HomeMy WebLinkAboutSouthern Truss DRC Report 1 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT Planning Division DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE (DRC) REPORT Zoning Atlas Amendment & Major Adjustment to a Major Site Plan Southern Truss Companies Property Owner/Applicant: Wheels Leasing, LLC Agent for Applicant: Brad J. Currie, AICP County Project Coordinator: Tahir Curry, Associate Planner Assistant Director: Benjamin Balcer, AICP Assistant Planning Manager: Kori Benton, AICP County Project Number: RZ-4202126016 & SPMj-5202126036 Application Type(s): Zoning Atlas Amendment (Rezone) & Major Adjustment to a Major Site Plan Site Address: 2590 Kings Highway, Fort Pierce, FL 34951 Parcel Identification Number(s): 1336-231-0001-000-2 & 1336-240-0000-000-3 Date Application Submitted: April 22, 2021 (Rezone), May 11, 2021 (Site Plan) DRC Meeting Date: May 27, 2021 DRC Report Date: TBD Recommendation of the Development Review Committee Pursuant to Sections 11.02.04 11.02.07, 11.02.09, and other applicable sections of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code (LDC), the Development Review Committee (DRC) has reviewed the subject applications and have determined the proposed development plans do not comply with the Standards for Review outlined in the LDC. The DRC has determined that in order for these applications to be certified and move forward to the next step in the development review process, the certification issues herein shall be resolved, and the applicant shall address any comments or recommendations. It is recommended that inquiries regarding contents of the report be coordinated by contacting the governmental agency identified in the heading above each section of comments. The DRC will certify your application only upon resolution of all certification issues, acceptance of the recommended conditions of approval and compliance with all the LDC requirements. The comments in this letter are based upon the application materials received and date stamped by the Planning and Development Services Department on Thursday, April 22, 2021 (Rezone), and on Tuesday, May 11, 2021 (Site Plan). Your application was reviewed by the DRC on Thursday, May 27, 2021. A. Project Description Engineering, Design, & Constriction., Inc. submitted a Rezone and a Major Adjustment to a Major Site Plan application on behalf of Wheels Leasing, LLC. The Zoning Atlas Amendment seeks to rezone a 29.24 (+/-) acre property (Parcel ID: 1336-240-0000-000-3) located west side of Taylor Dairy Road, approximately 1,400 feet south of the intersection of St. Lucie Boulevard and Taylor Dairy Road from the AG-1 (Agricultural – 1) to the IL (Industrial, Light) Zoning District. The Major Adjustment to the Major Site Plan to expand the existing Southern Truss facility proposes to construct a 33,600-sq. ft. manufacturing building, permit an existing 32’ X 40’ (1,280 sq. ft.) covered storage building, with associated vehicular use area, landscaping, and on-site stormwater retention. The Project Name: Southern Truss Companies Project File No.: RZ-4202126016 & SPMj-5202126036 2 29.24 (+/-) acre vacant parcel will be adjoined with the existing Southern Truss Companies’ facilities located at 2590 Kings Highway, Fort Pierce, FL 34951. The combined site is zoned IL (Industrial Light) (Parcel ID: 1336-231-0001-000-2) and AG-1 (Agricultural – 1) (Parcel ID: 1336-240-0000-000-3), with an TVC (Township, Villages and Countryside) Future Land Use designation. The site is located within the Urban Service Boundary (USB). B. Location and Site Information Location: 2590 Kings Highway, Fort Pierce, FL 34951 Parcel Number(s): 1336-231-0001-000-2 & 1336-240-0000-000-3 Parcel Size: 40.86 acres – Total acreage of both combined parcels. Future Land Use: TVC (Towns Villages and Countryside) Zoning: IL (Industrial, Light) & AG-1 (Agricultural – 1) Existing Use: 63,780-sf manufacturing building, 5,000-sf office, covered storage buildings, and associated storage areas. Proposal: Rezone from the AG-1 (Agricultural – 1) to the IL (Industrial, Light) Zoning District on a 29.24 (+/-) acre parcel, construct a 33,600-sq. ft. manufacturing building, permit an existing 32 X 40 (1,280 sq. ft.) covered storage building, with associated vehicular use area, landscaping, and on-site stormwater retention. Utility: Water and wastewater services is currently not available to the site. Electric services are available to Florida Power & Light (FP&L). Fire/EMS Protection: Station # 4 – Airport is located approximately 3.5 miles northeast of the subject property. Site Approval History: 01/13/2004 The Board of County Commissioners approved Resolution No. 04-004, granting a Major Site Plan for a 63,750-sf manufacturing building and a 5,000-sf office building known as Atlantic Truss. 