HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-2-24 LandscapeEXISTING LIGHT POLE /_GATE I X 1 � PROPOSED EXISTING LOADING ZONE VCHAIN LINK �12'X 55' FENCE PARCEL ID'1336-221-0000-000-0 SED IOP� LP NC � - (RE "D" CURB r ADI nNll nnl l ED 1 1z' X 55' TYPE "D" CURB NOTE: SOME OF THE TREES SHOWN TO BE REMOVED DO NOT _ MEET THE REQUIREMENTS FOR MITIGATION AND MAY NOT EXISTING APPEAR ON THE MITIGATION PLANS. 6 NU .T,. 1 I FENC I Tx EXISTING CATCH BASIN I ' (. I LUMBER j"P) Q 4 ---- ----- ". � � , I r 2SS� I 1 Z ( NOTE: ACIENANY EXISTING NATIVE TREES THAT CAN REMAIN IN THE PNc:ia36-232-0001-000 5 1Y PERIMETER BUFFERS SHALL REMAIN AND BE CREDITED I •� Q PROPOSED I TOWARDS REQUIRED PERIMETER BUFFER TREES. LU DEMPSTER EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN SHALL BE REVIEWED AND THE Iy- I SHT E GIVEN, THUS REQUIRING RING LESS PLANTED TREESER CREDIT APPLIED TOWARDS THE REQUIRED I 74' } v�i ' 1 I BASED ON THE CURRENT CODE REQUIREMENTS. I DING OSED ~ � LOADING ZONE 1 yl Z C7 . 12' X 55' NOTE: G' (/ THE PERIMETER BUFFER HEDGES SHALL BE GROWN AND x' < rn e I` I MAINTAINED TO A MINIMUM HEIGHT OF 48". I 1 _J J Ni Q O PROPOSED EXISTING I U 0' LANDSCAPE �ELEC. PANEL EXISTING W BUFFER co ��a 1 LI Orn 0 Y O PROPOSED 1 ED 17] 5' CONCRETE SIDEWALK / . 1 PO ,x� � 1 I �� 1 PROPOSED 5' CONCREI E SIDEWAI K Q PROPOSED W BIKE RACK Oi (6) SPACES w 0 IZ O M a _ W J Z 0 '6 O� �IjoW Oog Q o Z Z O I-NX Z co 11 0 W co � O�ul Lu V) LL Qa0 O W z J QLLI IiSTORY MLDING ATURING BUILDING A EXISTING 2T. KINGS HIGHWAY I PAD FT. PIERCE, FLORIDA 63,750 S.F. 50 EXISTING PAVERS PATH EXISTING I Q EXISTING I AXC PAD I Q. OFFICE - o I BUILDING B - S. F. I EXISTING CONC SLAB I F5,000 I - - - - -50- - - - - - J - WIRE FENCE I LUMBER 1,280 S.F. I GAS TANK HYDRANT PROPOSED 10'LAN BUFFER BUFFER PNC:1336-231-0002-000-9 I ..�neer-Z Sheet I I I �PIRCEL O. 1336231-0002.F. 9 O.R.B. 3235. PAGE 2902 (VACANT) LAND USE. NC ZEN Note: All existing tree locations are approximate. Sheetf- 5 I PROPOSED SWALE 47 ACRES (2o, 531 S.F.) I V EXISTING PUMP HOUSE BUFFER DITCH EXISTING J RETENTION POND NOTE: ±58907 S.F. 1 4 7 AC. ANY EXISTING NATIVE TREES THAT CAN REMAIN IN THE I (ouruNE FROM APPRDx srloREUNE ) PERIMETER BUFFERS SHALL REMAIN AND BE CREDITED (TO BE FILLED) TOWARDS REQUIRED PERIMETER BUFFER TREES. EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN SHALL BE REVIEWED AND THE I PRnpFR !'REMIT GPPI "ID Tf1W ARr1C TMF RFfll TIED TRFFC SHALL BE GIVEN, THUS REQUIRING LESS PLANTED TREES BASED ON THE CURRENT CODE REQUIREMENTS. NOTE: THE PERIMETER BUFFER HEDGES SHALL BE GROWN AND MAINTAINED TO A MINIMUM HEIGHT OF 48". landscape Data Note: Existing trees are labeled with "M" for mitigation tree or "L" for landscape credit tree. Landscape credit trees include the sizes adjacent to the tree symbol on the landscape plans. Refer to the mitigation plan for tree & palm types and sizes. 7.09.04.A.1 - Perimeter Landscaping Adjacent to Orange Avenue Right-of-way 7.09.04. C.3 - Terminal & Interior Island Trees Total Length = 453.22' Trees Trees Required - 22 Required - (1 Tree/301.f°)- 453.22 Lf./30 = 15 Trees Provided - 22 Provided - 15 Trees 3 Palms (1 Trees) + 1 Existing Trees + 20 Proposed Trees = 22 12 Existing Trees + 3 Proposed Trees = 15 Shrubs 7.09.03.E.2.h - Required Tree Species Mix Required - Continuous Hedge 2'0. C. = 227 Shrubs Trees Provided - 227 Shrubs Required - 4 1 + Trees = 5 Species Mix Provided - 5 Tree Species 7.09.04. B - Perimeter Landscaping Abutting Adjacent Property Existing Vehicle Pavement = 21,796 Total Length = 4,202.71' - Interior Vehicular Use Area Proposed Vehicle Pavement = 62,721 Trees I. V. U.A. = 84,517 s.f Total Vehicular Use Area Pavement = 84,517 s.f. Required - (1 Tree/301.f°)- 4,202.71 Lf°/30 = 140 Trees 84,517 s.f. / 18 s.f. = 4,695 s.f. / 180 s.f. = 26 Trees Provided - 140 Trees Trees 0 Existing Trees + 140 Proposed Trees = 140 Required - 26 Provided - 26 Shrubs 6 Palms (2 Trees) + 4 Existing Trees + 20 Proposed Trees = 26 Required - Continuous Hedge 2'0. C. = 2,102 Shrubs Provided - 2,102 Shrubs Total Trees Required Required - 181 Provided - 18 Existing + 163 Planted = 181 Note: 100% of proposed plantings are native. Total Shrubs Required Required - 2,329 7.09.03. E. 2. 