HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-2-24 Response
Engineering Design & Construction, Inc. 10250 SW Village Parkway, Suite 201, Port Saint Lucie, FL 34987 772-462-2455 www.EDC-Inc.com
February 24, 2022
Tahir Curry
St. Lucie County Planning Department
2300 Virginia Avenue
Fort Pierce, FL 34982
Re: Southern Truss Major Adjustment to Major Site Plan Application # SPMj-
5202126036, Response to Comments
Dear Tahir:
On behalf of our client, please find the attached response to comments received on
December 10, 2021 for a project known as Southern Truss Companies. Each comment
is identified below followed by a response in bold italics.
D. Determination of Compliance with Land Development Code and
Comprehensive Plan Requirements –Planning & Development Services
1) Please remove Major Adjustment to a Major* Site Plan and replace it with Major
Adjustment to a Minor Site Plan since 500,001 or more square feet is now
classified as a Major Site Plan for St. Lucie County Targeted Industries.
a. On June 1, 2021 the Board of County Commissioners’ approved Ordinance
2021-014 which increased the Minor Site Plan floor area threshold of up to
500,000 sq. ft. for Targeted Industry facilities.
RESPONSE: Please see revised plan. This has been changed.
2) Please label the building dimensions for the proposed 45,900 sq. ft. building.
RESPONSE: The dimensions have been added as requested.
3) It appears there are some discrepancies with the previous/impervious data
table and site plan information. Please verify both data table and site plan
numbers are consistent (retention pond, proposed pavement, open space,
RESPONSE: Please see revised plan attached.
4) Please remove or redesign the two (2) proposed cross access areas that lead
to vehicular circulation/turn movement areas and update on all other plans and
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RESPONSE: Please see revised plans.
5. Please add a sidewalk connection in front of the handicap parking spaces for safe
pedestrian egress/ingress access and a cross-access connection to the proposed
concrete sidewalk.
RESPONSE: Please see revised plans.
6. Please shift the proposed loading zone space to the west to avoid conflict with the
truck circulation.
RESPONSE: Please see revised plans.
7. Fort Pierce Utilities Authority (FPUA) has plans to extend water and sewer services
along Kings Highway contingent upon FDOT’s scheduling for roadway
expansion/improvements. A condition of approval, in the PDS Order, will address
a required connection to central water and sewer services when made available.
Please include a statement under the utilities section on the site plan that a future
connection to water and sewer will be made connected to FPUA services when
made available.
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a. In accordance with the LDC Section 7.08.01. - Requirements for all
b. All development in areas not provided with central sewer services shall be
in accordance with Chapter 381.0065, FS, which regulates on-site sewage
disposal systems, and Chapter 10D-6, FAC which regulates the installation
of individual sewage disposal facilities. Existing development shall connect
to central water and sewer systems when such facilities are made available,
in accordance with Rule 10D-6, FAC.
In accordance with the LDC 7.08.04. - Wastewater and Sewage Disposal Compliance
• The owner of any property located in an Industrial or related zoning district
(IL, IH, IX) in unincorporated St. Lucie County, for which wastewater and
sewage disposal requirements are met through the use of an on-site septic
system, shall, prior to the commencement of any business which shall be
served by such system, obtain from the County a Wastewater and Sewage
Disposal Compliance Permit pursuant to the provisions of this Section and
Section 11.05.09.
• The owner of any property located in an Industrial or related zoning district
(IL, IH, IX) in unincorporated St. Lucie County, for which wastewater and
sewage disposal requirements are met through the use of an on-site septic
system, shall, prior to changing the nature, character, or intensity of any
business served by such system and located on the property, and prior to
the addition of any new use or business operation on such property, obtain
from the County a Wastewater and Sewage Disposal Compliance Permit
pursuant to the provisions of this Section and Section 11.05.09.
RESPONSE: Please see attached site plan. A note has been added in reference to
FPUA water and wastewater service availability. Acknowledged.
8. The Florida Department of Transportation has plans to expand the Kings Highway
roadway network, including sidewalks and a bicycle lane. It is recommended that
the site plan depict a bike rack location. The bike rack must include a minimum of
six (6) bicycle parking spots in accordance with LDC Section 7.05.04.
RESPONSE: Please see revised site plan. Proposed bike racks are depicted in the
southwest corner of the site.
