HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-11-2 Response Letter
Engineering Design & Construction, Inc. 10250 SW Village Parkway, Suite 201, Port Saint Lucie, FL 34987 772-462-2455 www.EDC-Inc.com
November 2, 2021
Tahir Curry
St. Lucie County Planning Department
2300 Virginia Avenue
Fort Pierce, FL 34982
Re: Southern Truss Major Adjustment to Major Site Plan Application # SPMj-
5202126036, Response to Comments
Dear Tahir:
On behalf of our client, please find the attached response to comments received on June
11, 2021 for a project known as Southern Truss Companies. Each comment is identified
below followed by a response in bold italics.
D. Determination of Compliance with Land Development Code and
Comprehensive Plan Requirements –Planning & Development Services
1) A Unity of Title has not been recorded to comply with PDS Order 2020-042 (Lot
Split) and Resolution No. 2020-213 - Major Site Plan approval for Southern
Truss at 6509 St. Lucie Blvd. The approved site plan identified the 5.268-acre
portion of Parcel 1336-240-0000-000-3 as a wet retention area to support
Southern Truss proposed manufacturing plant. The survey and site plan
identifies the 5.268-acres, but the Property Appraiser website does not
recognize the parcel independently. If a Unity of Title has been recorded,
please submit the documentation to the Planning Department.
The Lot Split approved by PDS Order 2020-042 has unresolved conditions of
approval outlined below:
• Within 30 days of Lot Split approval, the applicant and/or property
owners shall record two (2) warranty deeds in the St. Lucie County
Public Records, reflecting the legal descriptions in accordance with the
survey submitted by Culpepper & Terpening, Inc., referenced
• Within 30 days of Lot Split approval, the applicant and/or property
owner(s) shall record a Unity of Title, or similar legal instrument,
combining the property described as ‘less & except parcel’ with Parcel
ID 1336-211-0000-000-3.
o This Lot Split shall be vacated, if the Southern Truss Major Site
Plan (Resolution No. 2020-213) is abandoned but, prior to
including Parcel 1336-240-0000-000-3 within a new Site Plan.
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RESPONSE: The unity of title associated with PSD Order 2020-042 was recorded
on October 5, 2021, OR Book 4696, Page 2719. Please see attached unity of title.
2) A Unity of Title is required for the 29.24-acre (Parcel ID: 1336-240-0000-000-
3) and the 11.61-acre (Parcel ID: 1336-240-0000-000-3) parcels for the
proposed site modifications. Please denote the parcel line to be removed
between the subject parcels.
RESPONSE: The unity of title associated with this application was recorded on
October 5, 2021, OR Book 4696, Page 2589. Please see attached unity of title.
3) The labeling on the site plan appears to be overlapped or obscured. Please
consider one (1) inch equals fifty (50) feet scale to clearly depict the labeling
on the site plan in accordance with the LDC Section 11.02.09.A.3.
RESPONSE: Please see revised site plan. This has been rectified.
4) Please remove conceptual plan and replace with Major Adjustment to a Major
Site Plan.
RESPONSE: Please see revised site plan.
5) Please label all buildings dimensions and include on the building data table.
The site plan does not include the dimension of the covered storage building
north of the existing 1,280 sq. ft. covered storage building.
RESPONSE: Please see revised site plan.
6) Please recalculate the ground coverage of the total amount of all buildings. The
102,380 sq. ft. calculation appears to be incorrect.
RESPONSE: Please see revised site plan. This has been corrected.
7) The legend table on the site appears to have some deficiencies with the
labeling of existing dirt (not identified on the site plan), the proposed gravel area
not included on the legend table, and the handicap parking symbol not shown
on the site plan.
RESPONSE: Please see revised site plan. The legend table has been revised.
8) Please include the drive aisle width for the proposed vehicular use area on the
site plan.
RESPONSE: Please see revised site plan. The drive aisle widths have been
9) Please include the distance between the proposed building from the existing
manufacturing building and stormwater retention pond.
RESPONSE: Please see revised site plan.
10) The Major Site Plan granted through Resolution No. 04-004 indicates a 63,750
sq. ft. manufacturing building. The proposed site plan adjustment shows a
63,780 sq. ft. manufacturing building. Please affirm the building area.
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RESPONSE: The site plan reflects the correct square footage of the existing
manufacturing building based on survey data received in the field.
11) Loading Spaces: Please identify and provide striping for a loading space to
serve the new manufacturing building in accordance with the LDC Section
7.06.02. A.3.a.
A loading zone is required for building C in accordance with the LDC Section
7.06.02. A.3.a. Off-street loading space shall be provided and maintained for
all commercial and industrial developments. Off-street loading spaces shall be
an area at grade level at least twelve (12) × fifty-five (55) feet long.
