HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1046 [; .. ~............-.......---~.....---- I: '~ i I ; J l . .-~--._~ ----..~..-._-_.-----.,.- '-.''-'''''.--.-. -. ..,-~-----,- -.._._---~------_..- ..--. ...-..- -...........~-_....._~.-~_.... -- -------.-- - ..- , .375 OTIS B. PABDB SPICIAL !lAStER TO J. C. lfA1'KIUS .. IlASTD'S DDD !BIS IIDllt08B. M8de the 'thda~ o.f JaDua.,. 1929. betweeo Ot1a B. Parter. as SPECIAL KASTER II CBAHCIBY. of the flrst part. and J. C. _.tkiDS of tb. .,00DI part: WBlBBlS. the Cl.oult Co.urt of the 21at Ju4101al Clroult ot tb. stat. ot ~10'ld8. in and tOI' the Couotl of st. Luole. In 'hano.r,. on tho 6th da, of >>eoe.b.r. 1928. aaoDg oth.r thins. o.rl.rid. adJudgel aDd deor.ed, In a Gertalo oaua. then pending In the sald court. between J. C. Watklns'ooaplalnant, and W. B, UoUurtra, and his .ite Lerlie KGKurtral, let.ndanta. tbat the aortgaged prem18.. ..ntlOD.1 in .ald deo.ae. ani hereloatter pa.tioularll deaorlb.d, be so.14 by said U8ater. at publ10 a~otlon. the said Yast.r fl..t glylng tour w.eks' notloe ot the tl.e aDd p.o. of 801e, ~n a n.wspaper publish.. a1 ~ort Plero.. in the aaid state. to- wlt. tbe ~o.t Piaroe ..we-Trlbuoe ADD WKlRIlS. the aald Ipeolal Ha.te., atie .. Parker and pal't~ of the tlrBt part to. th.D. presents. iD purauanoe ot the sail order and d.G.e. of th, said Court io Chanoery. did. on tbe 7th lay ot Janual", 1929. B.ll at publ10 auotlo.n tb. aal~.0.I'tg8ged premlsea. herelnaftel' part- 10uIarll deBGrib.d. haying flr8t glven p"vlouB no.tio. of the tlme and pleo. of sale. with a deaorlptlon ot th9 said p..misea, agreeable to the order aforesaid; at whioh 8ale the 80id mortgage' premises. hereinafter partloularl~ 4esorlbe4, w.r. sold to. the said party o.f the s.oon4.pa.t for the s~ of ~o.ur tho.usand and uo./loo dollar8. that being the high'Bt sum bidA.n L i [] [J for the sam.. '. ~O.. ~HJBE10BE. ~IS IIDBU!UBB WItBESSB7H: ~hat the said Speolal Mast.r, in o.der to oa.ry into .ffeot the "said sal. 80 mad. a8 aforesold. in pursuanoe ot the Baid d.oree of the soid Co.urt of Ch.noer~. In oon8ideratioo of the premises, and of the saId sum of ~ou. Thou8and and nO/l00 dollars, paid at the time of the exe6utlon her.of. by the said part- of the aeoond part to the said Speo~,l Haster. the reoeipt whereot b, do.es hereby acknowledge. has granted. bargaloed and 80~. al~.ood. released. oonTeye4 and oontirmed. and by these presents does g.ant. bargain and sel~, alien. 5'lea8e, oonYe1 and ooutirm unto the 6ald party of the seoond part. end to h1. h.lrs end 8881gns foreyer. the oertain paroel of land in the Countl of st. Laole. Stat. ot ~lorld.. desoribed as follows: ~t. 'our (4) and Jll!. (6) of Watkins and Smith's Subdlvlsio.n 9t Blook "B" o.f Biohard'8 and Andrew's 8~b41Y1s1on of the C1'1 of .ort P1eroe. Jllorl4a. as per plat reoorde4 In lJ ... Ut. i' , Plat Book 6. page 9Z, 8t. Luol. County. 'lorlda reco.rd8. - together w1tb ell and 81naulal' tbe rights, membe.s, privilege., heredit8Clents and appurtenano'8 to the a.me belonging or In anywise appertaining. TO DAVE AUD TO HOLD all and singular the 8ald premises. above mentlo.ned ond desorib'd, . , aDd hereby g.antel and oonTeyed, or inteuded eo to be. with the appurtenanoe8. unto the said party of the s.oond part. h18 helre an4 a8signs, to. the on17 proper use. ben.fit and beho.of / .. ot tbe said partl ot th, 8.oond pert. hi. h.lrs and 88s1gns foreYer. IU WITlESS WHEBEOP, tbe 8ald Speoial Yaater In Chanoer" a8 aforesaid. has hereunto. ..t hi8 hand aDd seal. tbe da, and year tirst cbove written, Signed, 8ealed aud del1yer.a 10 the pl'e8.noe ot:) u' .11'0. Aclu5 J. O. HaWke. oti8 n. Parker (seal) Aa Speolal U4ster In ahanoery. a8 afor...ll. ' I S'lA'l'J (g JlLCIlIJW.. ) st. Lu01. COUDft'. ) I, an offloer duly autho.rtled to tate 80kDowle4gaen\8. bel'.by oertlty that ot18 R.Parker ~:W~~;:~{Et::~~:~::}~~{~{~~~5'~~~~~~~ff.~; - .-, =-=-';::,._--';'-:'-::'.: --=-~.:..::. ~a"';"';'--=-=--~>-=-=---'::"=':"":'~:"-:::-::':::::7"-~'.""-" ,...,..,~...-...~~...-~......-. -.-. --. , ""':;' .,' '. ",::"1{?~-;~~~~~';tj??'