HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_0981 1-.. --,._~ 310 L I I I I i I I I I I f ; t ; ; t! : ~ ;., ~.: , i, ';:" T'.-----~-.- .1 ----_._~--.~- -- log d.,or1'.. 1.04 1,1na aol '.101 1D \~. GOUD', .ot S,. Lu01.. ID 'h. 8'.'. of )llorlta. I ! . . I . t 1 .01 'elO8 mol'. p.r'loul.rlr t..or1b.. <<I follow.. '0-.1': fhl Sou'h (170 f'_) OD. hunlr.4 .04 ....D', fe.' ot th. lor'h-..., quarter at 'h. Sou'hW,., q...r'.~ ot ae.'10D (1) ODe ot 'own.hi, (86) thlr".fl.e Sou'hl Baage (81) fblr',-D1D. Ie.. (lXoep\lna 'h. ..., 42. t.., u..I tor Ir.1nlge 11toh rlght- of..., b, 'he I~r'h Si. Luo1. B1..r ~.1D88e >>1.irlot) 00Dta1DIQg tl.. aor.. mol" or 1.... o TOOI!BBR wlib .11 ih. t.ne..ni.. hlr.41t...nt. .04 .ppurt.nanoe.. with ..'1." pr1.11es,. r18hi, tltll, lD'.I'..i .04 ..i.i.. re.er.lOD. r...ln4.r and ......n' thereto b.lonalna or In 80' wl.. app.rtalDlaa5 TO HAVB AllD fO HOLD 'h. .... In t.. .1.ple tor..er. Ana the ..1. paril ot the tll'.i p.rt doth oo.enaD' with ihe ..14 pal'tl.. ot the ..oon' part aha' l' 1. lawtull1 8.1... ot tb. ..II pl'e.l...; 'bat ihel .re fret ot all euoumbr.no.. .. [], i aD' ibai l' ba. good rlght and lawful .uth~rltl to sell tbl ....; a~d ih. p.rty ot tb. tlr.t part 40th b.reb, tull, w.rr.Di the t1tl. '0 .a14 l.nd. .nd will de..n4 thl Dame again.' th. l.wfUl 01a1.. of alIpereou. wbo.,oe.er. II WI'fJlBSS WllERBOP, the ..14 part, of 'h. tlret par' baa 0.un4 the.. pres.nt. to be 1180.4 1n 1'. oorporate naa. bl its Pr'.li.o' aod Ita oorporat. e~al to be hereto .ttlx... l' .'i..tel b, lia ..or.iafl. 'he 4., an4 ,.al' tlr.t above .tlti.n. , , . " ~ ~ ~\(Gorp.s.al) ; Aft!ST: ../ W. 011~..pl Kopr. 8.&1'"81" SlgD.', ..al.t aDd del1.ered 1n our pr,.enol: Wllbe. B. Jooe. LIftLB . 1l000B. IBCtmPQRA'fIm B7 .uden B. LlUle Pre.14.n' [] Cllr.DO. K. Bar.adal. SfATB 0., IIISSOuaI ) (sS. CITY OP Sf. LOUIS . on th1e 17th day ot Deoe.bel'. 1~18, b.tore .. ~pp.are4 A14.0 H. Llttl~. to me per- .00811, tDown."o. belna by .. IQll "ol'n. 4id '" ib.i b. Ie the Pr..ideni of Llt'le It .001". Inoo~pora'e4. a oorporatloD o~g.~i." und.r th. law. of tbe Stat. ot Kl'80u1'1 under '. tho na.. of Little. Vardaman end .1'tlug. IDoorporate4. th. na.. of wh10h .ald oorporatlon ... .ubl.queat1, oh.as" to Llttl. & Koor.. Inoorporat.d. Its pre..nt oorpore'. n.... and < ~ f: " ~ , '< ~ , ~ J . Ii I i ! that ih. 1..1 atttz.4 to th. foregoing In.trument 1. the oOl'porat. seal of .a14 oorpor.ilou. . and that Ilid lnatl'uaent ~e .lgo" a04 .eal.4 lD blhalt of ..1d oorporatlon bl 8uthorltl b - . . . of li. Boar4 of Dl1'eoior8, aod sold A14.n H. Litile aoknowledge4 sa14 Instrument to be the- fr.. ao' an4 4'.1 ot said oorporatloo. II Il8flMOll WHBBZOP. I ha.e her.unto eet ~ hand and attlx.d ~ not.~1.1 eeal a' ., D ot!ioeJ.D'tlf.~Gltl ot st. Louie. 111180111'1. tb. d., and 1881.' laet .bon wrU.en. , tit 00.1..1tD .xplre. Sept. 20. 1181. '1 , I..P. 8..1) '; , , ,: , ,?~~---:._~ ,;/ 711" ~-,~~!Or4~ thie 26 ~al ot ~.. A. D. 1928, at Iz26 A. K. ii , _ :\ if e;\..ct · Se.U:l ' ~: /1/ , A- ~ --:/ '-.-=~:-~:- Clareno. M. B.rta411. BOhr, Publlo HJ 'J ,~ , P. C. 1141".. 'lel'k'lr9QltCourt Bl~~ . .. .co' \ "\. " -~-r"" '\ 'to -~ ,'..r()r~ .j t." - , I' . D. C. .......-.................... .. ~~~.~ ~ _ ~-~~~~1_~~~~~~~-f~:::;;?r1.~~}1~;~~3T~ft~~:~f~/; -- --- _.....---.._~--_.._--_.,-- -- ----_.~- -. <. ~. . '. ~,; ~ .-...;:\:~!~~~ft;.~~~:~:-~~~