RESPONSE: An additional loading zone has been added to the revised site plan.
12) The proposed loading zone in front of the 63,780 sq. ft. manufacturing building
is 12 X 45. Off-street loading spaces shall be an area at grade level at least
twelve (12) × fifty-five (55) feet long in accordance with the LDC Section
RESPONSE: Please see revised site plan. This has been addressed.
13) The existing parking area located in front of the office building is not stripped.
Please restripe the existing parking area and identify the six (6) handicap
parking spaces on the site plan in accordance with the LDC Section 7.06.02
Performance Standards.
RESPONSE: Please see revised site plan.
14) The site plan does not identify the existing or proposed water or wastewater
connection. Please depict whether the project will utilize existing water and
sewer facilities and if so a letter from the service provider stating capacity will
be available for the project in accordance with the LDC Section 11.02.09.A.1.i
In accordance with Comprehensive Plan Policy - In addition to any
other general standard for change in zoning as may be described in the
County's Land Development Code, new Light Industrial property(s)should have
available to it central water services necessary for both domestic and fire
protection purposes.
RESPONSE: The project is currently served by well and septic. There are no
bathrooms proposed in the new building.
15) Fort Pierce Utilities Authority (FPUA) has plans to extend water and sewer
services along Kings Highway contingent upon FDOT’s scheduling for roadway
expansion/improvements. Please denote a future connection to
water/wastewater services on the site plan and provide a letter stating Southern
Truss will connect to water/wastewater services when made available through
RESPONSE: Pursuant to email correspondence with John Biggs of FPUA, this
note is not required. A copy of this email correspondence is attached for reference.
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16) The site plan denotes a gravel truck turnaround area. Gravel is not a permitted
all-weather surface material meeting the SLC Public Works Department's
requirements. The proposed turnaround access and vehicular use shall be
constructed with an all-weather surface material for motorized vehicles in
accordance with the LDC Section 7.03.02.B.3.a.
RESPONSE: Please see revised site plan which addresses this comment.
17) There is a safety concern over pedestrian circulation, including its
interrelationship with the vehicular/truck circulation system. The site plan
should show a pedestrian route to safely connect to the office and
manufacturing buildings safely without interfering with the vehicular/truck
circulation system.
RESPONSE: Please see revised site plan which addresses this comment.
18) The Florida Department of Transportation has plans to expand the Kings
Highway roadway network, including sidewalks and a bicycle lane. It is
recommended that the site plan depict a bike rack and sidewalk connectivity
from the office building to the right-of-way for the future connectivity.
RESPONSE: A pre-application meeting with FDOT was held on July 15, 2021.
F. Determination of Compliance with County Survey Requirements –
Engineering Division, Public Works Department
1) Rezone Survey Comments (Revised Survey Resubmitted on June 9, 2021, -
Review Complete).
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
2) Major Site Plan Adjustment Survey Comments Pending Review.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
Revised Survey Comments Dated 06/10/2021
1) Please include Vertical accuracy statement based on expected use per 5J-
17.051 (2) (a) in the Notes.
RESPONSE: Please see note 10 on the revised survey attached.
2) Please list the Reference Benchmark for the Survey.
RESPONSE: Please see note 10 on the revised survey attached.
3) Please add missing dimensions for less and except parcel along King’s
RESPONSE: Added, we follow the intent of the description bearings will not match.
4) Please consider a re-write of Note # 6 “The Bearings shown are referenced to
Grid North, based on the Florida State Plane Coordinate System. East zone,
using the North American Datum of 1983 (yr. of adjustment). The Basis of
Bearings for this Survey is…...
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RESPONSE: Please see notes 6 & 9 on the revised survey attached.
5) Please add text for P.O.C. (bearing & distance) and text for P.O.B. on the Less
and Except parcel at the Northwest corner of this Survey.
RESPONSE: Please see the revised survey attached. This has been added.
6) Please add fence ties where appropriate on the Survey.
RESPONSE: Please see the revised survey attached. This has been added.
7) Please correct scrivener’s error in a distance on the fifth line of the description
for parcel on Kings Highway.
RESPONSE: This has been corrected on the revised survey attached.
8) Please check the scale of the drawing, it is not 1”=30’.
RESPONSE: This has been corrected on the revised survey attached.
9) Please check text for Sectional descriptions on the North Line of the Survey.
RESPONSE: This has been corrected on the revised survey attached.