07/28/2020 The Planning & Development Services Director approved PDS Order 2020-042, granting lot split approval for the vacant 34.51-acre property (Parcel ID: 1336-240-0000-000-3) to the east of Southern Truss’ current facility. The split intended to add 5.268-acres to their initial expansion site to the north on St. Lucie Boulevard (Parcel ID: 1336-211-0000-000-3). 08/04/2020 The Board of County Commissioners approved Resolution No. 2020-156, granting an Amendment to the Official Zoning Atlas from AG-1 (Agricultural – 1) to IL (Industrial, Light) for the 5.268-acre portion of Parcel 1336-240-0000-000-3. This land was part of the Southern Truss’ Major Site Plan approved for 6509 St. Lucie Blvd via Resolution No. 2020- 213. Project Name: Southern Truss Companies Project File No.: RZ-4202126016 & SPMj-5202126036 3 2018 Aerial Adjacent Land Uses: The specific findings and review conclusions of each review agency related to this request are identified in Sections D through N of this report. Sec. Department Reviewer Phone Email D Planning & Development Tahir Curry 462-2515 CurryT@stlucieco.org Location Zoning District Future Land Use Existing Land Use Subject Property TVC (Towns, Villages, and Countryside) IL (Industrial, Light) AG-1 (Agricultural – 1) Southern Truss Manufacturing and Office Bldg. Adjacent Parcels North TVC (Towns, Villages, and Countryside) IL (Industrial, Light) Southern Truss Undeveloped Land AG-1 (Agricultural – 1) Undeveloped Agricultural Land South TVC (Towns, Villages, and Countryside) AG-1 (Agricultural – 1) Undeveloped Agricultural Land East Right-of-Way Right-of-Way Fort Pierce Farms Water Control West Right-of-Way Right-of-Way St. Lucie County TVC (Towns, Villages, and Countryside) AG-1 (Agricultural – 1) Undeveloped Agricultural Land C. Review Assessment Project Name: Southern Truss Companies Project File No.: RZ-4202126016 & SPMj-5202126036 4 Planning Manager Linda Pendarvis 462-1562 PendarvisL@stlcuieco.org E Business Navigator Thondra Lanese 462-2548 Laneset@stlucieco.org F County Surveying Reviewer John Wilbon, PLS 462-2587 WilbonJ@stlucieco.org G Environmental Resources Aimee Cooper 462-2587 CooperA@stlucieco.org H Public Works Grant Chambers 462-2741 ChambersG@stlucieco.org I Property Acquisitions Vikki Mitchell 462-1711 MitchellV@stlucieco.org J Ft. Pierce Utilities Authority DJ Savrda 466-1600 Ext. 3402 Savrda@FPUA.com K St. Lucie County Fire District Lt. Wayne Boyer 621-3322 WBoyer@slcfd.org L Building/Permitting Doug Harvey 462-2186 HarveyD@stlucieco.org M Florida Department of Transportation Caryn Gardner- Young, AICP 954-777- 4652 caryn.gardner- young@dot.state.fl.us D. Determination of Compliance with Land Development Code and Comprehensive Plan Requirements – Planning & Development Services Department 1. A Unity of Title has not been recorded to comply with PDS Order 2020-042 (Lot Split) and Resolution No. 2020-213 - Major Site Plan approval for Southern Truss at 6509 St. Lucie Blvd. The approved site plan identified the 5.268-acre portion of Parcel 1336-240-0000-000-3 as a wet retention area to support Southern Truss proposed manufacturing plant. The survey and site plan identifies the 5.268-acre, but the Property Appraiser website does not recognize the parcel independently. If a Unity of Title has been recorded, please submit the documentation to the Planning Department. The Lot Split approved by PDS Order 2020-042 has unresolved conditions of approval outlined below: • Within 30 days of Lot Split approval, the applicant and/or property owners shall record two (2) warranty deeds in the St. Lucie County Public Records, reflecting the legal descriptions in accordance with the survey submitted by Culpepper & Terpening, Inc., referenced hereinabove. • Within 30 days of Lot Split approval, the applicant and/or property owner(s) shall record a Unity of Title, or similar legal instrument, combining the property described as ‘less & except parcel’ with Parcel ID 1336-211-0000-000-3. ➢ This Lot Split shall be vacated, if the Southern Truss Major Site Plan (Resolution No. 2020- 213) is abandoned but, prior to including Parcel 1336-240-0000-000-3 within a new Site Plan. 2. A Unity of Title is required for the 29.24-acre (Parcel ID: 1336-240-0000-000-3) and the 11.61-acre (Parcel ID: 1336-240-0000-000-3) parcels for the proposed site modifications. Please denote the parcel line to be removed between the subject parcels. 3. The labeling on the site plan appears to be overlapped or obscured. Please consider one (1) inch equals fifty (50) feet scale to clearly depict the labeling on the site plan in accordance with the LDC Section 11.02.09.A.3. 