1 - Planting Under Utility Lines Provided - Z329 Note: Small trees are being utilized to meet code section 7.09.03.E.2.L No tree shall be planted where it could, at mature height, conflict with overhead power lines. Larger trees (trees with a mature height of thirty (30) feet or more) shall be planted no closer than a horizontal distance of thirty (30) feet from the nearest overhead power line. Medium trees (trees with a mature height between twenty (20)-thirty (30) feet) shall be off -set at least twenty (20) feet horizontally from the nearest overhead power line. Small trees (trees with a mature height of less than twenty (20) feet) shall not be required to meet a minimum off -set, except that no tree, regardless of size shall be planted within five (5) feet of any existing or proposed utility pole, guy wire, pad mounted electrical transformer or other utility transmission/ collection structure or equipment. PCant.Lt"St QTY SYM SPECIES CANOPY IORNAMENTAL TREES 1 IC* ILEX CASSINE 29 MG-1* MAGNOLIA GRANDIFLORA 4 MG* MAGNOLIA GRANDIFLORA 42 PE* PINUS ELLIOTTI DENSA 13 QL* QUERCUS LAURIFOLIA 65 QV* QUERCUS VIRGINIANA 4 TD* TAXODIUM DISTICHUM PALMS 17 SP* SABAL PALMETTO LARGE SHRUBS I ACCENTS 227 FOS* FORESTIERA SEGREGATA 2,105 MYR* MYRICANTHES FRAGRANS 27 MYR-1* MYRICANTHES FRAGRANS MED. SHRUBS /GROUNDCOVERS/VINES /SOD SOD PASPALUM NOTATUM * = FLORIDA NATIVE COMMON NAME/DESCRIPTION SIZE SPACING REMARKS DROUGHT TOLERANCE DAHOON HOLLY LITTLE GEM MAGNOLIA D.D. BLANCHARD MAGNOLIA SOUTH FLORIDA SLASH PINE LAUREL OAK LIVE OAK BALD CYPRESS SABALPALM FLORIDA PRIVET SIMPSON STOPPER SIMPSON STOPPER BAHIA SOD General Notes 12' x 5', 2.5" D.B.H. A.S. FULL CANOPY, 4' C.T. MIN. HIGH 12' x 5', 2.5" D.B.H. A.S. FULL CANOPY, 4' C.T. MIN. HIGH 12' x 5', 2.5" D.B.H. A.S. FULL CANOPY, 4' C.T. MIN. HIGH 12' x 5', 2.5" D.B.H. A.S. FULL CANOPY, 4' C.T. MIN. HIGH 12' x 5', 2.5" D.B.H. A.S. FULL CANOPY, 4' C.T. MIN. HIGH 12' x 5', 2.5" D.B.H. A.S. FULL CANOPY, 4' C.T. MIN. HIGH 12' x 5', 2.5" D.B.H. A.S. FULL CANOPY, 4' C.T. MIN. HIGH EXISTING A.S. RELOCATED FROM ON SITE HIGH #3, 2' x 2' 2' O.C. FULL & THICK HIGH #3, 2' x 2' 2' O.C. FULL & THICK HIGH #7, 4' x 2' 2' O.C. FULL & THICK HIGH SEE SPECS HIGH 1. No plant substitutions can be made without St. Lucie County's approval. 2. All required landscape improvements must be inspected and approved by St. Lucie County prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. 3. Any existing landscaping, sod, or irrigation damaged or destroyed during the construction shall be replaced prior to the final inspection. 4. All prohibited, exotic and invasive species shall be removed from the entire site prior to issuance of certificate of occupancy. 5. Planting adjacent to fire hydrants is to have a minimum clear radius of 7.5' as required by the NFPA Uniform Fire Code Florida Edition Hydrants. All fire hydrants and fire check valves shall have a minimum of 7.5' from the front and sides with 4' from the rear to all landscape material per the Florida Fire Prevention Code. PRO OSFD 10'LANDS CAPE BUFFER • CORNER 53.9' N - y- I I T O B GATE POST GATE POST I DITCH I I I I ------®----- /X - - - - - - - - - - - -:mmL - - --------- ---- --- ---- I - T.O.B. - - - - PROPOSED DITCH DITCH 9,53„E 10'LANDSCAPE I� 9644BUFFER I 4' BAj�BED WIRE FENCE NER 14 4' 26.3' E I I I _ - NOTE: x I I ANY EXISTING NATIVE TREES THAT CAN REMAIN IN THE I I I PERIMETER BUFFERS SHALL REMAIN AND BE CREDITED I I TOWARDS REQUIRED PERIMETER BUFFER TREES. EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN SHALL BE REVIEWED AND THE 1-0'S8"E PROPER CREDIT APPLIED TOWARDS THE REQUIRED TREES 78.84' SHALL BE GIVEN, THUS REQUIRING LESS PLANTED TREES BASED ON THE CURRENT CODE REQUIREMENTS. I I NOTE: X I THE PERIMETER BUFFER HEDGES SHALL BE GROWN AND I I MAINTAINED TO A MINIMUM HEIGHT OF 48". I II ao6o'66°w z l i I I I I I I N39°00'49"W 2 ZII PHASE 1 o I �I I I k PDS ORDER 2020-042 X Oj LESS & EXCEPT aI O.R.B 4455, P.G 1954 oil li I II I X II I I I l II I PARCEL ID: 1336-240-0000-000-3 1PHASE (VACANT) 1 I I LAND USE: NC I I I I I� I X II I I II I PHASE LINE I I I II I X x II I I II , I I N89°50'59"W 432.93' 1 NOT LOCATED NOT LOCATED II I II I X 1 ®sheet, X c io i � 0P AREA Iwi a118 i w 1 W 3w cM X Lu Lo Q I 0 �113 Z m =Il n I Q X Q xIQ � �I i H NOTE: ' 1�---------------------- �IEd I D ANY EXISTING NATIVE TREES ----- -- U) THAT CAN REMAIN IN THE -�------®-------TI �Nd PERIMETER BUFFERS SHALL --------------------------------------------- TOWARDS -----_ _ _ REMAIN AND BE CREDITEDDITCH ------ H I (- REQUIREDPERIMETER - --_ x Q, O I a BUFFER TREES. EXISTING TREES _ TO REMAIN SHALL BE REVIEWED \�-- a / I O Z AND THE PROPER CREDIT v r�',^� PARCEL ID: 1336-240-0000-060-3 APPLIED TOWARDS THE �- V (VACANT) IIQ > REQUIRED TREES SHALL BE LAND USE: NC III I 0 