Advisory Note:
Please note: The existing 32 X 40 (1,280 sq. ft.) covered storage building is unpermitted.
Please contact the St. Lucie County Building/Permitting Department to permit the
structure. Within 90 days of this approval, the applicant/property owner shall submit
building permits to the St. Lucie County Permitting/Building this building.
Please provide a response to all comments.
RESPONSE: The existing 32 x 40 building noted in the comment are actually
Connex boxes and will be removed.
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F. Determination of Compliance with County Survey Requirements –
Engineering Division, Public Works Department
Deficiency Review according to the Standards of practice set forth by Florida Board of
Professional Surveyors and Mappers, chapters 5J-17, Chapter 472, FS.
The following comments are based on the boundary survey by Florida Professional
Surveyor and Mapper Mr. Michael T. Owen, L.S.#5556 with EDC, Engineers and
Surveyors, Environmental. on 11/02/2021
• N. Kings Hwy formerly known as SR 713, also known as C.R.713. List
FDOT r/w map references.
RESPONSE: S.R. 713 has been added to the survey.
• Show ties to the section/quarter corners on the drawing.
RESPONSE: Ties have been added to the survey.
• Show instruments of records for adjacent canals.
RESPONSE: Deed Book/ORB & page numbers have been added for the canals.
• PDS order is not in the abbreviations.
RESPONSE: This has been added to the legend.
• New CCR must be filed accordingly.
RESPONSE: We’re in the process of setting the corners. CCR’s will be sent to the
FDEP and the county.
• The total area of the parcel is missing.
RESPONSE: Total area has been added to the survey drawing.
• Check the first part of the legal description. It must be 453.22 feet.
RESPONSE: The legal description and the survey are both correct. The westerly
line is 453.22’ but at an angle. The south line has been labeled appropriately to
match the legal description being the south line of the north 452.503’.
• Label all section corners/quarter corners on the drawing.
RESPONSE: The section corners have been labeled.
• Deed distances vs. measured missing.
RESPONSE: Deed, calculated and measured distances have been added to the
• The vertical accuracy statement deems to be too high. 0.5-0.1’? 0.05-0.1?
RESPONSE: The 0.5’ was incorrect. It’s been updated in the surveyor’s notes to
• Change the statement to reflect the current Standards of Practice: not valid
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without the original signature and seal.
RESPONSE: This has been corrected in the surveyor’s notes.
5J-17.051 General Survey, Map, and Report Content Requirements.
• Prefer to see the following statement on the drawing:
• This boundary and topographic survey was performed for the purpose of
_________ shown and depicted hereon. I hereby certify to the best of
my knowledge and belief this is a true, accurate and complete depiction
of a field survey performed under my direction and completed on
__________. I further certify that said drawing is in compliance with the
Standards of Practice as set forth by the Florida Board of Professional
Surveyors and Mappers, in Chapter 5J-17, Florida Administrative Code
pursuant to Section 472.027, Florida Statutes.
RESPONSE: This statement has been added to the Surveyor’s notes.
• (e) The survey map and report and the copies of the survey map and report,
except those with electronic signature and electronic seal, must contain a
statement indicating that the survey map and report or the copies thereof
are not valid without the original signature and seal of a Florida licensed
surveyor and mapper.-revise your statement accordingly.
RESPONSE: The surveyor’s notes have been updated to reflect this.
G. Determination of Compliance with Environmental Requirements –
Environmental Department
The Environmental Resources Department (ERD) is in receipt of the November 2, 2021
date-stamped submittal from Planning and Development Services. The applicant is
proposing an addition of a 33,600 SF manufacturing building to an existing manufacturing
site with accompanying drainage and infrastructure, and landscaping. There is an existing
63,780 SF manufacturing building, a 5,000 SF office area and a 1,280 SF covered storage
area onsite. The 40.86-acre site is located at 2590 Kings Highway, in unincorporated St.
Lucie County, Florida.
