HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1049 ,378. I I Il.-- ~__-- -=- r ! ! i ; f ! , " ~ - :-: ~~ ~ ~:~ ~ : ---, l~- ! LU.1YMTJ j.. BROWll IDC. S1 IAI4'JmB.LAYIWI I THIS ~IBDJUft'tJRl. Jlade thll 8201 la, ot D, .1. D. Uti. BllTWDN ~.1~D A. BROWN. IHC~ '. a oOl'pOratloD, ot the count, ot st. Luol. and Stat. ot '10r1da part, ot the tlret part. and: i lWUWIn. J)DD WlLT~ E. LAYUAB of the Count, ot st. Luol. and stat. ot ~10r14a partl ot the a.oon4 part. WITJBSSIfI, that the aald par'l ot th~ flre\ part, tOI' and 1n oooalderatlon ot the 8um ot YBB DOLLARS lod otber yaluabl. oonald.ratlon to It In bind paid. the reoelpt wber.ot la LJ hereb, aoknowledged, hla grant.d. bDrgalned, 801d a04 tran~~.rre4, and by these pre8ente 10.. greot, bargain. ..11 ani tranat.r unto tb. .ald part, ot the .eoonl pert and h18 h.lr. and 8a81gD8 for.y.r all tbat oertaln paroel of land 111pg a04 b.lng 1~ t)e Count, ot St. Luol. and State ot Jllol'~da. more partloQ1arly d.sorlb.4 I. follow.; LOt 6 of th. Re-eubdlvl81oD of Lote 5 and 6 ot Blook "C" ot Blohard8 Su'A1YlB1on [) belDg a part ot the sit of sit of S.otion 9. ~ownshlp 36 ~outh ot Range 40 188t, 1n the City ot It. PI.roe, ~lorlda 80oordlog to plat of said H.-subd1vleion ot r.oord In the offloe of the Cl.rk ot the Clro~lt Court of st. Luo1e County. rlorlda. TOG!THIB wlth all tenemental h.rellt~mont8 and appurtenanoee, with ey.ry prlyllege. right. I, title. lntereat and .state. dower and right ot dower. re.,erslon. relll81nder a04 .asemont, I; th.reto belonging or In an, .t8' apperta1nlng: 1'0 HAVE ~n> TO HOLD tbe 8ame in tee aimple fore.,er. Aod the 8ald part, ot tbe flrBt part doeB oOYeuant wltb the Baid part, of the aeooDd part that. it le lawfally eelled Qf the eaid prem18's~ that they ore free from all Inouabranoee ani tbat It baB go04 right and lawful a~thorlty to sell the same. and the 8ald party of the firat part doee hereby hl1y warrant the titlw 110 sald lliud. ond will detend the some ogainst the lawf~l olslmB of 811 persone whomaoever. [1 , II WITUBSS WRIREOl. tb. aald party ot the first part has oauBel thes. pr.sents to be 81gn.d in ita nam. by lts Vio'-Preeldent. att~Bted by lte Asst. teor.tory. and its oorporate sesl attaohei. year above written. LAPAYB"rTE A. BROW. IJIC.. (Seal) Attest: M. By A. D. U.rwio (Seal) Its Vlo.-Presldent Slgn.4, S.ale4 and d.l1Yered in the presenoe ot: (Corp.Seal) J. O. Hewke8 P. C. ndr.d STATB or lLORIDA couln or ST. LUCIB rJ , , i ! 'I 11 I. a~:ottloer. authorlle1 to tek. aokDowledgmeots of deede. mortgages. eto.. duly q~11fled OD4 aotlog, BIRBBY CEBTIlY that A. D. UERWIR aDd U. A. WARDER, respeotively as Vloe-Pre.ldent and AS81atant-S.or.tarl ot LAlAYBfTB A. BROWN. INC.. . oorporatlon, to me p.r- Dooall, knowo. thl. day aoknowledged before m. tbat th.y .xeoute4 the foregoing Instrument tor the u.... purposee and 00n81d.rationa ther.in etoted. ae suoh oftloers of eald oorpora- Uon. and a8 the aot ancl duct thereot. snd that thel aftlx.1 thereto the offloial seal ot 8814 oOl'pol'atlon. .lth tull authorlt~ 80 to 401 and I JURrRIB CIRfIPY thot I know the 8014 persooa _kiDg 8ald aokouwlcld81Dant to be th. IndIviduals desor ibe4 in an4 who .x.outed the 8814 108t1'U'Dt. WITBESS mT hancl a04 offlohl eeal at P't. Pleroe. said Count1 and state, th1e 22ncl del ot Jun.. 1'25. f] --.-.---- -- ------...------- ----- , " . ':' '.';: .>~;J~~{~~~*'~ ~~-:~~~}::~i