GIVEN, THUS REQUIRING LESS - II I PLANTED TREES BASED ON THE I CURRENT CODE REQUIREMENTS w I I I NOTE: x Z THE PERIMETER BUFFER 0 E AND WOOD MAINAINEDTOAMINIMUM ROCK POND PHASE HEIGHT OF 48". SHED (EMPTY) Lu II ILL. II I O PHASE 11 x I I U) Y I I I I ~ BARBED WIRE FENCE CORNER Z I I I O TURNAROUND PROPOSED LUMBER GRAVELAREA 59 ACRES AREA(330,440 S.F.) 4' BARBED WIRE FENCE 41.2' N 4' BARBED WIRE FENCE i0'59'W 3' 4' BARBED WIRE FENCE 6B'S I IVH ANTI DIRT ROAD W p n = I GRASS a� i I li O O I • AREA ABANDONED WELL I W Z I f 1O I X �, seo I I H >I �0' w II POWER POLE � I PHASE 1 I GUY ANCHOR I I I 4" VALVE AND PVC PIPE x FUTURE DEVELOPMENT FUTUREACCESS GATE I BARBED WIRE FENCE \ GATE POST 14.5' S DIRT ROAD �I I T.O.B. y I GATE POST 15.0'S X X X Ar% / sHOREUNL N8 1 zzo32 1 APPROXIMATE X X X X X So X X- X DI I - ---------------------------------- --- IR EN -------------- -- - - - LM FLECTRONIC SIGNATURF. AND SEAL ///��� Registered Landscape Architect Digitally i g i to l l � / signed b� / Jeffrey / W. Smith, m i t h, R LA Jeffrey W Smith, REA Y signed Y C CY J LA0001635 Prepared, Reviewed 8 Supervised By: Conceptual Design Group, Inc. 900 Eate • 2022.02.2 3 2 3.2 8.3 6- 0 5' 0 0' at Ocean Floridaa 3 9 Boulevard, Suite 130d • • • Lanascave �becitications 1. All tree and plant material to be Florida No. 1 or better, as classified in "Grades and Standards for Nursery Plants", Part 1 and Part II, State of Florida, Dept. of Agriculture, Tallahassee. All plants not listed in "Grades and Standards for Nursery Plants" shall conform to a Florida No. 1 as to: (1) health and vitality, (2) condition of foliage, (3) root system, (4) freedom from pest or mechanical damage, (5) heavily branched and densely foliated according to the accepted normal shape of the species. 2. Undersizing or substitution of one species or cultivar for another species is a breach of contract and will be "Rejected" at the time of final landscape inspection unless approved by Landscape Architect. 3. Project Warranty: All plant material shall be warranted for a period of one (1) year after date of substantial completion against defects, including death and unsatisfactory growth, except for defects resulting from abuse or damage by others or unusual phenomena or incidents which are beyond the contractor's control. 4. Any and all conditions which the contractor feels will be detrimental to the success of the planting shall be brought to the owner or representative's attention. 5. The contractor shall verify the location of underground utilities prior to commencing work on any project area. 6. Mulch planting areas with 3" layer of Melaleuca, Eucalyptus, or Enviromulch. Cypress Mulch is NOT ACCEPTABLE. Planting beds to receive mulch throughout entire bed area. 7. All plants to be set to ultimate grade. No filling will be permitted around trunks or stems. Mulch to be kept a minimum of 2" away from trunks and stems. 8. Planting trees and shrubs: Excavate hole per planting detail. When plant is set, place additional backfill consisting of a 50% mixture of Peat humus and natural soil around the base and sides of ball, and work each layer to settle backfill and eliminate voids and air pockets. When excavation is approximately 2/3 full, water thoroughly before placing remainder of backfill. Water again after placing final layer of backfill and before installing mulch. 9. Guy and stake trees in 3 directions with galvanized wire, through flexible hose chafing guards, with wooden stake anchors immediately after planting. (See Detail) 10. Trees and shrubs shall be fertilized with a complete natural organic fertilizer with a ratio of approximately 3:0:2 or 3:0:3 (e.g. one labeled 12-0-8). Similar analysis such as 16-0-8 (4:0:2) can also be used. Fertilizers that are slow release, controlled release, sulphur coated or with nitrogen as IBDU or ureaformaldehyde have extended release period. Thirty to fifty percent of the nitrogen should be water insoluble or slow release. Palms should receive a complete granular fertilizer formulated for palms ("Palm Special") at a rate of 5 to 8 lbs. per palm. Agriform 20-0-5 twenty-one gram planting tablets may be substituted for granular fertilizer. If utilized, the following rates shall be utilized: Position plant in hole. Backfill halfway up the rootball. Place tablet(s) beside rootball about 1" from root tips. Do not place tablet(s) in bottom of hole. 1 Gallon 1 Tablet 3 Gallon 2 Tablets 25 Gallon & B&B Trees 2 per l" caliper 11. All planting areas to be irrigated to provide 100% coverage. Shop drawings to be submitted by the irrigation contractor for approval prior to installation. 