HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0969 ~ -.-'. -"'---'~--'-"-,,-~---_,-----,,~__ ~--'-_"'_.r ,______ .....__._--.... ,a..-.. _~_~_... ~ -- -~" ~-~-- _..~ ~ ""'---. ..' .., hie hand aDd 8eal. the dal and y"f tlra' above wri~'.o. Sianed, .ealed and d.lly...d in the p....noe ota) ..lter LlddoD -"110 Montao..r7 ) Xent Ja""OD 'Seal) Ae Speoia1 MaBt.r ln Chanoerl. as atoreaaid. ) StAT! 0' 'LORIDA. ) st. LUCII COUlTY. J ~, an oftioer dul7 authori.ed \0 take aotno.l~smen... hereby oertify that KENT J.&lIF.SOll 18 :::}~W~~d kOO~/1.~.~ 1~)l:JZ-~~e in anel ?f ~ to.eaolna deed^ 18 8~~~;~in Chaooerl. atore.aid. for he In expressed. WitD.'. mr hand aud offioial 8eal, the 3rd day ot Deoember. A. D. 1928. in the State and CO~l,d. . ~'P' seal) · 'Ued,<"~;ci~ thie 18 day of ])eo. A. ]).1928. at 11:20 A. II. t (ct .Ct .Seal J \ '" ",~....,- IYalyn Montgomery Notary PUblio, State ot 'lorida ot Large. - M) oommls.ion expirea: 8/2./32 , u ~~nr:1 \' '" ('r;:!^'l P. C. Bldred, Clerk Cirouit Court By ~ 7~ D.C, ..' 'Om' PIBBCX BAlIK . THUST CO. TRUStD TO c, O. RBYllOLDS 'l'RUSTD ............................ TRUS'l'U'S mmD nIa DDU!Ulm.KIli. thia 20th clay ot ])eoellber. A. D. 1928, bet.eeo PORf PIEBCB BAliK · TRUST COMPABY, a oarpormtion at the Stat. ot 110rida. 88 Trustee under the provisions of deeds in truet. dUll reoorded, and in p~rsusoo. of Tr~st Agreemlot. Bo. 12 dated August 22, :.. . .192b. Ind of !rQat Agreement Bo. 13 dated .ug~t 22. 1926. and ot TrQat Agreement Bo. 1. datld 3eptember 18, 1926, anel ot Trust AsTee.ent Ho. 16 elated Bovember 6, 1926, and of Trust Agreement 110. 16 datet Deoember 1. 1925. party ot the tiret part. and C. O. REYNOLDS. ot . 'hioago; Illln01s. as Truetee uneler the terms and provisions of eBoh of the toregoing Trust De.ds and Truet Agreemente. party ot the seooDd p.rt. WBBR&lS. the hid party ot the tiret pert has d\lly ..,igned as Truete. in aooordanoe .ith the tera. an4 proYleions ot e80h of the ator.aaid Trust Agree.ents. .nd the Baid part,- ot the s80004 part has been duly appointed && Trustee uneler the terms and provisions of a.iel Truet Agreement. to s~ooe.d the party ot the tirat p.r~ re.lgoed. end ..14 party ot the seoond part hae eooepte' aald appolntment .a frustee: and where.. it i. the 10tention ot t.is Instru- .eDt that the P.rt1 ot the tiret part .hall traoster snd oooYey to the part1 ot the slooDd part .11 ot the property desoribe' ID 8ald TrQ8~ijDeet.. exoeptloa euoh portiooa 'hereot .hIoh ", u ha.e been heretotore oonyey". .... BOI TBIBUOBB THIS INDUTUBB WITHBSSB!B. That the aald pa.ty of ')letiret part. tor 8nd 10 ooo.ide~a'ioo ot the aua ot Ooe "1.00) Dol1a' to it in haod pelel. ~he reoeipt .here- ot i8 hereby .okno.l....d. has remised. released. ~qlt-01aia'' .Dd oonyeyei. and by theBe pre..Dts 401. rO.lse, rele..e, q~t-ol.~ and' oonyey unto the .ai4 party ot the se_oDd p.rt en. h1e,~e1n+noo...or. and asslps fo.oy.r ell the right. tlUe, lnteuet, obim .Dd de- men4 .hioh the .aid part, ot the firat part ba. in aDd to the tollowing de80ribed traots of la04 al'uat.. In 8t. LUGt. Count7. 'lorida. to-.1tJ 1. Lflag.. th. loutb Jae' quarter fDIt) ot Seotion "Y.Dt.eD~l') Townlhlp thl't7-to~. (36) Iouth. lana. torty (.0) "S'. b.,lnnlng at the intef.eotion ot the lorl~ end Iou~h q~rt~r 110. ot aeotloD 17 wl'b the oenter liD. ot 'he first .'r.~' of Iotr1o ~oSD.l'. 171D8 1*., ot tbe S.yeDDah; thenoe in e 89~thea.t.rly 11._ 111 .\ 'i:{~~)1;:i~f:;!?,g (i~~~:/;~;V~,,;~~t~Jt~0 . - '\.-----.--.--.--.---,-." .