The following comments are required to be addressed prior to approval:
1) Please provide the location(s) of all relocated cabbage palms. Additionally,
clarify cabbage palm #21673 shows to be impacted on both the tree survey
and landscape plan, but in the palm tree table there is no description of
RELOCATE. Lastly, please provide the description PRESERVE if all other
cabbage palms listed in the palm tree table are not being impacted. Provide an
updated tree survey identifying all existing native trees only, and provide if they
will be preserved, impacted, and/or relocated. Please include species and DBH
for all native trees to be impacted or preserved as mitigation or landscape
credit. Provide a tree mitigation plan of how mitigation is being met, keeping in
mind tree mitigation is above and beyond landscaping requirements. Include
the location(s) of relocated trees/palms;
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RESPONSE: Please see the attached Tree Mitigation Plan prepared by EDC for the
mitigation requirements. No mitigation is required according to the mitigation plan.
The relocated palm locations are shown on the landscape plans as requested.
2) On all pages of the landscape plan, please identify with a unique symbol, the
existing native trees which will remain and be counted towards landscape credit
on all pages of the landscape plan. Additionally, please identify with a unique
symbol, the existing native trees which are being preserved as preservation
credit for required tree mitigation on all pages of the landscape plan. Keep in
mind native trees being counted towards landscape credit may not be also be
counted towards tree preservation credit and vise versa;
RESPONSE: The revised landscape plans show the existing trees labeled with "M"
for mitigation tree or "L" for landscape credit tree. Landscape credit trees include
the sizes adjacent to the tree symbol on the landscape plans. Please refer to the
mitigation plan for tree & palm types and sizes for the “M” trees. The trees used
for mitigation credits were not counted toward landscape credits and vise versa.
Please note that the existing Crepe Myrtles in the roadway buffer are being counted
as existing trees because they are existing trees and there is no reason to clear cut
them and replace them when they are doing well.
Though not required by code, the Environmental Resources Department recommends
incorporating low impact development features, such as: landscaping dry detention areas
with native vegetation; creating curb-cuts to direct stormwater into landscape islands;
utilizing rain barrels/cisterns to collect water for irrigation; preserving/planting native
vegetation in lieu of sod. For more information regarding low impact development, please
visit http://www.lid-stormwater.net/lid_techniques.htm.
Conditions of Approval
Subject to the resolution of the findings above, the following is a partial list of conditions
of approval:
1) Prior to issuance of a Vegetation Removal Permit/Exemption, listed species
surveys including but not limited to the state-protected gopher tortoise and
federally-protected northern crested caracara, may be required per state and/or
federal survey protocol. Should any listed species be found as a result of these
updated surveys, appropriate permits from state and federal agencies shall be
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
2) Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, all Category I listed invasive
species shall be eradicated from the site.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
H. Determination of Compliance with Engineering & Water Quality Requirements
– Public Works Department
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Deficiency Review:
The following comments are offered based on plans dated July 19, 2021.
1) The area in the previous Right-of-Way dedication along Kings Highway should
be restored and all parking shall be within the site’s property limits.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
2) Additional comments will be provided after review of the Site Development
Permit Application.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
3) For discussion regarding these comments, please contact myself at 772-462-
2741 or chambersg@stlucieco.org.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
J. Determination of Compliance with Utilities Requirements – Fort Pierce Utilities
Please find FPUA comments regarding this submission.
Electric & Gas Eng: Approved.
Electric - The property is not in the FPUA electric service area. Located in FPL service
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
Gas service is available from Kings Hwy. Please provide a copy of the gas riser diagram
with the anticipated load (if developer is interested in natural gas service).
The plan ultimately is for FPUA water/wastewater to extend north on Kings Highway. This
concept and plan is entirely contingent upon DOT’s scheduling for roadway
RESPONSE: Acknowledged. The applicant does not intend to connect to natural
gas service at this time.
At this time however, water/Wastewater services are not available to the site in question.
Once services are available, the customer/developer is encouraged to submit plans for
review with sizes indicated based upon expected use. Estimates and invoicing will be
generated once this takes place as per FPUA requirements.
(see Developers Responsibilities https://fpua.com/wp-
content/uploads/2020/10/Developers_Responsibilities.pdf ).
For more information and incentive available, please contact Ana Johnson AT
772.466.1600 Ext. 3012.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
K. Determination of Compliance with Fire Requirements – St. Lucie County Fire
1) Please submit a completed application for Development/Site Plan Review (St.
Lucie County Fire District Development & Site Plan Review Application). This
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form is available on-line at https://www.slcfd.com
RESPONSE: An application to SLCFD was submitted on May 11, 2021.