12. Maintain trees, shrubs, and other plants by watering, cultivating, and weeding as required for healthy growth. Restore planting saucers and mulch. Tighten and repair stake and guying and reset trees and shrubs to proper grade or vertical position as required. Spray as necessary to keep trees and shrubs free of insects and disease. The contractor shall begin maintenance immediately after planting and shall continue maintenance through final acceptance when Certificate of Occupancy is issued to the General Contractor by County and project is released by the General Contractor to Client. 13. Prune trees and shrubs only to remove damaged branches as directed by the Landscape Architect. 14. Planting Lawns: Provide clean, strongly rooted, uniformly sized strips of Stenotaphrom secundatus Floritam (unless otherwise noted), machine stripped not more than 24 hours prior to laying. Grade and roll prepared lawn surface. Water thoroughly but not to create muddy soil conditions. Lay sod strips with tight joints, roll or tamp lightly, and water thoroughly. 15. Maintain positive drainage, no planting is to block drainage. 16. Drainage Testing Prior to planting of trees, palms, and specimen material, each planting pit shall be tested in the following manner to verify adequate drainage. A) Dig each planting pit to the minimum specified size. B) Fill the planting pit with (12") twelve inches of water. If the water level in the planting pit drops (4") four or more inches within (4) four hours, the drainage is sufficient and a drainage channel is not required. If the water level drops less than (4") four inches within the (4) four hour period, then a drainage channel is required. C) When a drainage channel is required, the drainage channel must extend down through the non porous soil and into porous soil. (See Drainage Testing Detail) D) Discard all material removed from the drainage channel. E) When backfilling the planting pit, add course gravel to the drainage channel. Also, care must be taken to keep the consistency of the soil mix the same throughout the planting pit. NOTES: 1. Contractor to include drainage testing for all trees and palms in bid. If drainage is inadequate, the soil specification in item #8 above shall be revised for site conditions. Contractor shall notify the Owner and Landscape Architect of poor drainage conditions in writing and written direction will be provided to the contractor of appropriate soil mixture specification to be used. 2. All fertilizers shall meet the St. Lucie County fertilizer ordinance. Ian ca e Plan North Scole: IN = 100' 0 50' 100' 200' o ce tua� r G ou , nc p LandstapeAirohilalure - Sile Planning 900 East Ocean Boulevard, Suite 130d Stuart, Florida 34994 (772) 344-2340 LC: 26000198 CO ' V i O O J v , C/0 County Project Number r�� Jeffrey W Smith, RLA Florida Registration Number: LA 0001635 Job No. 21-0108 Drawn By JWS Submittal Dates 4-27-2021 9-17-2021 2-23-2022 Revision Dates Comments #1 9-17-2021 Comments #2 2-23-2022 These drawings are the property of the landscape architect and are not to be used for other projects except by written permission from the landscape architect. Report any discrepancies immediately to the landscape architect. L-1 6 Sheet of I � I I � N I LO I � � I < I � I � � O o� I I I = � � I n— O I O I I m I W I 0 ff -X X 0 W W Lo 1 i'� Z (/� Q ry 00 Q � In O U W n r v ) GATE �X X X X��X� M • M 'Al I Relocate --y SabaC Palms 2 o I • • ... — ( • �� / 25 x85_ EXISTING 3 L . j 6' CHAIN LINK /•1 o --- FENCE L — I � oak 6" \ I L • : I Crepe Myrtle 3" 15' x i5' \ Viz x1-0— — . I I ( • . �� 12X1° 0---J I 0 UJ ( IL • Oak 8" \ I I z5' x z5' — — I =/ (D Oo x15'\�ol — / 3 ADJACENT EL I : 11° 4 PNC:1336-232-0001-000-5 I (� • L N L • — / C)OO y��_I/ -- Cre e My rtCe 3° I I 3 I i5' plo' o L • k 8 Oa" — — - oak 6" / \ \ I� zo' x 25' 15' x 15' �I N I ® \I L .. T PROPOSED DUMPSTER FM 3 lii I I LOak 6" 20• 1 1 \ •� 'x15 OS 21 — Iw QV - — (y) I -- M4 --- I _ _ I I CV o PROPOSED EXISTING 10 LANDSCAPE o I I I ELEC. PANEL BUFFER z I LL L L ( 0`'•( �•�� Oak7" L x 15'25' x �5 C�epe MI EXISTING I N G� o A/C PAD 1 T rM u UUMD 12'X55' PE 12 QL SabaC Palms — — — — — — — — ---- r--- � I �J Y cate l ms TYPE "D" CURB I I — NOTE: SOME OF THE TREES SHOWN TO BE REMOVED DO NOT MEET _THE _REQUIREMENTS FOR MITIGATION AND MAY NOT -I IAPPEAR ON THE MITIGATION PLANS. � I n-------------------------------------------- I