HomeMy WebLinkAboutStaff Report - Southern Truss v2Planning and Development Services Department Planning Division M E M O R A N D U M Engineering Design & Construction, Inc., on behalf of John C. Byers of Wheels Leasing LLC, is requesting a Major Adjustment to a Minor Site Plan for Southern Truss Companies. The Adjustment, to the site plan formerly known as Atlantic Truss Company, includes a 33,600 square foot manufacturing building, expanded vehicular use and parking area, stormwater retention relocation, and landscaping. GENERAL INFORMARION: Property Owners: John C. Byers Wheels Leasing LLC 2590 Kings Highway Fort Pierce, FL 34951 Agent of Record: Brad J. Currie, AICP Engineering Design & Construction, Inc. 10250 SW Village Parkway, Suite 201 Port Saint Lucie, FL 34987 Location: 2590 Kings Highway, Fort Pierce, FL 34951 Future Land Use: TVC (Towns, Villages, and Countryside) Zoning: IL (Industrial, Light) Parcel ID Number(s): 1336-231-0001-000-2 & 1336-240-0001-000-0 (To be Combined) Parcel Size(s): 40.86-acres; 11.62-acres and 29.24-acres (To be Combined) Existing: 63,780-sq. ft. manufacturing building, 5,000-sq. ft. office, covered storage building 32’ X 40’ (to be removed), and associated storage areas. Proposed Use: 33,600-sq. ft. manufacturing building, additional vehicular use and parking areas, landscaping, open storage, and on-site stormwater retention. Urban Service Boundary (USB): Located within the USB (Urban Service Boundary). TO: Mayté Santamaria, Planning Director THROUGH: Benjamin Balcer, AICP, Assistant Planning Director Kori Benton, AICP, Assistant Planning Manager FROM: Tahir Curry, Planner I DATE: April 20, 2022 SUBJECT: Southern Truss Companies Major Adjustment to a Minor Site Plan (SPMj-5202126036) PDS Order 2022-014 Project Name: Southern Truss Companies File No.: SPMj-5202126036 2 Utilities: Well & Septic, as central water and wastewater services are not currently available to the site. Electric services are available through Florida Power & Light (FP&L). Fire/EMS Protection: Fire Station # 4 – Airport is located approximately 3.5 miles northeast of the subject property. Aerial Map (2018 Aerial) BACKGROUND: The 40.86-acre (combined acreage) site is located at 2590 Kings Highway, Fort Pierce, FL 34951, east of Kings Highway, approximately 1,300 ft. south of Saint Lucie Blvd. Southern Truss Companies is proposing to expand their existing facility, situated on an 11.62-acre site (Parcel ID: 1336-231-0001-000-2) by combining with a 29.24-acre parcel located east of facility, west of Taylor Dairy Road, north of the Fort Pierce Farms Water Control District Canal (L20). The site is collectively zoned Industrial Light (IL), with a Towns, Villages, and Countryside (TVC) Future Land Use Designation. The site is located within the Airport Overlay Zone, the TVC overlay and the Urban Service Boundary (USB). Previous Approvals 01/13/2004 The Board of County Commissioners approved Resolution No. 04-004, granting a Major Site Plan for a 63,750-sf manufacturing building and a 5,000-sf office building known as Atlantic Truss. 07/28/2020 The Planning & Development Services Director approved PDS Order 2020-042, granting a Lot Split for the vacant 34.51-acre property (Parcel ID: 1336-240-0000-000-3) to the east of Southern Truss’ current facility. The split intended to add 5.268-acres to their initial expansion site to the north on St. Lucie Boulevard (Parcel ID: 1336-211-0000-000-3). 10/05/2021 The Board of County Commissioners approved Resolution No. 2021-339, granting an Amendment to the Official Zoning Atlas from AG-1 (Agricultural – 1) to IL (Industrial, Light for a subject 29.24-acre parcel located east of Southern Truss Companies facility, Project Name: Southern Truss Companies File No.: SPMj-5202126036 3 located west of Taylor Dairy Road, north of the Fort Pierce Farms Water Control District Canal in St. Lucie County, Florida. The purpose of the Amendment to the Official Zoning Atlas request was to incorporate the site into the proposed expansion of the Southern Truss manufacturing facility located at 2590 North Kings Highway, Fort Pierce, FL 34951. *********************************************************************************** STANDARDS FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW AS SET FORTH IN SECTION 11.02.07 OF THE ST. LUCIE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE The St. Lucie County Land Development Code (LDC) Section 11.02.07 establishes the Standards for Review for Site Plans, and adjustments thereof. Approval shall be