HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1055 I"~"-~ 1384: I I I. J i i r.! ?1 j :, ,I 'j i ; ., .~ 'I H i; i'. I. ~. ;: !' t ,. ~ , r ;~ 4 ij .J i I, ~ i ~ ~ , :J .j .1 ~l I;' : : , :.; ;. ~ r. .j ~ (J !"~ * ~ r ~ Ii ; 1 ! I II j ~':: ~ ~ iY - - -,. on thle 4al peuooal17 appee-re4 b.tore II' 1111/101 B.lC1IAR.lGH. Pres1dent of the ,lC!JlB . ! I . I 7RUIT COYPAIY. to me w.ll known aDI tnown to.. to be P'.8ldeut ot 881d oorporatlon, and thel persoo d.eor1bel In aod who ....ut.a tbe tOf8801ng sgreement, and he aotno.ledgel betore .. that ho ,x8u\1te4 the ,aIM tor Ue. and p\1rpoees therein expressed. ,.a the aot and deed of the S~~~~5ration. /" WITUBBS hand and ott101al seal at 'ort Pleroe, Bald Count)' alld Stat., tbh the 26ttd81 ot .1a n \1, 1.')'. A. D. 19S9 \ Blla L. Linebarger \. (B.P. ,SAl) ~ 1I0t.ry Publ1a stott ot M'lorlda. ~-.~ ~ CommlsBlon explr.s: 6/22/31 'J '~ hiB ~6 481 of Jan. A. ~. 1921, at 1:41 P. u. (C .ct .SeaU \ ;~ - . \. ~. i '.. \ :r ~ " ""'-~''-- llf 1'11,(\ lJ: P. C. Bldred. Clerk Clroult Court By ~ 1~ '- D. C. ........................ W. B. WOOJ) AND WIPB .., TO l'I.ARRAlITY DEED UISS AlUlA RAY S1' AtB OP fLOR IDA. COtnlft Of st. Luoll THIS IJlDDTURE. -)lade tbe 28th dal of JanUafl In tho 7'81' ot our LOri ODe Thou.aao4 JUn. BUDdrel ani Tw.et, Hln. BBrWB!H W. B. Wood and Bel'tha E. IO~, bls wlte ot the Count)' of St. Luoie stat. ot Plorida. partie. ot the til'8t part.aol Mls8 Anna Hll. a 8ingle ....n. ot~~be Oft, ot tiooktlsh state ot 10l'th Carol1oa part7 of tbe aeooo4 pal't: WlfBBSSBfB, that the .ald partie. ot the t1rst part. for and In oon81deration of tbe .um of T.n Doller8 and other go04 and valuabl. oon.lder.tlon, lawful monol of the Unlted S'ate_ of Amer108, to 'hem ln haDd paid bl the said Mls8 Anna ~, p~rtl of the eeoond part a1o,or before the eD88811ng ani '.11y.r7 of thee. pre8enta, 'he reoeipt .hereot i. herebl aoknowled8ed h,ye graDt.l. ~arg.loed. cold. oooY.~.d and oontlra,l, and b, these preseuts do graot. bargelD ..11, oonY81 and oontlrm, \1oto the s8id partl ot the,.eoond part. and to her heir. and a8signe foreyer. all the followlog pl.oe. paroel, lot or ~raot of la04(, 81tuate 111ng aDd be1ng 10 the Couaty at st. Lu01e aod state of,~lorlda. and deaoribed a8 follows: Lot .0 Il,Y'D (11) ot Bloat One (1) and Lot Do. Twelye 112) of Bloat One (1) on II a oerta1n plat kDowo au O~ang. Plaoe, a8 .ury.,ed and platted bl N. E. Englar, C.E. and reool'ded 1b the ottlo. of the Clerk of th, Clroult Court of St. Luole County, rlorlda on \h. 2nd day of Apr11. .. D 1926, In Plat Book DO. 6, page 9. TOG!THBB with .11 ani 8ingular. the tenements. ..re41taments aDd appurtonanoes thereunto be- 10Qglna qr a~'l't.lo1ng~ and eyerl rlght, tltle or 1nter'Bt. legal or equitable, of the said p8l'tle. of tbe first part. at, in .a04 to the aaal. TO HAVE AID TO HOLD the _aae unto ~he .aid partl ot ths s.oond part, and her heirs II and .a.,lgD., to their 0111) propel' uae. b.n.fit aud behoot tor.yer. ADd the .ald partie8 ot the tlr.t part for thema.l... and th.ir h.lrs, 8Xe0\1tors and adalDlstratof8 do herebl OOYOO8nt: Thet the .aid partl.. of the tlrat pert. at the date h.reof are ...fully selled In fee .l.ple of tbe 4boY. d.sorlb.. premla.aaud er. lD pe.oeabl. and undi8puted p08s.ss10n of the 11.'. ; ,J .. ..... That the ..11 party ot the ..oond ~artl a04 her b.lra .nd asa1gu.. shall at all time8 \ hereafter haye ~o..bll pol....loD ot .al1 prellioes. .1thout suit, eY10tlon or dleturbano. ot tbe lOll parties ot th. tiret part, or a01 person or per_on. lawfulll olalalng the .8.e. That ..II preal... al" tr.. tro. all lnouabraoo.. and ll.na ot .Yer, oature a04 kind /:~~.:~::::~~,'~j:\:\~~;J} :i! (~~f:~)}~ff'