2) Fire District review fees are due at the time of submittal. An abbreviated fee
schedule is included on the application form.
RESPONSE: Payment of application fees were submitted to SLCFD on May 11,
3) Please provide an electronic copy of the Site Plan (pdf format).
RESPONSE: This was submitted to SLCFD on May 11, 2021.
4) A separate review and permit is required for Underground Fire Mains connected
to standpipes or sprinkler systems.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
5) Fire hydrants (shall be) are provided for buildings other than detached one-and-
two-family dwellings IAW both of the following 1) The maximum distance to a
fire hydrant from the closest point in the building shall not exceed 400 feet. 2)
The maximum distance between fire hydrants shall not exceed 500 feet. NFPA
1:18.5.3. Please provide fire flow calculations for hydrants.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
6) An approved water supply capable of supplying the required fire flow for fire
protection (shall be) is identified to all premises upon which facilities, buildings,
or portions of buildings which are to be constructed or moved into the
jurisdiction. The approved water supply shall be in accordance with NFPA
1:18.4. See “Needed NFPA Fire Flow Calculator Spreadsheet”.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
7) Per the St. Lucie County Fire District Fire Prevention Code Resolution 647-17.
At Least 13 feet 6 inches nominal vertical clearance shall be provided and
maintained over the full width of all means of access. Including, but not limited
to trees, canopies, etc.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
8) Fire department connections shall be located on the street side of buildings and
shall be located and arranged so that hose lines can be readily attached to the
inlets without interference from any nearby objects, including buildings, fences,
landscaping, or other fire department connections. The locations of connections
shall be based upon the access requirement s of the fire department.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
9) The distance allowed between the fire department connection and a fire hydrant
shall be no more than one hundred fifty (150) feet as a vehicle travels.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
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10) FD access roads (shall be) are provided such that any portion of an
unsprinklered facility or exterior wall is located not more than 150’ from FD
access roads as measured by an approved route around the exterior of the
building or facility. (450’ for NFPA 13, 13D, 12R sprinklered protected buildings).
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
11) The Fire District reserves the right for future comments at the site plan & building
construction phase.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
12) Per NFPA 1114 Chapter 9, Section 1.3. Prior to the final occupancy of any
building, the permitted water supply for fire protection, including fire hydrants
and fire suppression systems, shall be installed, tested, and acceptable to the
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
13) Be advised: Dimensions of largest vehicle are as follows: 38 tons or 77k lbs, 47.5
ft. total length, 21.5 ft. wheel base, 10.5 ft. total width, 41.5 degree turning
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
14) Two-Way Radio Enhancement Systems/BDAS shall be installed, inspected and
operationally tested in accordance with the manufacturer’s published
requirements, by the local fire department, and comply with the most current
edition of the Florida Fire Prevention Code and its incorporated standards and
codes. Pre-surveys of radio signal strength shall be submitted to the Fire
Marshal in the form of heat signature mapping or a certification document of
radio signal strength provided by a licensed engineer.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
15) Minimum Size of Water Mains
a. The minimum size of water mains for supplying water for firefighting
purposes shall be six (6) inches. b. The minimum size of water mains
supplying hydrants on a dead-end main shall be eight (8) inches. c. The
maximum number of hydrants located on a dead-end main shall be one
(1). d. Grid or Tee systems shall be supplied by a minimum of an eight (8)
inch looped main. Exceptions may be granted based on the capacity of
the water distribution system but in no case shall the main size be less
than six (6) inches. e. The minimum size water main(s) shall be
determined by the needed fire flow as established by the Fire Marshal and
based on the current Insurance Service Office (ISO) requirements.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
L. Determination of Compliance with Florida Building Code Requirements –
Building/Permitting Department
The Building Dept. cannot authorize the use of restrooms in the Administrative Building
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for this project. Section 403.3.3 of The Florida Plumbing Code requires restrooms to be
within 500 feet of the workers location. It does not appear this project meets that standard.
In addition, here are a couple other comments:
• The existing manufacturing portion does not appear to have bathrooms, are
they using the Admin building?
RESPONSE: There are bathrooms in the existing manufacturing building and the
proposed building will also include bathrooms. The building plans will be reviewed
at the time of building permit submittal to ensure that the Florida Plumbing Code
is met.