4. Please remove conceptual plan and replace with Major Adjustment to a Major Site Plan. Project Name: Southern Truss Companies Project File No.: RZ-4202126016 & SPMj-5202126036 5 5. Please label all buildings dimensions and include on the building data table. The site plan does not include the dimension of the covered storage building north of the existing 1,280 sq. ft. covered storage building. 6. Please recount the ground coverage of the total amount of all buildings. The calculation of 102,380 sq. ft. appears to be incorrect. 7. The legend table on the site appears to have some deficiencies with the labeling of existing dirt (not identified on the site plan), the proposed gravel area not included on the legend table, and the handicap parking symbol not shown on the site plan. 8. Please include the drive aisle width for the proposed vehicular use area on the site plan. 9. Please include the distance between the proposed building from the existing manufacturing building and stormwater retention pond. 10. The Major Site Plan granted through Resolution No. 04-004 indicates a 63,750 sq. ft. manufacturing building. The proposed site plan adjustment shows a 63,780 sq. ft. manufacturing building. Please affirm the building area. Approved Atlantic Truss Company Major Site Plan 11. Loading Spaces: Please identify and provide striping for a loading space to serve the new manufacturing building in accordance with the LDC Section 7.06.02. A.3.a. A loading zone is required for building C in accordance with the LDC Section 7.06.02. A.3.a. Off-street loading space shall be provided and maintained for all commercial and industrial development s. Off- street loading spaces shall be an area at grade level at least twelve (12) × fifty-five (55) feet long. Project Name: Southern Truss Companies Project File No.: RZ-4202126016 & SPMj-5202126036 6 Size of Building Number of Spaces 0 to 24,999 square feet 1 (one space for each building, if considered separate buildings) 25,000 to 59,999 square feet 2 (two spaces, if considering the buildings as “one” for such requirement) 60,000 to 119,999 square feet 3 120,000 to 199,999 square feet 4 200,000 to 299,999 square feet 5 For each additional ninety thousand (90,000) square feet over three hundred thousand (300,000) square feet or major fraction thereof, one (1) space. 12. The existing parking area located in front of the office building is not stripped. Please restripe the existing parking area and identify the six (6) handicap parking spaces on the site plan in accordance with the LDC Section 7.06.02 Performance Standards. 13. The site plan does not identify the existing or proposed water or wastewater connection. Please depict whether the project will utilize existing water and sewer facilities and if so a letter from the service provider stating capacity will be available for the project in accordance with the LDC Section 11.02.09.A.1.i. Policy - In addition to any other general standard for change in zoning as may be described in the County's Land Development Code, the following specific standards shall be incorporated into the Land Development Code for determining the suitability of new property(s) for designation as Light Industrial under the County's Land Development Code: 1. Light Industrial property should have available to it central water services necessary for both domestic and fire protection purposes. 2. New Light Industrial property should not be located within 500 feet of any Aquatic Preserve or other specially designated aquatic habitat or a Category I Wetlands as described the Conservation Element of this Plan. 3. New Light Industrial areas should have immediate access to the regional transportation network. 4. New Light Industrial property should have a minimum lot size of one acre. 5. Light Industrial development shall not contribute to the degradation of surficial water quality. Project Name: Southern Truss Companies Project File No.: RZ-4202126016 & SPMj-5202126036 7 14. The site plan denotes that turnaround truck access is gravel. Gravel is not permitted as an all-weather surface material meeting the SLC Public Works Department's requirements. The proposed turnaround access and vehicular use shall be constructed with an all-weather surface material for motorized vehicles in accordance with the LDC Section 7.03.02.B.3.a. 15. There is a safety concern over pedestrian circulation, including its interrelationship with the vehicular/truck circulation system. The site plan should show a pedestrian route to safely connect to the office and manufacture buildings safely without interfering with the vehicular/truck circulation system. 