HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0963 1_____ _____. . --......-- _.~". 292 '.. '-- ~- i ' I I e. l' ..y d... b.., in order '0 ..0Qr. fQ11 mark.t v.1u. tor the ..id tr~l'.. SBGQID. A oharg. ot '.n per O.n'. on ell grole ..1.. prlo.. w111 b. made by the p..ty of the ..oond par'. THIRD. 'he p.r'l.. of 'he firat par' agr.. '0 Ply 'be ~rt'(of 'h. ..cont part tor piotin" hauling, paoting and loading abo.rd oar. .nd br.Dllns, th. la14 oh.rg.. to be b~s.d Qpoo ~, 1a 00..on17 oharg.d by th. diff.~an' paotlng bona.. in 8', Luoi. Gounty. '10r10a. the par' i.. ot the flr.t part asr.e \0 pay all other expenae. ot handline th. trQit. .uob .s t.. ighh , tl POURTHI !h. par', of th. .eoond p.r' agr... to ..k. r..i'taoo. within 'weot1 d.y. .tter th. fruit i. .hipped, or 800n.r 1f r.turn. .re reo.lTed, .04 guarant.es the pa,..o' th.reof, a04 in all 0.... th. party of the ..0004 p.rt .hall be 11abl. for the net return.. 'IPIB: 'h. pert, o~ the .eoood par' .hall b. allow.d tQ11 righ. ot lngr... ani .gre.s to, throQ8h .04 oyer the groY. or groy.. of the par\lea of the flrst part, .boy. d..oribel, tor It. agent., .eryan'., .mplo,ee., ,..... 'ruot. and oar. tor th. purpose of remoylng the t I. ..id oitr~ fr~i'. durlng the 11t. ot thl8 agr....nt. whloh will .aplr. the l.t day ot Jun., ,. I A. D. IVa<.. SIX!B. I' 1. und.r.tood and agr.ed betw.en the parti.. to thi. oontraot, that the .dYloo. of PlY' HUDlr" Doll.ra. h.r.lnbetor. ..ntion.4, eh.l1 be d.duoted fro~ tho .ale of the orop. of the oUrua fru1\ gron on th. property hereiobefore d.Borlb.... plus lntere.t at the rat. of .ight per oent. p.r 'OOUD from the date ot thle oontr80t. D, for any r'.Bon, the .ald ....o.,t l'iY8 Hundr.d Dollar. is not fully paid. to- gether with int.r..t a.ator..ald, b, Jun. 1st. 1934. thi8 .greement .blll remelo In full foro. aod .fteot until .~oh time 88 the siad PlY' Hundred >>Oll.rs. together with iotereBt as .tor.sald, .hall hay. been paid io tulle and the ~id party ot the seoond part shall haye the rlght to mat. 1...04 and .till handle the fr~it 00 the aboye de80rlbefpropert,. under the terma .od oonditions h.r.io .et forth. until the ~ll &mount of 1'1Y, Hundrel >>Ollara. with intereBt .. .for..all. be. b..n paid la full. SEYIITD: It 1e furth.. understood .nd agre.d between the pertie. to thi. oontraot that the p.rti.s of the tirat part hay. 'hi. ta, exeout.d and dellyered to the p.rt, of the seoond part on. proala.ory not.. d8t84 the 3rd d., of >>eoe.ber. 1928. in the p~inoipal BUD of 'ly. Hundre' ~llar., payable on or b,'or. 'lye y..r. .tter dat.. .nd be.ring intereat at the rat. of .ight per oent. p.r .onua, tram th. 48t. ther.of until fully paid. ~. partie8 of the tlr.t p.rt .hall h.y. . righ' to pa, the aboy. 'e.or1be4 not. on or before the .am. be- oo.e. due, but in oa.. the partle. of the tir.t part .leot to p.y the .aid note. betora the saa. beoom. du.. l' will oo.'.tf.ot this .gr....ot. and the part, ot th. ..ooot part w111 haye . rlgbt to haodle the ..id oitrus fruit under tbe t.r.. of this agr.e.ent. BIGHrH: It 1. turther und.rstood and .gre.d betw..o the parties to 'h18 oootreot. that ahould the parti.. of the flret par' fall to pay the 8aid proalsaorynoto. h.r.inbefore men- tion.d, the part7 ot the ..00n4 pa.t shall haY, a lien upon the oitruB fr~it grown upon th. Iboye '..oribel prop.rty, and al.o a 11.n upon the la04 aboye desoribed. BII!B: ~hi. oontraot .ha11 bebindiog "pon the heir., ex.outor., administrator.. and .silgn. of the re8p.otiye parties hereto. 11 WI~II8S WKBRJO~. Th. partles to th... present. haTe hereunto a.t their hands and ...ls the 48y a04 ,.-r tir.t .boYe ..i'ten. u ffiI ~iI ;B~ -, 14'''' .~ Signed. ..al84 a04 d.liYered la the pr..eno. of: John .. X.n A. 1. 4rno14 ~.. Luther Ur..n. lIinn1e Arnol. . Pertie. of the firat part. ....:1._ ~- ~_'I'___...-__._._ _4 ~ . ~. -. -- /.' ~ _ -'. ~ '::~~ttl!;~~~~~~i~ --- ....;.- #..,---.......-.-...-.....