G. Determination of Compliance with Environmental Requirements –
Environmental Department
Major Adjustment to a Major Site Plan
The following comments are required to be addressed prior to approval:
1) Provide an updated tree survey identifying all existing native trees only, and
provide if they will be preserved, impacted, and/or relocated. Please include
species and DBH for all native trees to be impacted or preserved as mitigation
or landscape credit. Provide a tree mitigation plan of how mitigation is being
met, keeping in mind tree mitigation is above and beyond landscaping
requirements. Include the location(s) of relocated trees/palms;
RESPONSE: Please see attached tree mitigation plan.
2) Identify all existing native trees which will remain and be counted towards
landscape credit on all pages of the landscape plan. Keep in mind these native
trees being counted towards landscape credit may not be counted towards tree
mitigation and vise versa;
RESPONSE: Please see existing tree mitigation plan.
3) Update the scale on L-1 of the landscape plan to 1”= 100’, and not 1” = 50’, as
this scale is incorrect;
RESPONSE: The plans have been revised as requested.
4) Ensure the trees proposed along the southern perimeter shall not be planted
where they could, at mature height, conflict with overhead power lines per LDC
7.09.03.E.2.l (see Figure 7-30)
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RESPONSE: The trees selected are very slow growing Magnolia Little Gems and
can be shaped over time to remain under the overhead utilities.
5) The required minimum specifications for installed hedge material used to
screen adjacent properties from interior vehicular use areas shall be 48” in
height per LDC 7.09.04.C. ERD Staff acknowledges the note provided on the
landscape plan proposing the 24” hedge shall be allowed to reach and be
maintained to 48” per LDC 7.09.04.O; however, for administrative relief from
provisions of LDC 7.09.00 to be considered by the Environmental Resources
Director, a written request for the specific relief shall be provided;
RESPONSE: The plans are requesting relief from the 48” height to 24” and the
shrubs will be allowed to grow to the height of 48”. Please see attached letter
requesting relief.
6) Provide the description for the proposed retention pond to be wet on all plans
with the following requirements:
a. Per LDC 6.02.03.F, provide a buffer zone of native upland (i.e., transitional)
vegetation for the deepwater habitats, including any proposed lakes/ponds,
which may consist of preserved or planted vegetation including canopy,
understory, and ground cover of native species only. As a minimum, ten
(10) SF of such buffer shall be provided for each linear foot of deepwater
habitat perimeter that lies adjacent to uplands; and
b. Per Comprehensive Plan Policy provide a vegetated and functional
littoral zone to be established as part of the surface water management
system of upland water bodies occurring on development sites;
RESPONSE: Please see revised landscape plan that shows the upland and littoral
7) Provide documentation from the South Florida Water Management District
(SFWMD) confirming the presence/absence of onsite wetlands, as well as
impacts to any other surface waters;
RESPONSE: Please see attached correspondence from SFWMD regarding the
wetland determination.
8) Within the provided Environmental Assessment (i.e., Environmental Impact
Report [EIR]), address the following items:
a. Address the inconsistencies with the size of the site, 30.66 acres in the EIR,
40.86 acres on the site plan and other documents submitted
b. On page 6 of 6, remove mitigation requirements applicable to residential
parcels, as this is non-residential parcel zoned industrial light.
RESPONSE: Please see revised Environmental Assessment which addresses this
H. Determination of Compliance with Engineering & Water Quality Requirements
– Public Works Department
1) Public Works has no comments regarding the rezone. Additional comments will
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be provided after review of a site plan submittal.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
2) For discussion regarding these comments, please contact myself at 772-462-
2741 or chambersg@stlucieco.org.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
Major Adjustment to a Major Site Plan
1) The turnaround area will be required to be paved.
RESPONSE: Please see revised site plan which addresses this comment.
2) Please clarify how the trusses will be unloaded and placed in the storage area.
RESPONSE: Fork lifts are used to unload and place in the storage area.
3) Identify on the Site Plan where the stormwater outfall will be located.
RESPONSE: Please see revised site plan. The stormwater outfall is depicted on
the plan.
4) Provide a truck circulation plan depicting how the dumpster collection, fire
department, and delivery trucks will safely maneuver onsite.
RESPONSE: Please see AutoTURN exhibit included with this response.
5) Dimension the drive aisles and radius of returns on all curbed islands.
RESPONSE: Please see revised site plan which addresses this comment.
6) Provide typical sections for the proposed gravel laydown areas.
RESPONSE: Please see revised site plan which addresses this comment.
7) The parking striping shall be a minimum of 6 inches.
RESPONSE: Please see revised site plan which addresses this comment.
