HomeMy WebLinkAboutSKIRTING VENTILATION SPECIFICATIONSa •�� �.s��s:www �a � .y.w ■wws�s�w■�■ ■
Atlantic Supply f`SI skirting top rail design provides 2.5 sq.
Inches of ventilation per lineal foot. Atlantic supplies Ml
vent panels that add an additional 4.2 sq. inchev of
ventilation per lineal lb►ot of panel In height. Therefore, an
average 28" high vented panel will provide an additional
9.8 sq. Inches of ventilation per panel used.
E3 PLE. Typical 14' x 70' Nome = 165' lineal feet
set at 28' height
Top mail Vent:
165 lineal feet x 2.54 sq. inches per foot = 412.5 sq. inches
124 pc-s. 28" vent panel:
124 pcs. x 9.8 sq. inches per pc = 1,215.2 s . i.
Toni Vert nation sq. Inches 1627.7 sq, inches
i Total Ventilation sq. ft. 1627.7 eq. Inches 1144
11.3 sq. ft..of ventiiation
P A:
1. Determine a p1 m for mounting Place bottow edge of back rail
justbelow bottotn edge of thehome.Thk location must offasolid
VWW for atruhing and wind load pressure for panels and rails.
2. Keep the back rod straight and levat Snap a chalk line around the
home to guide the mp edge of tebacksat�.
3. Correct =ewingorsailing method for buck rat: Start on theback
side of the borne. Foaitlon screws ox Ills in the cepeer of the Slot
Screw/nata to allow apt a clearance -Of 1A6' from the back rail
surface. Nods avoid tightly smwing or netliuig back rail. A 1/16'
clearance atlaws for normal apw=n and won With
temperature dmge. Place a screw or nad in every other Slot
4. ptts W a V7' gap between each back mil so AW for normal
thermal expansion.
To install around comfA trier W Step E.
1. Determine un kW para el moAe. Coloque el bards inferior del
rid de akv junto abajo del box& utferior de Is CM Fan
uble2cidn debe ofiew on apoyo firma qua permita slav7r 1os titles
y soportar is pred6m por ragas de viento en 1os panelea.
2. 1wtep &Who d rW de sop" y a nivd. Martlue urra Urea
con el cordel en IN& alrededor da la case pars guiac el bosde
superior der rid de apoyo.
1 3. Mdeoda aovem pan daunt d rid de spoyu: Comietue en la parse
postexlor de 1a cam Cologne 10s claws en d Centro de Is ramua
pm&vos.IntmdmcalosCUM Ydyaunsk1V rade1/16-desde
fa supeat del rlel da apoym Note: No clove MY ajnatadaMa"
el rill de apoya Unn holgara de Vie con la cabm dd claw
petnritrt el espacio suficiamte pare absorber k txpa Wn Y
conwxA6n normales tesulmntes de log cambioa de tempemUm
Colaqua ion claM en mums ahemaL
4. Dqa un espario de IX eNra cads seed6n de riel de apoyo pa:'s
tenet en cuenta la a q=On tt mka normal.
Psra msWar d products al rdodor de lag esquittse, eo =h el peso ly
TAP B: Rau`
L Ground prepat *W. ftpate the ground $o )bat is is smooth, fnc
of kris dumps, dads ar protrudtug obstacles. Gush 410
umem setting of mew1Y excavated 8irpod by mounIsg
bottom rag on treated (xlxn lumber
2. b fork the ground location directly below file outside, bottom edge
of the home. Use a Ievd or plumb bob to demmim this 10 ti n
at each cornet between each Coma to
3. Snap a chalk Lne or Stretch a nylon string
gaI& the bottom ral the inside ol• the
4. position the bottom rail va the back kg Mart
cha RGe perimeter:
S. Drive grounds0k. eng19 ioches.TNVSch of holes are provided
in the bottom fad. They are bated is ide the mil' and art &
bads kg Ground a maybe driven in other We xt intervds of
19 inches. rtatq, You may alp
6. bnet ggdon on conmm. Use a Ve mmr'ty
dx� a bolt for s 3/16" ".fry ,Ww and plastic tloem (NSA and
testes materials are available at paver bacdvram Stares.)
To install around comer, refer to Step E.
dV1Q1� wg DE
1. ptqaraddn del 00 de fiesta. prepare e1 ptso de mama qua et
unifocme, sin teas suams, tewoo to obet'k*v qut sobremtg,
�(p>so, Fieoteja i< imstalaci<1oi ovaua d asentamieato sera undort
etrpisoa uciin WAVa m, montando d dd it ukar CO um Piero
Madera ttatada (Z° s 21. d�� �jo
� hoer
2. 1 uTse h ubicacibn ern el Pisa uectamat
inferior m mo de la case. Use as nivd o una plour & per
determiaar ata. ubicadt5a en cads agdm,
3. Map una Wu on d cotdd mtraado o coloque uns tttetda
egAtaa pats Sdu died de
4. Coloqutrldtapayomnlepasadempaldohaaaelintezior�
pedmew marc ado pot 1s lines de d=
5. Inttodusea lot dawn pow en d Paso a ada 19 pulgpdw. Er
- iiel inferior se propordonon dos conjuntos de aguj =& arstms se . .
encucrium deotro dd canal, en la pars de soporte. Los c1mms
gnresos para el piso se pueden cavar a travel de vvalquicra de los
apleros a Una distattcia do 19 pulg2das entre A
6. hutalacMa en puns de cm m m Use ua claw de 3/0 para .
mamposteda. ,Ali mismo se puede taladrar en agulcro pm un
m tito de Me tipo Malty con and& p1b6ca. am wwrialm de
claws y los tomillaa estfin disponibles to la mayor& de In
Para liutalar el producto alcededor de las esqumas, consub a el Paso E.
