HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1048 r II'-~-:- ..'-- .. I II -~--- . ",I... . :J77 I. ! ' '1 It 10 t~~tbe~ unde!.tood and agreel betw..~ the parties to 'hi. oontr.ot, thet the~ I :part, ot the ..oond part. togetbel' wltb hi. .aplo,e.a. ..ryants, aud agtnt.. truoks. tr.otor., ) It.... and automobile.. .hlll bay. right ot Ingrea8 and egre.. ovel' theaboy. deeorlbel pro- ,pert1 dllrlng the \or. ot thl. oontraot. I It 18 t~rtbe~ WDders'o~ .nd .gree4 betw.en the partles to thl. oontraot. th8~ tbla oon- ~- i I I, I n 1 n )raot <<oe. not 1nolul' the dwolllna house, tool houae, n~r sarago on this gl'oYe. l ! It 1. t~rtbe~ under.tool aDd .gr'.d between the Partle8 to tbla oontraot tbat tho party ,i ! , Cot the aeoonl part .111 re-set wlth ne. tree8 all tre.s.on tbe aboye .entlon.d groye that die durlng the tel'. ot thl. oontraot, .nd the part, ot the .eooo4 part shall b. .ntitled to pay.ent. tor tb. 00.' ot all tre'8, wOl'k, labor, and mat.r1al t~I'D18hed. iD takina out suoh tree. and replaolng th.m wltb new tr.... and In maintaining th, .aid new tre.s, plu. t.n peroent ot the a.ount ot mone, 80 expendel for wOl'k. labor, and material. and tre... ,It i. turther under8tood and agreed betweeD the parties to thle oODtraot that same 8hall not be aO.ign.d b, elthel' party with out the ~ltteD oonBent of the other. !hl. oontraot sbal1 be blD11aa upon the helra. ex.out1yes, administrators and a881gna iof the reep.otlye partlea hereto. ID WI!BB89 WHBR!OJI. !he partie. to tbls oOD~rdot baye hereunto set their band. and!aeals i ;tbe 4., aDd ,ear tlrst .boy. .entlonet. :S1gDed, s,sled aDd dellyered In the preseDO. of: W. B. VaBear fJ Ella L. Lln.bal'ger GeoeYleye B. Parr part, of the first part. ACKI :rHU If COJIPAlff c. B. Parr ,DOrothy K. Cae.*ne .... j' Milton Baobaraoh Ity pre.1deDt (Corp.Seal - . Si'AT.B OJ' lPLOR IDA eoUllTY 0' Sf. LUCIB . on thla da, p*rsonal17 app.ar.d before me unS. GBNlVElVE B. PABR. wldow, to me .ell know. ao4 knowo to De to be the p.rsoD d,aorlb'd 1n aDd whu ex.out'd the ~oregolng oontraot, I 'and eh. aokDowl.lgel b.tore .e that she .xeouted the oontraot tor the uaea and purposes there- in .zpre..ed. W1~ '..ld COUDt, and and oftlo1al s.al this the 2. 4ay of Januar" A. D. 1929. at Pt. Pl.roe. rl , (l'.P. seal) \ ~TATB - OlP~fisA~~;/ COUITY 0lP S1'. LUCIE W. B. Vassal' Hotar, Publio stat. ot Plorlda UW Comm18BioD explree >>.0. 6. 1929 {] 00 thi. da, per.oDal17 app.al'eel before.. JlIUlOll BAC~CH, to me well kn01JD. and known to .e to be th. PT..lel.nt ot 'he ACYB 7.BUIT COMPANY, a ~orporation, and he aoknowledgel betar. 'me that b. .~,out.. th, tor180108 oontraot tor the U8.S 804 purpose. tber.ln expre88ed a. and i tor the aot enl leel ot the sold oorpol'ation. /" WI!BI85 ., hand apt ottio1al ..al this the 24th da, ot Joauary, 1929, at ,t. Plero.. said (ct. -~ 'hi. '\. .,1. a, .)1"1 ) ) ~ ot :&0$ ~ (; .... ~- BIle L. Llueb.rg8r Motar, Publlo State 01 ~10r1da ~ Comads810n expll'es 6/22/31 A. >>, ~!2!. at 1:.0 P. U. P. G. Bldred, Clerk Clrou1t Court _ ~. A ' 1.1. _ . ~, ~ ~ D. C. , , , \ '11.1 1. i i i . I I :~; r o ~' "." ..... J ..........$........ " . , .: : :,' .;'~~f~~i~~\~~:,