HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0971 - ~-_._'--,,"- ...____ -'"-------..- ---_.~.......~~P- __..._,____ 300 i , . , , L, _ .~_ ~- ( ; ~ -- .~- -- -~ -- ~ -- . point wh.r. ..id lin. lnt.r..ota the a.nt.~ IlD' ot a 7& toot .tre.'. th.na. In a $outhw..'.rly 4ir.otioo wlth ..i4 o.nter 1iDe approxlmatelJ 2& ta.' '0 a pol~t oa th. ...t lla. ot aal' ..otloa 16& th.ao. South with ..ld 11n. approxl- ..t.l, 700 t.et to th. pl.o. ot b,slnning, oontGining 2.81 aa.e. more or l'ls~ .xoeptlng tho.. part. thereot t..en to. ral1roa. rlaht ot .., an4 publlo hlgh- wa,.. 6. LJI~ 1a th. south ..., quar.er (BWl!6) ot th. Bo.th lie., Quert.r '0 1/6) ot .Iotion aeyen'..n (1'). town'hlp thlr.,.tour (81) louth. ~nse tort, (60) Ia.t, beginnlaS at th. South ~.t 00.0.. ot the Borth ~.t Quarter ,.. 1/6) ot .ald S.o'loo l'a theno. Horth wlth 'he Ea.' line ot sald Seo'ion 17 approxi- mat.ly .00 t.et '0 th. oenter 11D' ot a 76 too' .t...t ot Iod~lo,To.o.ite PIa'. th.na. with aa14 .tr"t lin. in a South.e.t.rly dlreotlon approximately 1060 t.., '0 a polet 00 the o.nt.r 11n. 126 t.et 4i88008l atr.et ISouth ot 'h. 200 toot bOuleyar' of Indtlo ~own.ite plat); th.noe 10 a Southw.sterl, dir8otion with .a14 oen'.r 11ne approximately 390 te.t to a polnt at the Int.r..otlon ot the a.ot.r Un. of - Partwa)' ot the Dlxie BoUle",. with th. .st an4 W.at quarter lin. ot aalt ~eotlon 17. th.nae ..., with ..14110e approximat.ly 1280 feet to [) LI the plaoe of beginning, oontaioins 12.26 .o~ee more or 1'8', .xo.pting tho.. psrts thereot tateo tor r.llroa4 right of wa)' and publio high..,s. " 6. LJID8 in the South halt ot Seotion Kighteen (18). Town.hlp ~lrty-tou. (~ S) south. AaQ8' Port, (~O) &ast. besinning at the So~th.e8t oorn.r ot Seotion eight.eo (18), th.no. South 890 6i' ...t .a09.8 fee' to a point. th.na. .ar'h 00 21' Ba.' 2668.8 te.t '0 a point ( in th. lot*lo Boat) on the Eaa' and .~st quart.r l,ing ott S.otlon ~ight..n (18), th.noe Borth 890 39' ...t. .lth ..i4 quart.r 11n. .310.6 t..t to a poiot on the ..~t lin. ot S.otlon &ight..o (18) .aid poiot being the Borth..s' oorn.r of the 3outhw..t q~arter ot SIot10D &ight.,n (18), th.nol With the .... 11n. of Sootlon light..n (18). South no '.gr... 20' mlnut.. ..e' 2666.1 f..t to the b.ginning. oontainlna 263.68 aor.., .xoeptlQ8 trom the paro.l aboye 4..or1be.. tbos. parte thereot taten for ral1road right of .., and pub110 hi8h- il ..,. 'f 7. x.y~ng 1D South Balt ot S.ot ion 8. Tow.hip M lou~h Bange 060 Ea.t. st. Luo1e count7. flori4a. Beginning at a .t.k. Dear the ~8t Sho.. ot Sayann.h 00 South ~lin' ot Seotloo 8, be1ag 1628.8 ,.. ..., '.0. the SW oorner ot aeotion 8 th.na. . 21 t.sr..s 3" W 26&&." It. to . polota th.na. Baa' 1664.3 11. to a hub on the o.nter lin. ot.the P. B. C. HR. th.ooe oootinalng .... oour.. (Beet) l867.~ ft. to s point: th.oo. S. 22 4.S.... 36' Ba.' 870.0 ft. to . point th.no. S. 20 d.sr... 38' l6.t 1839.77 1t. to a point theno. S. 68 d.gree. 68' .. 882~~ 11. to . pOlntXoo the South'lin. ot S80'lon 8 .ald polnt belng 1678.11 tt. Woat ot . aonor.t. _OOWD.n' .hloh 18 the SK aOfa.f of Saotlon 8. tceD08 with ..1d Seo'ion lin. W.st 0606.27 ft. to a hu_ 00 oent.r 11n. at Pl~rlta ..st Coa.t Rallroa' \h.uo. oont1nulng 8aa. oour.. ew..,) 166~.1 ft. to the point ot b-alaolng oon- ' taia1ng 160.61' troa .biah 6.868 aore. 1s de4uot.. tor 7lofi4a Ie.t CO.8t Bel1wa)' .1gh'.ot-&aJ, 1.aylQ1 166.661..0.... 6. LJ1D1 in .It ot Slo'loD 1'. ~oWD8hip 3', Baas. 60 Ea.t, St. Luol. County. 710r1da. BegiDn1ng at . pOiDt 00 'h. lo..h 11n. ot S.ot1on 17 ..ld polot b.108 1678.11 ft. W.., troa a oooor.t. aoD~.D' whloh is the .~ oora.r of ..otion 17. th..o. wl'h ..id 8..tloa~110. W..t 0606.27 tt. to . pOint on th. o.o'er lloe of the 'low1d. ".t 'o.a\ ~llroa. th.DO. oon"DulQ8 .... oour.. 117.30 ft. to & il u ~;:~i~~~~:~~~~:~~~~I:~"~~::.~?{;?}ri~til::t~ --.... . ~ ___L____ . . ~ . ..~ "~".: ,.~. ':;~~~f~-?~I2~:~r