I NOTE: I I I I ANY EXISTING NATIVE TREES THAT CAN REMAIN IN THE I PERIMETER BUFFERS SHALL REMAIN AND BE CREDITED I I TOWARDS REQUIRED PERIMETER BUFFER TREES. I I EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN SHALL BE REVIEWED AND THE I I PROPER CREDIT APPLIED TOWARDS THE REQUIRED TREES j I SHALL BE GIVEN, THUS REQUIRING LESS PLANTED TREES I BASED ON THE CURRENT CODE REQUIREMENTS. NOTE: THE PERIMETER BUFFER HEDGES SHALL BE GROWN AND MAINTAINED TO A MINIMUM HEIGHT OF 48". ICrepe Myrtle 4" lL II 15'x15'— ---- �� ; t Crepe Myrtle 3" ° ( • L 1 o 15' x 15 L r--- ---- 50' I EXISTING I 9' I PAVERS PATH o I [ EXISTING _ _ _I:a /„' — — - I ® It Oak 6" c. A/C PAD IL 25' x zo' PROPOSED I — — - (. EXISTING 5' CONCRETE I I °. o OFFICE o SIDEWALK / ( — — - oak6 1 — — BUILDING B I L I \ z5' x zo_ .�" 5,000 S.F. ' _ _ [-- Ia / YR 370 ° I Relocate Oak 13" G_ 24 ( sr Saba( Palm' 50 ° 40' x 40' ® Pine 7„ z5' x 15' _ If Existing Palms \ L H YD / 7-1 I M , / to remain (7yp.) 1— X� �� X • � _ ----- n+ PROPOSED _ 5' CONCRETE SIDEWALK PROPOSED BIKE RACK (6) SPACES EXISTING I CONC SLAB I 250' -------------------------------------------- EXISTING 1-STORY MANUFACTURING BUILDING A 2590 KINGS HIGHWAY FT. PIERCE, FLORIDA 63,750 S.F. N Cn Cn EXISTING LEXISTING GAS TANK HYDRANT EXISTING CATCH BASIN (TYP) I 1 I I Oak M" Oak 14" 45' x 30' 35' x 35' L \ • HW • • • • �/1 N89050'59"W BARBED WIRE FENCE PROPOSED 10' LANDSCAPE BUFFER �-L - I PROPOSED 1 t'1nI" 1K1t—% 7t'1nlr Relocate SabaC Palms 1 • 27 PROPOSED STATIONSEPTIC PUMP EXISTING 32'X40'COVERED AWNING :1 landscape P an North Scale: I ' = 30' 0 75' 30' 60' once tua� p ;> AO z 9 p Landstapc Ardtilalurc - Site Planning 900 East Ocean Boulevard, Suite 130d Stuart, Florida 34994 (772) 344-2340 LC: 26000198 . V i 0 O � V J • rr� vJ County Project Number: Jeffrey LYl Smith, RLA Florida Registration Number: LA 0001635 Job No. 21-0108 Drawn By JWS Submittal Dates 4-27-2021 9-17-2021 2-23-2022 Revision Dates Comments #1 9-17-2021 Comments #2 2-23-2022 These drawings are the property of the landscape architect and are not to be used for other projects except by written permission from the landscape architect. Report any discrepancies immediately to the landscape architect. L-2 6 Sheet of Landscape Plan North Scole: 1 " = 30' 3 15' 30' 60' Conce tua� _p esz Grou , nc. LandstapPArd ital re - Si1c Manning 900 East Ocean Boulevard, Suite 130d Stuart, Florida 34994 (772) 344-2340 LC: 26000198 `v ' V i O O U O J CIO C/o County Project Number: Jeffrey W Smith, RLA Florida Registration Number: LA 0001635 Job No. 21-0108 Drawn By JWS Submittal Dates 4-27-2021 9-17-2021 2-23-2022 Revision Dates Comments #1 9-17-2021 Comments #2 2-23-2022 These drawings are the property of the landscape architect and are not to be used for other projects except by written permission from the landscape architect. Report any discrepancies immediately to the landscape architect. L-3 6 Sheet of ----------- X x 0- X x w U Z W z Q m � I 11 it 11 �I I� I� I� I, I I; li I� 4'BA�BED 14.4';, 26 I� LL I� II li I� I' II li I� I' I; II I� I' II li I� I ' I ; I � I � I ' I I i I � I ' I I � I � I ' I I I i I � I ' I I i I � I ' I ; I i I � I ' I I � I � I ' I i I � I ' I I � I � I ' I ' I I � I � I ; I � I � I � I i 1� I I � I � I I : I � I � I I � I � I � I � I i I � I � I ' I I I � I � I ; I i I � I � I I I � I � I � I I � I � I � I ; I � I � I � I I i I � I � I i I � I � I I I � I � I � I I I � I � I � I � I I � I � I � I � I � I � I � I � I � I � I � I I � I � I I i I � I � I � I I � I � I � I I i I � I ' I I� I� I l li I� I� l I� I I� l I� li I l I� I� I' I I li I� I� II u I� WIRE FENCE .3' E v! Q W landscape PCtan North Scole: 1 " = 30' 7 5' 30' 60' p tua� ConteAO V Gyou nc. , p Landscape Aultiletfurc - Site Planning 900 East Ocean Boulevard, Suite 130d Stuart, Florida 34994 (772) 344-2340 LC: 26000198 m . V i _O O U O J C/o County Project Number: Jeffrey LYl Smith, RLA Florida Registration Number: LA 0001635 Job No. 21-0108 Drawn By JWS Submittal Dates 4-27-2021 9-17-2021 2-23-2022 Revision Dates Comments #1 9-17-2021 Comments #2 2-23-2022 These drawings are the property of the landscape architect and are not to be used for other projects except by written permission from the landscape architect. Report any discrepancies immediately to the landscape architect. L-4 6 Sheet of PROPERTY LINE � �15 6 1585 x/ �\ 21 f84 i �15 3 ' NOTE: ANY EXISTING NATIVE TREES THAT CAN REMAIN IN THE PERIMETER BUFFERS SHALL REMAIN AND BE CREDITED TOWARDS REQUIRED PERIMETER �15 2 BUFFER TREES. EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN SHALL BE REVIEWED AND THE PROPER CREDIT 141 APPLIED TOWARDS THE REQUIRED TREES SHALL BE GIVEN, THUS REQUIRING LESS PLANTED TREES BASED ON THE CURRENT CODE REQUIREMENTS M NOTE: 6 THE PERIMETER BUFFER ~ HEDGES SHALL BE GROWN AND MAINTAINED TO A MINIMUM HEIGHT OF 48". ReCocate SabaC Palm 1581 21 �79 M / �1580 / / 'P�A-/ 1�1014 A- / / PHASE 11 } } �x WOOC) I SHED 9)�o I x x t s �9 �X � DIRT ROAD I* I z O N 1- OI� 00 Ul � 00 m I FUTURE DEVELOPMENT � FUTURE ACCESS � PHASE 11 I GATE POST 15.0' S X X X 1 landscave Detat"Cs spread (5) 2" x 4" x 18" lwoodbattens to be evenly spacedaround trunk of tree. A minimum of (5) five wraps of burlap are to be placed under the battens to prevent marring or damage to the trunk. The height of the battens shallbe locatedin relation to the height of the tree for adequate bracing. No batten is to be nailed to the tree. Battens are to be bandedlwith a minimum of (2) two 314 " high carbon steel bands. Minimum of (3) three 4" x 4"woodbraces evenly spaceddaroundtree to be toe naiCedto wood battens. Attach fCorescent safety flags a min. of 12" in Length to each woodbrace. Planting depth shaCCbe io% Cess than the height of the root bafffrom the Flair Root. Diameter of hole to be three times the size of root baCCminimum. Plant top of root ball at 2" minimum above the finished grade elevation. Form a mulch berm with 3" minimum depth andno more than 4" high. Mulch to edge of rootbaCC but Ceave top of rootballexposed Remove burlap or steeCcage from top 1/3 of root baCC(If appCicabtie). Finished Grade Drive 2" x 4" x 24" woodstake a min. of 3" belw grade. _ 3 times diameter _ I Backfiffaroundroot baCCaccording to s eci tcations. Water and tam to remove of rootbaCC(Min.) 1 p f p Notes: air pockets. i. ACCpruning shaCCbe compCetedat the direction of the landscape Architect. 2. No nails shaCCbe driven into tree large Tree Aantina Detail (5" CaCper or Greater) Not to Scale Spread Place 1/2" diameter black rubber Grose on aCCguy wires at aCCpoints of contact with tree. Place 3 galvanizedsteeldouble strand#12 gauge twisted guy wires with one gaCvanized turnbuckle per guy wire spacedat equaCdistance aroundtree. .attach fCorescent safety flags a min. of 12" in Length to each guy wire. Planting depth shaCCbe io% Cess than the height of the root baCCfrom the FCair Root. Diameter of hole to be three times the size Of root ball -minimum. Plant top of root baffat 2" minimum above the finished grade elevation. Form a mulch berm with 3" minimum depth andno more than 4"high Mulch to edge of rootbaCiC but Leave top of rootbaff exposed Remove burlap or steelcage from top 1/3 Of root baCC(If appltcable). Finished Grade Drive 2" x 4" x 24" woodstake a min. of 3" betiow grade. - 3 times diameter BackfiCCaroundroot baCCaccording to r of rootbaff(Min) specifications. Water and tamp to remove Notes. airpockets. i. Atlpruning shaCCbe compCetedat the direction of the landscape Architect. 2. No nails shaCCbe driven into tree Tree Planting Detail Not to Scale Spread Place 1/2" diameter black rubber hose on aCCguy wires at aCCpoints of contact with tree. Place 3 gaCvanizedsteeCdouble strand#12 gauge twisted guy wires with one gaCvanized turnbuckle per guy wire spacedat equaCdistance aroundtree. .attach fCorescent safety flags a min. of 12" in Length to each guy wire. Planting depth shaCCbe io% Cess than the height of the root balCfrom the flair Root. Diameter of hole to be three times the size Of root ball -minimum. Plant top of root baffat 2" minimum above the finished grade elevation. Form a mulch berm with 3" minimum depth andno more than 4" high_ Mulch to edge of rootbaCiC but Leave top of rootbaff exposed Remove burlap or steeCcage from top 1/3 Of root ball (If appltcable). Finished Grade Drive 2" x 4" x 24" woodstake a min. of 3" betiow grade. 1.10 r 3 times diameter - I BackfiCCaroundroot baCCaccording to I of rootball (Min) specifications. Water and tamp to remove Notes. air pockets. i. ACCpruning shalCbe compCetedat the direction of the landscape Architect. 