16. The Florida Department of Transportation has future plans along Kings Highway to expand the road network, construct sidewalks and a bicycle lane. It is recommended that the site plan depict a bike rack and sidewalk connectivity from the office building to the right-of-way for the future development of Kings Highway. General Note: • Southern Truss Traffic Review is pending review of Kimley Horn. A completed review will be forwarded upon completion of study. Please provide a response to all comments. E. Determination of Compliance with Business Navigator – Planning & Development Services Department St. Lucie County has a Business Navigator to provide businesses with assistance in navigating the internal and external regulatory processes, and to act as a liaison between County staff, outside agencies, and other business entities to provide high-quality customer service experience. If you need further assistance with regulatory processes, please contact our Business Navigator, Thondra Lanese with the Planning & Development Services Department at (772) 462-2548 or Laneset@stlucieco.org. F. Determination of Compliance with County Survey Requirements – Engineering Division, Public Works Department Rezone Comments (Revised Comments Resubmitted on May 26, 2021, - Pending Review) All comments are based on the current Standards of Practice, established by the Board of Professional Surveyors and Mappers, Chapter 5J-17.050 thru 5J-17.053 , Florida Administrative Code, pursuant to current Section 472.027, Florida Statutes. SURVEY: 1) Please add P.O.C. and P.O.B. to face of survey for Less and Except parcel. 2) Please correct Note 6 in the Surveyors Notes. 3) Bearings should be Grid Bearings. 4) Please add Reference Bearing to face of survey, not shown. 5) Please check Bearings and Distances on Less and Except parcel against description, some are not a match, and some are not shown on Survey. 6) Drawing scale does not match the graphic scale shown, please check. 7) Please check closure, inverse between N.W. and N.E. corners yields Bearing difference from Survey. 8) Please check text descriptions for some linework, they seem to be confusing. Please provide a response to all comments. Project Name: Southern Truss Companies Project File No.: RZ-4202126016 & SPMj-5202126036 8 G. Determination of Compliance with Environmental Requirements – Environmental Resources Department Rezone Comments Background The Environmental Resources Department (ERD) is in receipt of the April 26, 2021 date -stamped submittal from Planning and Development Services. The applicant is requesting approval to rezone 29.24 acres of a 34.51-acre parcel from Agricultural-1 (AG-1) to Industrial, Light (IL), leaving 5.27 acres as AG-1. The applicant is proposing an expansion of their existing manufacturing facility to the west of the subject parcel, also zoned IL, which is required for the subject parcel to allow for this expansion. The 34.51-acre parcel is east of the existing Southern Truss facility located at 2590 Kings Highway, west of Taylor Dairy Road, and north of the Fort Pierce Farms Water Control District Canal in unincorporated St. Lucie County, Florida. Findings The rezone from AG-1 to IL is not anticipated to result in any adverse environmental impacts, as no construction activities are proposed at this time. When site development activities are proposed, ERD will conduct further review through the site plan review process. The site is characterized by abandoned agricultural lands with remnant furrows/agricultural ditches and a possible wetland (according to the National Wetland Inventory), described as an oak hammock on the submitted survey. When site development activities are proposed, a wetland jurisdictional determination from South Florida Water Management District, as well as an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) consistent with Land Development Code (LDC) 11.02.09.A.5 describing onsite habitats and listed species will be required. Additionally, if any impacts are proposed to the wetland and/or its associated buffer, a Wetland Waiver Application will be required. Recommendation ERD has no objections to the approval of this rezone application. Please contact Aimee Cooper at 772-462-6440 for any questions regarding this application. Major Adjustment to a Major a Site Plan Comments Background The Environmental Resources Department (ERD) is in receipt of the May 11, 2021 date -stamped submittal from Planning and Development Services. The applicant is proposing an addition of a 33,600 SF manufacturing building to an existing manufacturing site with accompanying drainage and infrastructure, and landscaping. There is an existing 63,780 SF manufacturing building, a 5,000 SF office area and a 1,280 SF covered storage area onsite. The 40.86-acre site is located at 2590 Kings Highway, in unincorporated St. Lucie County, Florida. Findings The following comments are required to be addressed prior to approval: 1) Provide an updated tree survey identifying all