8) A Site Development Permit is required prior to performing site improvement
activities. Subsequent to DRC approval, the applicant may submit the required
documents to Grant Chambers, P.E. in the Engineering Division. Documents
are to include, a Site Development Permit application, two sets of plans, one
copy of the stormwater report and other appropriate information. The Site
Development Permit application can be found on the County’s website under
the Public Works Department link. In accordance with the permit and Land
Development Regulations, the applicant shall retain the EOR for site
inspections and final certification.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
9) For discussion regarding these comments, please contact myself at 772-462-
2741 or chambersg@stlucieco.org.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
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I. Determination of Compliance with Property Acquisitions Requirements –
Property Acquisition Division, Legal Department
In reviewing Southern Truss – Major Adjustment to Major Site Plan, we have the following
comment: The parcel has the following frontage:
• Kings Highway a State owned and maintained right-of-way. Please contact the
Department of Transportation regarding future right-of-way needs.
• The East side of the property abuts Fort Pierce Farms Water Control District
Canal No. 3.
• Taylor Dairy Road, a 50’ County owned and maintained unpaved right-of-way,
abuts Canal No. 3 on the East side of the property.
• The South side of the property abuts Fort Pierce Farms Water Control District
Canal No. 1.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
J. Determination of Compliance with Utilities Requirements – Fort Pierce Utilities
Please find FPUA comments regarding this submission.
Electric & Gas Eng: Approved.
Electric - The property is not in the FPUA electric service area. Located in FPL service
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
Gas service is available from Kings Hwy. Please provide a copy of the gas riser diagram
with the anticipated load (if developer is interested in natural gas service).
The plan ultimately is for FPUA water/wastewater to extend north on Kings Highway. This
concept and plan is entirely contingent upon DOT’s scheduling for roadway
RESPONSE: Acknowledged. The applicant does not have intentions on connecting
to gas service at this time.
At this time however, water/Wastewater services are not available to the site in question.
Once services are available, the customer/developer is encouraged to submit plans for
review with sizes indicated based upon expected use. Estimates and invoicing will be
generated once this takes place as per FPUA requirements.
(see Developers Responsibilities https://fpua.com/wp-
content/uploads/2020/10/Developers_Responsibilities.pdf ).
For more information and incentive available, please contact Ana Johnson AT
772.466.1600 Ext. 3012.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
K. Determination of Compliance with Fire Requirements – St. Lucie County Fire
1) Please submit a completed application for Development/Site Plan Review (St.
Lucie County Fire District Development & Site Plan Review Application). This
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form is available on-line at https://www.slcfd.com
RESPONSE: An application to SLCFD was submitted on May 11, 2021.
2) Fire District review fees are due at the time of submittal. An abbreviated fee
schedule is included on the application form.
RESPONSE: Payment of application fees were submitted to SLCFD on May 11,
3) Please provide an electronic copy of the Site Plan (pdf format).
RESPONSE: This was submitted to SLCFD on May 11, 2021.
4) A separate review and permit is required for Underground Fire Mains connected
to standpipes or sprinkler systems.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
5) Fire hydrants (shall be) are provided for buildings other than detached one-and-
two-family dwellings IAW both of the following 1) The maximum distance to a
fire hydrant from the closest point in the building shall not exceed 400 feet. 2)
The maximum distance between fire hydrants shall not exceed 500 feet. NFPA
1:18.5.3. Please provide fire flow calculations for hydrants.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
6) An approved water supply capable of supplying the required fire flow for fire
protection (shall be) is identified to all premises upon which facilities, buildings,
or portions of buildings which are to be constructed or moved into the
jurisdiction. The approved water supply shall be in accordance with NFPA
1:18.4. See “Needed NFPA Fire Flow Calculator Spreadsheet”.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
7) Per the St. Lucie County Fire District Fire Prevention Code Resolution 647-17.
At Least 13 feet 6 inches nominal vertical clearance shall be provided and
maintained over the full width of all means of access. Including, but not limited
to trees, canopies, etc.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
8) Fire department connections shall be located on the street side of buildings and
shall be located and arranged so that hose lines can be readily attached to the
inlets without interference from any nearby objects, including buildings, fences,
landscaping, or other fire department connections. The locations of connections
shall be based upon the access requirement s of the fire department.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
9) The distance allowed between the fire department connection and a fire hydrant
shall be no more than one hundred fifty (150) feet as a vehicle travels.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
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10) FD access roads (shall be) are provided such that any portion of an
unsprinklered facility or exterior wall is located not more than 150’ from FD
access roads as measured by an approved route around the exterior of the
building or facility. (450’ for NFPA 13, 13D, 12R sprinklered protected buildings).