granted only if the applicant demonstrates the following: A. Consistency with Local Ordinances and Comprehensive Plan The proposed Site Plan Adjustment is consistent with the general purpose and standards of the LDC and the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan Goals, Objectives, and Policies. Land Development Code: The subject property is zoned Industrial, Light (IL), which is consistent with the Township, Village, & Countryside (TVC) Future Land Use Designation. The site plan complies with the applicable standards for use and design in the IL (Industrial, Light) Zoning District, meeting the criteria in the LDC Table 7-10, Lot Size and Dimensional Requirements. Pursuant to LDC Section 3.01.03(T), the IL (Industrial, Light) Zoning District permits establishments primarily engaged in producing laminated or fabricated wood trusses, arches, and other structural members of lumber, as classified under the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC Code 2439). The site currently consists of a 63,780 sq. ft. open-air manufacturing building, a 5,000 sq. ft. office, and a 32’ X 40’ (1,280 sq. ft.) covered storage building for storage (to be removed). The 63,750 sq. ft. open-air manufacturing building and office were approved as a Major Site Plan in 2004 by the Board of County Commissioners. Southern Truss since acquired the site, and proposes an expansion with an additional 33,600 open-air manufacturing building, improved vehicular use and parking area, lumber laydown storage areas, expanded landscaping, and relocated on-site stormwater retention. The site will maintain an existing full access driveway on Kings Highway. The expanded facility will be served by 185 vehicular parking spaces and six (6) ADA-accessible parking stalls, exceeding the minimum 103 spaces required by the Institute of Traffic Engineers (ITE) Parking Generation Manual - 5th Edition for Manufacturing (Land Use 140) and General Office Building (Land Use 710), as proposed at build-out. The plan provides three (3) designated 12’ X 55’ loading zones to service the operations, a bicycle rack to serve employees, particularly with multi-use paths planned with the future Kings Highway improvements, two (2) enclosed dumpsters, and improved landscaping along the perimeter of the property in accordance with LDC Section 7.09.00. The site plan depicts a future sidewalk connection to Kings Highway for the roadway improvements. Comprehensive Plan: The project will provide new employment opportunities, increase future ad-valorem tax revenue, support local manufacturing and exportation. The proposed development is consistent with the County’s Comprehensive Plan. Manufacturing is recognized by the Comprehensive Plan as a targeted industry that produces skilled, high paying, long term employment opportunities contributing to the overall quality of life for St. Lucie County Project Name: Southern Truss Companies File No.: SPMj-5202126036 4 residents. The proposal includes capital investment, new employment, and support of the following Comprehensive Plan objectives and corresponding policies: Objective 1.1.11: St. Lucie County shall continue to work with the interested groups and agencies to increase and broaden the County's economic base while expanding existing business and industrial opportunities. Policy - St. Lucie County shall actively assist to the maximum extent practical in the recruitment of clean high growth industrial activities and maintain an expedited permitting process for bona fide economic development projects, especially those within the Targeted Industry List. Objective 1.1.13: Economic Sustainability. To enhance the quality of life of St. Lucie County and promote a sound and resilient local economy, St. Lucie County shall continue to work with the interested groups and agencies to increase and broaden the County’s economic base while expanding existing business and industrial opportunities Policy - St. Lucie County shall actively assist to the maximum extent practical in the recruitment of clean high growth industrial activities and maintain an expedited permitting process for bona fide economic development projects, especially those within the Targeted Industry List, and for development projects located within the Foreign Trade Zone. Policy – The County shall support the expansion and recruitment of specialized and/or export-oriented manufacturing industries, which provide higher wage employment opportunities and encourage the development of ‘secondary’ product sector industry and