8i on the 6th day of September, A. D.. 1927, after due 8dvertlse~ent iu 8000rdan08 with the term8 ot 8sid Deoree and of the laws ot 'lorida. sold the premi8es hereinafter desoribed to the plll'oha8ers hereinsfter desorlbedi the s8id'sUlDs of money being the highest sums bid for the u . same. BOW. THlmUORE, THIS IUD!1ITURE WITlIESSETH: T'nat the undersigned Speo1al }Aaster. io aooordanoe with the law and io pursuanoe of the said Deoree ot 8ald Court 1n oonaideration ~ of the premises. doe. hereby oerti:ty that the a8id Ulster sold the treot of land in the cnunty ot~Saint Luole. Stste'ot 'lor1d.. desoribed as follows: . Lot 7 of Blook 24 aud Loto 13. 14, 16. 16. 17. 18. 26. 26, and 27 ot Blook 73 of Whit. City Subdivision ot Seotion 4. ~own8hip 36 South, Range 40 Bast. to B. C. Jorgensen, tor the eum of 'ifty Eight and 78/100 DOllars. it being espeoially p~ovided that the property . ~-ft- . lJ herein oertifie4 to hay. been 801d i8 aubJeot to redemption Wlthln ~n. year .from the d.te ot this oortifioate by the payment to the Clork of the ~irou't Court ot Saint Luoie County, u . . Plorlda. ot a Bum ot aoney luftioleot to pay the abov. oum ot ~ney, 008te and interest a1 the rah ot l~ per annua. In the eyent of 8l.lOh P8711lent.th1a oart1tioate shall be oanoelle4 of reoord. It 1. furth.r eapeoiall1 proyide4 tbat thia land 18 sold 8u~Jeot to the lieu ot 811 unpaid State and ~ounty Taxe., and all installment and ma10teoanoe taxes 8ub8equent to the year 1926. -.....----.--..... ~ - . - ... ,- '.: :.: : -: _ '- ~':' ~\i~*;f?:i:.;~~~~-\~