HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1057 l_.. . _._ _______ ___ ______'..... 386 ,..-'. .'_. .....______~__-_____.____,______.__ .w_._~T,....~-_--- _ __-- '..or1bl' .1 follows: Lot 220 ot Whlte Clt,. aooordlO8 to Sbeen. map on tlle In th. Publ10 n.Oord. of 881nt Lu01. Count" .10r1da. 1n Slotlon B1n.. townBhip ~hlrt1-elx Sou,), Bana' Jlort, "st, oonta1ning twent, aoreB, more or llss; .XOlpt laol leeded to Jclward JI. UJ.rloh, dated April 19, 1918. r'eool'de4 1n :Deed Boot 1ft, page 266. desorib.d ae follow.: CommenolO8 at tb. S. W. oorner ot LOt 220. 8000rl10g to SheenB Y*p ot Whit. Glt1. Plorlda, In SIot10n I. !owoehlp 36 south, Bange 40 BaS~. and thenoe run Bortb G3 teet; thenoe B8st to a point ti8 teet Nortb v of the S. E. Corner of Bald Lot 220; th.noe South ~2 teet, thenoe We8t to point of beg1nning. I11ng 8Dd belng in St. Luo1. Count,.Plorida. TOGETHER with all and aingular the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenano.. ~hereunto be- 10nglog or In anywis. appel'talnlng. and the reyersion and revel'SiOn8, remalnder and remelnde~8. rente. lB.~'S and profits thereof. and also all the e8~ate. right, title, 10terest, dower and lJ . ~ , ! IJ , I ~ j ., ~ . right of dower, ..parate estat.. propert,. possession. olalm and demand whatsoever, as well . In law as In .qult" of the sald partleB ot the tlfst part, ot. In and to the 8ame, and every part aud paroel thereof. with the app~rteuanoee. TO HAVE A1ID TO HOLD the above grant.d. bargalned aud desorlbel prem18eB, with the ap- ,.. purtenauoee. unto the eaid part lee ot the s.oond part, their helrs and esalg08. to thelr own proper us.. benetlt and behoot forever. And th, eald partiee of the tirot part, for themselves ".ao4 tor their heirs. exeoutOl'8 and admlnistrators, dO oovenant. promlse and agree to and wltb the said parties of the seoon4 part. their heirs and assigns, tbat the said parttes ot the tirst part, at the time of the enseallng and del1yer, ot these pre..nta. are lawfully eel led ot and In all ani slngular the above grauted, bargained and d~sorlbed premiseB. with the appurtenanoes. and have good right, full pow.r and lawful author it, to graut. bargain. oell and oonve, the same in manner and form afor,eald. And'the eald partles ot the seoond pa~t. their heirs and assigns. shall and ma1 [I at all times hereafter peaoeabl, and quietly hav,. hold. use, ooouP'. pOBseas end enJoy the above graoted premises and eyer, part aDd paroel thereof. with the appurtenanoes. wlthout an, let. B~lt. tto~ble. molestation. .vlotloD or dlsturbanoe of the e81d parties of the first part their he1rB or 6os1gus, or of any other p.rson or persona lawfull1 olalm1ng or to olalm the 8am., by. throuah aod uDder tbe gTentors hereln. And the 88id par~iee Qf the first part. for th~mselvee end for their heirs, the above desorlbed and hereby granted and r.leaeed premlaes. end every part and paroel thereof, with th. app~rtenanoee, unto the said pal'tles ot the seoond part. their heire and 8ssigns, agalnet the said parties of the first part, th.lr heirs, eDd agalost all and every person or perSODS whoaeoeyer la.f~ll, olalmlng or to o18~ the same. b" throuah and un~er the grantors hereln.' ehall aod w111 warrant and by th.a, pr.s.nte forever detend. II 18 WITBlSS WHEREOP. The esi4 partie. ot tha tlrat part have bereunto set their hands aDd seale the d81 and year fire' above written. Signed, .ealed and lellvered in the Rt...no. of UBI) .1DfJUB Swanll' Bar rl .. Bunhlnaer C Seal ) n B. X. SWIDer Lott1e Bunt.inger (SIJti) STATE Ol' PLOBIDA, COUUTY or ST. Lv t u; , ) ) SS. I. the UDd,relgned autborit1. a Botory Publio 10 a04 tor ..ld Count, and State. do ~.rtlfy that on the 28~h day ot Jaouar" A. D. 1929. pereOPall1 .pp.aI'8d b.tore ... BARBY P. Ht1JItJIlfGXB anA LOTto BliUf3IBGIB h1a wit., to .. well known. and known to .. to be the iodh1d- .~~~~: :~~:S~:~~,;i~t~~~f ~?i;'~~:~:~r~'i~::i})~~- " ~ o. :.".~.;~. ~.~.~~f~~~~1TI:~~~t;