2. No nails shalCbe driven into tree .Multi -Trunk Tree PCantina Detail Not to Scale Prune & tie alCfronds together with degradable twine. There is to be a minimum of 6-8 fronds (unless notedbelow). (5) 2" x 4" x 18" woodbattens to be evenly spaced around trunk ofyalm. A minimum of(5)five wraps of burlap are to be placed under the battens to prevent marring or damage to the trunk. The height of the battens shallbe locatedin relation to the height of the palm for adequate bracing. No batten is to be naiCedto the palm. Battens are to be bandedlwith a minimum of (2) two 314" high carbon steeCbands. Minimum of (3) three 4" x 4"lwoodbraces evenly syacedaroundyalm to be toe nailed to wood battens. .attach fCorescent safety flags a minimum of i2" in length to each brace Planting depth shaffbe io% less than the height of the root ball Diameter of Gavle to be two times the size of root baffminimum. Pliant top of root bat -Cat 2"minimum above the finished grade elevation. Form a mulch berm with 3" minimum depth andno more than 4" high. Jklutich to edge of rootbaCC but Leave top of rootbaff exposed Backfiffaroundroot baCCaccording to specifications. Water and tamp to remove air pockets. Finished Grade 2" x 4" x 24" woodstake to be 2" below grade. Size of rootbaCCwiCCbe inproportion to type Notes: andsize ofpaCm, in accordance with 1. Hurricane cut SabaCPaCms are acceptable. Florida Grades andstandards for Nursery 2. ACC"Washingtonia andSabaCPahvs to be booted unless otherwise notedinpCant Cut. Plants Part I & 77 Latest Edition. 3. Paints with burned or marred trunks witinot be accepted PaCm Aantina Detail Not to Scale Place 1/2" diameter black rubber hose on aff guy wires at aCCpoints of contact with tree. Place 3 gaCvanizedsteeCdoubCe strand#12 gauge twisted guy wires with one galvanized turnbuckle per guy wire spacedat equal distance aroundtree above the first literal branch. .attach fCorescent safety flags a min. Of 12" in Length to each guy wire. Tree Trunk !�uy "'Wire -Attachment Detail Not to Scale Pl Staking Detail Not to Scale Dra 2" x 4" x 24"Long stake Guy wire or wood bracing Tree Pit Root Baff Tree Trunk 12" depth of water Finishedgrade Nonporous soil Porous soil 6" diameter drainage channel Note: Refer to planting details for size of planting pit RAotbaCC Finishedgrade Planting mix Non orous soil • :d �:a ° '.me'µ °'y,.' qe. °, q•' Porous soil 6" diameter drainage channeCfilCed -1II-1II-1I1=" with course gravel DiscardmateriaC PCantedpit ~with inadequate drainage removedfrom drainage channel Drainage Testing Detail Not to Scale ° €3 o OLO o I 3"minimum depth of mulch. Xeep mulch away from base of stem (See specifications) Planting depth shaCCequaCdepth of root ball Diameter of hole to be twice the size of root ball For root balls Carger than 2' in diameter, the hole shoutidbe 2' wider than root baffon aCCsides. Plant top of root ball at same elevation asfinished grade. III 11=III ;:. .: I7n, FinishedGrade IIIII== = form 3" continuous earthen rim around pCanting hole. I-IIIII-IIIII-11111= I I = I , = TM= = I Backfiffaroundroot baCCaccording to Notes: specifications. Water and tamp to remove 1. ACCpruning shaCCbe compCetedat the direction of the Landscape Architect. airpockets. 2. Remove any container from aroundrootbatl 3. Plant as hedge row with o.c. (on center) Place root baCCat bottom of undisturbed spacing as specifiedinpCant (ist, or with subgrade ofpCantingpit. triangular spacing as a mass. Shrub Detail Not to Scale Section O.C. Spacing �/ Plan Ground -Cover Detail Not to Scale landscape Pan See Plant List for O.C. (on center) spacing 3" minimum depth of mulch. Xeep mulch away from base of stem (See specifications) Planting depth shaCCequaCdepth of root ball Diameter of hole to be twice the size Of root ball Plant top of root ballat same elevation asfinished grade. finished Grade BackfiCCaroundroot baCCaccording to specifications. Water and tamp to remove airpockets. Place root balCat bottom of undisturbed subgrade ofplantingpit. 3" minimum depth of mulch. Xeep mulch away from base of stem (See specifications) Alternate spacing ofytants to insure proper coverage of groundcover (Triangulate planting) Edge ofpCanting bed North Scole: 1 " = 30' 0 15' 30' 60' o co tz�a� Gro nc. p, LandscapeArdiiteaure - Site Planning 900 East Ocean Boulevard, Suite 130d Stuart, Florida 34994 (772) 344-2340 LC: 26000198 ' V i L�IIIII LI �FV O Q Z- WO J ■ County Project Number: Jeffrey W Smitb, RLA Florida Registration Number LA 0001635 Job No. 21-0108 Drawn By JWS Submittal Dates 4-27-2021 9-17-2021 2-23-2022 Revision Dates Comments #1 9-17-2021 Comments #2 2-23-2022 These drawings are the property of the landscape architect and are not to be used for other projects except by written permission from the landscape architect. Report any discrepancies immediately to the landscape architect. L-5 6 Sheet of PROPOS LUMBER 1 I C C 1 I Littoral 'Upland Planting Planting 0 EXISTING