HomeMy WebLinkAboutERD - Southern Truss 5.11.2021 submittal comments EnvironmEntal rEsourcEs DEvEloPmEnt rEviEW TO: Bethany Grubbs, Planning & Development Services Department THROUGH: Jennifer L. McGee, Environmental Regulations Manager Amy E. Griffin, Environmental Resources Director FROM: Aimee L. Cooper, Sr. Environmental Planner DATE: May 24, 2021 SUBJECT: Southern Truss (Major Adjustment to Major Site Plan) SPMj-5202126036 Background The Environmental Resources Department (ERD) is in receipt of the May 11, 2021 date-stamped submittal from Planning and Development Services. The applicant is proposing an addition of a 33,600 SF manufacturing building to an existing manufacturing site with accompanying drainage and infrastructure, and landscaping. There is an existing 63,780 SF manufacturing building, a 5,000 SF office area and a 1,280 SF covered storage area onsite. The 40.86-acre site is located at 2590 Kings Highway, in unincorporated St. Lucie County, Florida. Findings The following comments are required to be addressed prior to approval: 1) Provide an updated tree survey identifying all existing native trees only, and provide if they will be preserved, impacted, and/or relocated. Please include species and DBH for all native trees to be impacted or preserved as mitigation or landscape credit. Provide a tree mitigation plan of how mitigation is being met, keeping in mind tree mitigation is above and beyond landscaping requirements. Include the location(s) of relocated trees/palms; 2) Identify all existing native trees which will remain and be counted towards landscape credit on all pages of the landscape plan. Keep in mind these native trees being counted towards landscape credit may not be counted towards tree mitigation and vise versa; 3) Update the scale on L-1 of the landscape plan to 1” = 100’, and not 1” = 50’, as this scale is incorrect; 4) Ensure the trees proposed along the southern perimeter shall not be planted where they could, at mature height, conflict with overhead power lines per LDC 7.09.03.E.2.l (see Figure 7-30) 5) The required minimum specifications for installed hedge material used to screen adjacent properties from interior vehicular use areas shall be 48” in height per LDC 7.09.04.C. ERD Staff acknowledges the note provided on the landscape plan proposing the 24” hedge shall be allowed to reach and be maintained to 48” per LDC 7.09.04.O; however, for administrative relief from provisions of LDC 7.09.00 to be considered by the Environmental Resources Director, a written request for the specific relief shall be provided; 6) Provide the description for the proposed retention pond to be wet on all plans with the following requirements: a) Per LDC 6.02.03.F, provide a buffer zone of native upland (i.e., transitional) vegetation for the deepwater habitats, including any proposed lakes/ponds, which may consist of preserved or planted vegetation including canopy, understory, and ground cover of native species only. As a minimum, ten (10) SF of such buffer shall be provided for each linear foot of deepwater habitat perimeter that lies adjacent to uplands; and b) Per Comprehensive Plan Policy provide a vegetated and functional littoral zone to be established as part of the surface water management system of upland water bodies occurring on development sites; 7) Provide documentation from the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) confirming the presence/absence of onsite wetlands, as well as impacts to any other surface waters; 8) Within the provided Environmental Assessment (i.e., Environmental Impact Report [EIR]), address the following items: a) Address the inconsistencies with the size of the site, 30.66 acres in the EIR, 40.86 acres on the site plan and other documents submitted b) On page 6 of 6, remove mitigation requirements applicable to residential parcels, as this is non-residential parcel zoned industrial light. Recommendation Though not required by code, the Environmental Resources Department recommends incorporating low impact development features, such as: landscaping dry detention areas with native vegetation; creating curb-cuts to direct stormwater into landscape islands; utilizing rain barrels/cisterns to collect water for irrigation; preserving/planting native vegetation in lieu of sod. For more information regarding low impact development, please visit http://www.lid-stormwater.net/lid_techniques.htm. Conditions of Approval Subject to the resolution of the findings above, the following is a partial list of conditions of approval: 1) Prior to issuance of a Vegetation Removal Permit/Exemption, listed species surveys including but not limited to the state-protected gopher tortoise and federally-protected northern crested caracara, may be required per state and/or federal survey protocol. Should any listed species be found as a result of these updated surveys, appropriate permits from state and federal agencies shall be required. 2) Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, all Category I listed invasive species shall be eradicated from the site. Please contact Aimee Cooper at 772-462-6440 if you have any questions.