1. Beginning 24" away from the lowese comer of the home, measure
from the ground up to 1-W above the bottom edge of the back
ruin(Ifthetemperammisbetow4DZuithfoozengr moAmeasure
to 3° above ttte bark raid edge.}• _. •. .- _ ..
2. Measurements on atopiAggteund should be taken every 16° (width
3. Cui the bottom of eats panel'to aragte with the ground. Each cut
panel mcdonshouldalign9rto the bottom edgeoftltehomc.Use
aviation snips or apmver saw (with a fine toothed sane blade turned
backwards) for alft
4. Punch lock tabs every 4" aterig the top and bottom edge of cut
panel actions (or outside portion of each-pand face for 13'.
Vari$est). A. Malco (SL-S). Snap Lock- Pinch- tool is
recommended. Consult your d&dug mppliat for obtaining this
tool. Tabs m to be positioned outwW t0 catch on the hooked ..
edge of the rails..
I - Intetlock panels and insert into the bottoms rad. Segio with the .
Srsr pastel inserted into the bomom rail. Locktabs should snappw
the hooked edge -of the bottom rail. Insect nets paud, ctioa 166- 7
the interlock books along the vcrdcd edge of the panels. Seat each
panel securely into the bottom Al Repeat:Wedocdng per:
forming about a 12-foot section- Resume panel cut and inwlock
method. PACO C
To install around Comer, refer ao step E.. . - .
- j -
1. Comeneiutdo a24"dela esquinaiuferior maabajadela casa,mida
__--.._... _ _._..._.,�..._._..�__:.desdelasUperficiedd,lusohasml.1/2°artibadel6ordeAr�fetlordel•._�._.__.....
list de apllu (St Is temperatura ambiente duratuc la instahsci6n es
inferior a los 4lYFy elpiso slat tongelada< mtda baste 3" arriba del . .
borde del tiel de apoyo). _ .
2. Las mediidoca en plots cols dewixd deben harem a cad& 16°
(ancho del panel).
3. Corte h pane inferior de cede panel en ingUlo segn el desnivel del
piss Cada secd6a da panel cortado debe estar a escuWz (9(r) con
el borde inferior de la can. Use 40as de hojAiii m o una dem
dictrica (con una.b* de sorts de diente fino aolocada d lever)
Pam =W log parades.
4 Pufote In leagtieras dederre cadae alo largo dal bonds superior
C e i &ew delae seedom de pantiles eortados. Serccon icn& el use
f" de vimpUtaonadota de mano VlalcO (SL-8) Snap Lock Punch.
Cotulte con sn pmvicedor de cmcft sobn e6mo obtener eats
hwanmismm. Las kng etas deben cattalos hacia afuera a fin de .
poder engancbar el bottle da gmcbo de log rieles.
1. co
2. TM
5. Enganche ios paneles c inuaddZealos ga el del inferior,
Comience con el primer panel iRwduddo en el fief
inferior Las leng;etas do dem debcn engancham ham
mh a& del bade con gancho del zid de spoyo. 7ntroduzca
la siguieate seccida de panel ea Ios ganehos de
emciavamiento a to htgo del horde vo &lg de kw pamcla.
Asiente cad, panel finnearente en el rill iaftrior. Repitii el
cnclvwgento de Im pucka hasty forma Una section d�
ApOdWO&Meft 12ples. Reanade Cl cbrtc dclas paneles y
eel m@mdo de miarni.
ua. instalar el producto en ht: esquirtas, consults el paso E
.P D.
sr smappiag ono tad of dw fivat rap rail into the back
rail, creating the interlo& Push the front top rail
reed, its entire Ieugth until the front top rail is
Vfetedyiatefloekedwith thcback tail,
dap v Wh top rail section,.
0 around comer, tefer to step E.
0 Di
fence engaacbando un aro aw del rlal froatat superior
rice superior de vq% Para former d mmwm de
" aft j?drpaje d reel superior de apoyo !retie
en Coda ou Iongitud hasty que el reel frowd aupedor
=plozaaw engaathado en el reel de am
pe 1° cads seceik del tied superior_
lar d producb eft Isg aaquinn, comwm el Paso E.
P Ei
1. Top back rail — Adak a V veeded sfit from the top. Top
iaWO& hook ebould be cmaphtdy cut al nigh- Notch
AV on bottom curvedhS.
2 Bottom rsg — Notch the back portion with snits as
illu =wi Bend around a Meer and atmch to the ground
2. Panels — Cut panel to proper height. Deftwine point of
comer bM ; bead aver 8 table edge, kaning a uniform
4. Top fmmra l—Notch at both the top and bottom books of
the frontal, as Munrated, Bend atoned the aaraer and fit
Into the interlock with the top back rail. Refer to Steep D.
I:OUR Pa-mo CHED Top nopff
1• Risl superior de apoya — fiaga un corn venict+d de T' desde
laPam supedos Elgamb o superior do emclavamiento debee�
cats M cotnpletameate. i! W Una muesca a V on la pate
anvsda inferior
2. Riel Weeor — Come la porcidn posterior con djeras de
hojdateru- segue se mwtra en la jwMd6 . D6blelo
akededorde. una esoosyrlavda 01 peso.
I P"es —Corte el paael a h AM apropiada. Determine el
Prato de &V= dobledPand wbrcel baadede Una mesa,
pareformat un dngalorem
4. Me! froatslardor —Cons fosganchos ardor ioferiar
del fief ficntal, seen $e N try an la fip m Doble la pieza
akededor de la a qdm y enghtchda en al euciavamiento
con d rid superior de apoyo,
Counrite el pm D.