PUMP HOUSE UytandBuffer Section Pt4ntfist TOTAL QTY QTY/SECTION SPECIES COMMON NAME SIZE SPACING 14 1 ACER RUBRUM RED MAPLE 12'x 6, 2.5" CAL. A.S. 15 1 TAXODIUM DISTICHUM BALD CYPRESS 12'x 6, 2.5" CAL. A.S. 174 6 CALLICARPA AMERICANA BEAUTYBERRY #1, 12" x 12" 36" O.C. 145 5 CANNA FLACCID GOLDEN CANNA #1, 12" x 12" 36" O.C. 406 14 MUHLENBERGIA CAPILARIS MUHLEY GRASS #1, 12" x 12" 36" O.C. 348 12 MYRICA CERIFERA WAX MYRTLE #1, 12" x 12" 36" O.C. 290 10 OSMUNDA CINNAMOMEA CINNAMON FERN #1, 12" x 12" 36" O.C. 145 5 SERENOA REPENS SAW PALMETTO #3, 12" x 12" 36" O.C. 725 25 SPARTINA BAKERI SAND CORDGRASS #1, 12" x 12" 36" O.C. 1,450 L.F. of Shoreline / 50' Sections = 29 Sections Notes: 1. All plant materials shall be planted and maintained in a natural arrangement. 2. The Upland Buffer shall consist of native vegetation only and shall be maintained permanently as part of the surface water management system. 3. The Upland Buffer vegetation shall be planted such that no less than 50 percent of the total shoreline is buffered by a minimum width of 10 feet of upland buffer. Requirements: 6.2.3.F. - Required Buffering - A buffer zone of native upland edge (i.e., transitional) vegetation shall be provided and maintained around isolated wetlands covered by this Section which are constructed or preserved on new development sites. The buffer zone may consist of preserved or planted vegetation but shall include canopy, understory, and ground cover of native species only. The edge habitat shall begin at the upland limit of any wetland or deepwater habitat. As a minimum, ten (10) square feet of such buffer shall be provided for each linear foot of wetland or deepwater habitat perimeter that lies adjacent to uplands. This upland edge habitat shall be located such that no less than fifty percent (50%) of the total shoreline is buffered by a minimum width of ten (10) feet of upland habitat. The upland buffer requirement does not apply to drainage canals or stormwater conveyance systems requiring periodic maintenance. TyytcaC5o'Uytand23uffer Section Not to Scale lr'� Q,, .+., Q rn, (5) Golden Canna (25) Sand Cordgrass (5) Saw Palmetto (12) Wax Myrtle PROPOSED' LUMBER .:_ PROPERTY LINE 7'ypicaC-5o'Section - Lake fittoraCPtan Not to scale Edge of water CAFV IRV 7 A 7 SOH�--\ 15 15 7 10' Littoral Shelf .Eittora Zone Pt4nt fist Shoreline length of Planting = 1,450' = 2g Sections TOTAL QTY QTY/SECTION SYM SPECIES COMMON NAME/DESCRIPTION SIZE SPACING REMARKS 203 7 CAF* CANNA FLACCIDA GOLDEN CANNA BARE ROOT 3' O.C. SHORELINE - 3" DEPTH 203 7 CRA* CRINUM AMERICANUM SWAMP LILY BARE ROOT 3' O.C. SHORELINE - 3" DEPTH 406 14 ELS* ELEOCARIS INTERSTINCTA SPIKERUSH BARE ROOT 3' O.C. 6-18" DEPTH, CLEAN, WEED FREE 203 7 IRV* IRIS VIRGINICA SOUTHERN BLUE FLAG IRIS BARE ROOT 3' O.C. SHORELINE - 3" DEPTH 435 15 JUE* JUNCUS EFFUSUS SOFTRUSH BARE ROOT 3' O.C. SHORELINE - 3" DEPTH 160 10 NYO* NYMPHAEA ODORATA FRAGRANT WATERLILY BARE ROOT 7' O.C. 24" ROOT, 2-3' DEPTH, CLEAN, WEED FREE 406 14 SAS* SAGITTARIA SPP. ARROWHEAD BARE ROOT 3' O.C. 24" HT, 6"-2' DEPTH, CLEAN, WEED FREE 435 15 SPB* SPARTINA BAKERI SAND CORDGRASS 4" LINER 2' O.C. SHORELINE - 6" DEPTH 406 14 POC* PONTEDERIA CORDATA PICKEREL WEED BARE ROOT 3' O.C. 24" HT, 6"-2' DEPTH, CLEAN, WEED FREE * = FLORIDA NATIVE 100% Native Plantings Planting Detail Growng tips extend above water 'ontroC EC. Tamp roots firmly into native soil Native soil C�enera,CXotes 1. All plant materials shall be planted and maintained in a natural arrangement. 2. The littoral zone shall consist of native vegetation only and shall be maintained permanently as part of the surface water management system. 3. Lake management plans shall comply with St. Lucie County & South Florida Water Management District rules and shall be subject to approval by the St. Lucie County. landscaTe PCtan North Scale: I " = 30' 0 15' 30' 60' cen(e tua� { Desz 9 t. GITUP, Lati stvpPAilftllctlurc - Site Planning 900 East Ocean Boulevard, Suite 130d Stuart, Florida 34994 (772) 344-2340 LC: 26000198 . V i O � v a� Q) :3 J vJ C/110 County Project Number: Jeffrey W Smith, RLA Florida Registration Number: LA 0001635 Job No. 21-0108 Drawn By JWS Submittal Dates 4-27-2021 9-17-2021 2-23-2022 Revision Dates Comments #1 9-17-2021 Comments #2 2-23-2022 These drawings are the property of the landscape architect and are not to be used for other projects except by written permission from the landscape architect. Report any discrepancies immediately to the landscape architect. L-6 6 Sheet of