employment. Objective 10.1.1: Develop and implement activities designed to improve the overall prosperity of St. Lucie County and its residents. Policy - Encourage redevelopment projects and business expansions that will promote economic development opportunities. Goal 10.2: Diversify the year-round economy and establish an economic and cultural climate that will allow St. Lucie County to effectively compete in the global economy. Objective 10.2.1: Support efforts to diversify St. Lucie County’s economy and to make the county an effective competitor. Policy - Identify locations for and encourage development of economic clusters for business and industry that would benefit from being located near related industries in the area as well as for other desired contributory business users with the potential for significant employment. B. Effect on Nearby Properties The Major Adjustment to the Minor Site Plan will not have an undue adverse effect upon nearby properties, the character of the neighborhood, traffic conditions, parking, utility facilities, and other matters affecting the public health, safety, and general welfare. The development is consistent with the adjacent industrial uses and is designed to integrate with the surrounding area. Adjacent Zoning & Future Land Uses: Location Future Land Use Zoning District Existing Land Use Subject Property TVC (Towns, Villages, and Countryside) IL (Industrial, Light) AG-1 (Agricultural – 1) Southern Truss Manufacturing and Office Bldg. & Undeveloped/Previous Agricultural Land Adjacent North TVC (Towns, Villages, IL (Industrial, Light) Tresure Coast Vault, LLC Project Name: Southern Truss Companies File No.: SPMj-5202126036 5 C. Adequacy of Public Facilities Utilities: The subject property is located within the Fort Pierce Utilities Authority (FPUA) service area. Water and wastewater services are currently not available along this segment of Kings Highway. The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) has plans to expand Kings Highway to a four (4) lane highway, during which FPUA will extend water and wastewater services along the corridor. Should water and wastewater services become available, the applicant/property owner will connect to FPUA services as noted on the site plan. Traffic: The trip generation for the proposed building was calculated using trip generation rates and equations published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Report, 10th Edition. The trip generation for the proposed expansion, from an additional 10 employees, is projected to result in 25 daily trips, including 4 AM peak hour trips (3 entering / 1 exiting), and 4 PM peak hour trips (2 entering / 2 exiting). Access to the site is provided via one (1) existing full access driveway connection on Kings Highway. The traffic generated is not anticipated to adversely impact the level of service for Kings Highway. The Traffic Impact Analysis was reviewed and approved by a third-party reviewer Kimly Horn on March 21, 2022. The Capital Improvement Plan for Kings Highway considers expansion to four (4) lanes with bicycle lanes along this stretch, north of St. Lucie Blvd. Based upon the Traffic Impact Analysis Report prepared by Engineering Desing & Construction, Inc., a southbound left-turn lane at the project driveway is expected to be constructed as part of the Kings Highway/SR 713 widening project from north of Commercial Circle to north of St. Lucie Boulevard (FDOT Item Number 438379-2). The southbound left turn lane is not warranted at this time and is anticipated to start during the Kings Highway buildout in Fall 2026 with completion in Fall 2030. The project received preliminary approval from the Florida Department of Transportation on July 26, 2021. ROW Adequacy: The County has not requested right-of-way with this site plan modification. The county owns approximately 62,756 square feet or 1.44 acres ranging between 130-150 feet in width, between the Kings Highway right-of-way and the subject parcel, to be used for the Kings Highway Improvement Plan. D. Adequacy of Fire Protection The Major Adjustment to the Minor Site Plan will not impose adverse impacts on the St. Lucie County Fire District, with planned capacity. The closest Fire Station (Station #4– S. Airport) is located at 3601 Industrial 33rd St., approximately 3.5 miles to the northeast. The developer shall provide the Fire District with adequate access control device codes or keys to permit emergency access to the property. Parcels and Countryside) Approved Site Plan AG-1 (Agricultural – 1) Helseth Holdings LLC Undeveloped Agricultural Land AG-1 (Agricultural – 1) Simu Properties Vacant Undeveloped Agricultural Land South TVC (Towns, Villages, and Countryside) AG-1 (Agricultural – 1) Philip C Gates Jr (TR) Undeveloped Agricultural Land AG-1 (Agricultural – 1) Grand Reserve HZE LLC Undeveloped Agricultural Land East TVC (Towns, Villages, and Countryside) IL (Industrial, Light) La Fortuna Gardens Inc. Vacant land West Right-of-Way Right-of-Way St. Lucie County Project Name: Southern Truss Companies File No.: SPMj-5202126036 6 The Fire District’s final review and approval will be required before finalizing the associated site development and building permit(s). E. Adequacy of School Facilities The St. Lucie County School District has reviewed the nonresidential project and determined it will not create additional demand on public school facilities. F. Environmental Impact Background: The Environmental Resources Department (ERD) is in receipt of the February 24th, 2022 date- stamped submittal from Planning and Development Services. The applicant is seeking approval of a Major Adjustment to a Minor Site Plan that proposes the addition of a 33,600 sq. ft. manufacturing building to an existing manufacturing site with accompanying drainage and infrastructure, and landscaping. There is an existing 63,780 sq. ft. manufacturing building, a 5,000 sq. ft. office area and a 1,280 sq. ft. covered storage area onsite. The 40.86-acre site is located at 2590 Kings Highway, in unincorporated St. Lucie County, Florida. Findings: An Environmental Assessment (EA) prepared by EDC, Inc., dated April 26th, 2021, was provided, and reviewed. The subject site does not contain native habitat as the western parcel was fully developed in 2003 under the Atlantic Truss Company major site plan (MJSP-03011, Resolution 04-004), and the eastern parcel was previously impacted by agricultural activities. Additionally, no listed species or wetlands were observed onsite. A landscape plan prepared by Conceptual Design Group, Inc., dated 2/23/2022, was reviewed and found to be consistent with the land development code (LDC). Tree mitigation for the proposed removal of 286” of oak trees is to be met via the preservation of 372” of oak trees, which is consistent with the tree mitigation standards outlined in LDC 6.00.05.D. Additionally, sixteen (16) cabbage palms are proposed to be relocated, an additional sixteen (16) cabbage palms are proposed to be preserved, and a number of existing native trees not credited towards mitigation, are successfully incorporated into the landscape plan. Recommendation: ERD has no objection to the proposed major adjustment to the minor site plan with the collective conditions outlined below. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff has determined that the proposed Major Adjustment to the Minor Site Plan meets the standards for review outlined in LDC Section 11.02.07 and is consistent with the Goals, Objectives, and Policies of the Comprehensive Plan, therefore, staff recommends approval of PDS Order 2022-014, containing the following conditions along with standard disclosures for new development: 1) Within 30 days of the recorded order date of this approval, the applicant and/or property owners shall record warranty deeds in the St. Lucie County Public Records to combine Parcels ID#s 1336-231- 0001-000-2 and 1336-240-0000-000-3 under one (1) combined parcel ownership. 2) Within 90 days of the recorded order date of this approval, the applicants, property owners, developers, successors, or assigns, shall remove the existing 23’ X 40’ covered awning building as indicated on the site plan response form dated February 24, 2022. 3) Prior to issuance of a Vegetation Removal Permit/Exemption, listed species surveys including but not limited to the state-protected gopher tortoise and federally-protected northern crested caracara, may be required per state and/or federal survey protocol. Should any listed species be found as a result of these updated surveys, appropriate permits from state and federal agencies shall be required. 4) Prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, all Category I listed invasive species shall be eradicated from the site. 5) The project shall connect to central water and sewer services when made available through Fort Pierce Utilities Authority. Project Name: Southern Truss Companies File No.: SPMj-5202126036 7 Attachments: - Site Plan - ERD Final Report - Boundary/Topographic Survey - PDS Order No. 2022-014