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
11) The Fire District reserves the right for future comments at the site plan & building
construction phase.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
12) Per NFPA 1114 Chapter 9, Section 1.3. Prior to the final occupancy of any
building, the permitted water supply for fire protection, including fire hydrants
and fire suppression systems, shall be installed, tested, and acceptable to the
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
13) Be advised: Dimensions of largest vehicle are as follows: 38 tons or 77k lbs, 47.5
ft. total length, 21.5 ft. wheel base, 10.5 ft. total width, 41.5 degree turning
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
14) Two-Way Radio Enhancement Systems/BDAS shall be installed, inspected and
operationally tested in accordance with the manufacturer’s published
requirements, by the local fire department, and comply with the most current
edition of the Florida Fire Prevention Code and its incorporated standards and
codes. Pre-surveys of radio signal strength shall be submitted to the Fire
Marshal in the form of heat signature mapping or a certification document of
radio signal strength provided by a licensed engineer.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
15) Minimum Size of Water Mains
a. The minimum size of water mains for supplying water for firefighting
purposes shall be six (6) inches. b. The minimum size of water mains
supplying hydrants on a dead-end main shall be eight (8) inches. c. The
maximum number of hydrants located on a dead-end main shall be one
(1). d. Grid or Tee systems shall be supplied by a minimum of an eight (8)
inch looped main. Exceptions may be granted based on the capacity of
the water distribution system but in no case shall the main size be less
than six (6) inches. e. The minimum size water main(s) shall be
determined by the needed fire flow as established by the Fire Marshal and
based on the current Insurance Service Office (ISO) requirements.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
M. Determination of Compliance with Traffic Impact Report – Kimley Horn
1) Please provide an anticipated buildout year for the development.
RESPONSE: The project is projected to be built out by 2023.
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2) Please calculate a historical growth rate based upon study area roadway
historical AADT volumes.
RESPONSE: Please see traffic distribution table which incorporates historical
growth rates.
3) Please include future background (without project) traffic conditions within the
roadway analysis table. The future background (without project) traffic conditions
is calculated by applying the historical growth rate (Comment #2) based upon
the anticipated buildout year to existing peak hour peak directional volumes.
RESPONSE: Please see traffic distribution table within Traffic Impact Analysis.
4) Please calculate total peak hour volumes within the roadway analysis table by
summing future background (without project) traffic volumes and project traffic
RESPONSE: Please see traffic distribution table within Traffic Impact Analysis.
5) Please confirm that peak hour project volumes shown within the roadway
analysis table reflect directional project volumes.
RESPONSE: Please see traffic distribution table within Traffic Impact Analysis.
6) Kings Highway is currently under construction to widen from a 2-lane facility to a
4-lane facility. Please include this capacity improvement within the roadway
analysis table.
RESPONSE: Please see traffic distribution table within Traffic Impact Analysis,
FDOT Generalized Volume was used to general capacity.
7) Please provide an intersection analysis for the existing full access driveway on
Kings Highway.
RSPONSE: Please see revised TIA.
8) Please provide a turn lane analysis to determine the need of ingress turn lanes
at the existing full access driveway.
RESPONSE: Per Pre-App discussion with FDOT no turn lane will be required due
to limited amount of trips expected. Please see revised TIA.
9) Please confirm whether northbound traffic volumes along Kings Highway
between Angle Road and the existing project driveway are presented correctly
within Exhibit 3.
RESPONSE: Please see revised TIA.
N. Determination of Compliance with Florida Department of Transportation –
The only comment I have is that an access permit will be necessary to any State
roadways. Please have the applicant coordinate with FDOT to review the proposed
development’s access to Kings Highway prior to site plan approval. They may contact
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Dalila Fernandez by email at: D4AccessManagement@dot.state.fl.us or can complete an
online request for an access pre-application meeting by filling out the District 4 Access
Management Pre-Application Request Form. Once scheduled, the Village is encouraged
to attend the pre-app meeting via teleconference.
RESPONSE: A pre-application meeting was held with FDOT on July 15, 2021 to
discuss this project.
We feel the attached adequately addresses staff comments and respectfully request the
approval of this application. If you have any questions regarding this application, the
attached documents, or the project, please contact our office.
Patricia Sesta
cc: John Byer – Southern Truss
Z:\EDC-2020\20-381 - Southern Truss Expansions\ENGINEERING\Documents\Submittal Documents\Comment Response Letter\2021-11-02_T_Curry_SLC_MSP_Rsp2Cmts_Southern_Truss_Ltr_20-381.docx