• We size bathroom requirements based on occupant load, meaning, the
restrooms in the admin building were probably sized based on a 5,000 sq ft
business occupancy
RESPONSE: There are bathrooms in the existing manufacturing building and the
proposed building will also include bathrooms. The building plans will be reviewed
at the time of building permit submittal to ensure that the Florida Plumbing Code
is met.
• The occupant load for the new building will exceed the number of facilities
on site, most likely
RESPONSE: There are bathrooms in the existing manufacturing building and the
proposed building will also include bathrooms. The building plans will be reviewed
at the time of building permit submittal to ensure that the Florida Plumbing Code
is met.
• The occupant load for the current arrangements may exceed the allowable
based on the code
RESPONSE: There are bathrooms in the existing manufacturing building and the
proposed building will also include bathrooms. The building plans will be reviewed
at the time of building permit submittal to ensure that the Florida Plumbing Code
is met.
• We may need restrooms in the new structure capable of handling the load
from the 2 manufacturing buildings
RESPONSE: There are bathrooms in the existing manufacturing building and the
proposed building will also include bathrooms. The building plans will be reviewed
at the time of building permit submittal to ensure that the Florida Plumbing Code
is met.
• Will the Health Department approve septic for this facility or require
connection to a (water and) sewer main?
RESPONSE: The applicant is working with a septic specialist and will coordinate
with the Health Department directly.
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M. Determination of Compliance with Traffic Impact Report – Kimley Horn
1) Please recalculate the daily trip generation assuming that AM peak hour traffic is
10% of daily traffic.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged, Trip generation was calculated using the average rate
per ITE 11th edition.
2) Please include the “Southern Truss Companies Trip Distribution” Exhibit 3 as an
attachment within the report.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged, please see page 11 of the Traffic Impact analysis for
the Trip Distribution Map.
3) Please update the Kings Highway roadway segments capacity to 2,000 per the
FDOT Quality/Level of Service Tables within the “Trip Distribution & Level of
Service Check” table.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
4) Please use a minimum 1% growth rate within the “Trip Distribution & Level of
Service Check” table. Additionally, please provide attachments showing how the
growth rates were calculated and what data was used. Please note growth rates
can be calculated using FDOT Historical AADT data found on FDOT Traffic Online,
using 5 years of historical data.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged, growth rates were calculated using St. Lucie TPO
Traffic Maps. Please find roadway growth rates attached in supplemental
5) Please confirm that peak hour project volumes shown within the roadway analysis
table reflect directional project volumes.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
6) Please provide an intersection operational analysis for the existing full access
driveway on Kings Highway.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged please see page 12 of Traffic Impact Analysis for
Intersection Analysis.
N. Determination of Compliance with Florida Department of Transportation –
• A minimum driveway length of 25 feet, as measured from the ultimate right-of-
way line to the first conflict point shall be provided.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
Not a significant change – trip generation comparison on file.
• FDOT Access Permit not required.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
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• All driveways not approved in this letter must be fully removed and the area
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
• A drainage permit is required for any stormwater impacts within FDOT right-of-
way (i.e. increased runoff or reduction of existing storage).
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
• The applicant shall donate property to the Department if right-of-way dedication
is required to implement the improvements.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
• The dimensions between driveways are measured from the near edge of
pavement to the edge of pavement and for median openings are measured
from centerline to centerline unless otherwise indicated.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
O. Determination of Compliance with North St. Lucie River Water Control District
The Southern Truss (File No. SPMj-5202126036) project is located within the FPFWCD
boundary and is adjacent to Canals 1 and 4. Please have the applicant’s engineer contact
the District regarding permitting requirements or inform them of the District’s website,
http://fpfwcd.org/. Should you require additional information or have any questions, please
do not hesitate to contact me.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
We feel the attached adequately addresses staff comments and respectfully request the
approval of this application. If you have any questions regarding this application, the
attached documents, or the project, please contact our office.
Patricia Sesta
cc: John Byer – Southern Truss
Z:\EDC-2020\20-381 - Southern Truss Expansions\ENGINEERING\Documents\Submittal Documents\Comment Response Letter\202-02-24_T_Curry_SLC_MSP_Rsp2Cmts_Southern_Truss_Ltr_20-381.docx