existing native trees only, and provide if they will be preserved, impacted, and/or relocated. Please include species and DBH for all native trees to be impacted or preserved as mitigation or landscape credit. Provide a tree mitigation plan of how mitigation is being met, keeping in mind tree mitigation is above and beyond landscaping requirements. Include the location(s) of relocated trees/palms; Project Name: Southern Truss Companies Project File No.: RZ-4202126016 & SPMj-5202126036 9 2) Identify all existing native trees which will remain and be counted towards landscape credit on all pages of the landscape plan. Keep in mind these native trees being counted towards landscape c redit may not be counted towards tree mitigation and vise versa; 3) Update the scale on L-1 of the landscape plan to 1” = 100’, and not 1” = 50’, as this scale is incorrect; 4) Ensure the trees proposed along the southern perimeter shall not be planted where they could, at mature height, conflict with overhead power lines per LDC 7.09.03.E.2.l (see Figure 7-30) 5) The required minimum specifications for installed hedge material used to screen adjacent properties from interior vehicular use areas shall be 48” in height per LDC 7.09.04.C. ERD Staff acknowledges the note provided on the landscape plan proposing the 24” hedge shall be allowed to reach and be maintained to 48” per LDC 7.09.04.O; however, for administrative relief from provisions of LDC 7.09.00 to be considered by the Environmental Resources Director, a written request for the specific relief shall be provided; 6) Provide the description for the proposed retention pond to be wet on all plans with the following requirements: a) Per LDC 6.02.03.F, provide a buffer zone of native upland (i.e., transitional) vegetation for the deepwater habitats, including any proposed lakes/ponds, which may consist of preserved or planted vegetation including canopy, understory, and ground cover of native species only. As a minimum, ten (10) SF of such buffer shall be provided for each linear foot of deepwater habitat perimeter that lies adjacent to uplands; and b) Per Comprehensive Plan Policy provide a vegetated and functional littoral zone to be established as part of the surface water management system of upland water bodies occurring on development sites; 7) Provide documentation from the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) confirming the presence/absence of onsite wetlands, as well as impacts to any other surface waters; 8) Within the provided Environmental Assessment (i.e., Environmental Impact Report [EIR]), address the following items: a) Address the inconsistencies with the size of the site, 30.66 acres in the EIR, 40.86 acres on the site plan and other documents submitted b) On page 6 of 6, remove mitigation requirements applicable to residential parcels, as this is non-residential parcel zoned industrial light. Recommendation Though not required by code, the Environmental Resources Department recommends incorporating low impact development features, such as: landscaping dry detention areas with native vegetation; creating curb -cuts to direct stormwater into landscape islands; utilizing rain barrels/cisterns to collect water for irrigation; preserving/planting native vegetation in lieu of sod. For more information regarding low impact development, please visit http://www.lid-stormwater.net/lid_techniques.htm. Conditions of Approval Subject to the resolution of the findings above, the following is a partial list of conditions of approval: 1) Prior to issuance of a Vegetation Removal Permit/Exemption, listed species surveys including but not limited to the state-protected gopher tortoise and federally-protected northern crested caracara, may be required per Project Name: Southern Truss Companies Project File No.: RZ-4202126016 & SPMj-5202126036 10 state and/or federal survey protocol. Should any listed species be found as a result of these updated surveys, appropriate permits from state and federal agencies shall be required. 2) Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, all Category I listed invasive species shall be eradicated from the site. Please contact Aimee Cooper at 772-462-6440 if you have any questions. Please provide a response to all comments. H. Determination of Compliance with Engineering & Water Quality Requirements – Public Works Department Rezone Comments Deficiency Review: 1. Public Works has no comments regarding the rezone. Additional comments will be provided after review of a site plan submittal. 2. For discussion regarding these comments, please contact myself at 772-462-2741 or chambersg@stlucieco.org. Major Adjustment to a Major a Site Plan Comments 1. The turnaround area will be required to be paved. 2. Please clarify how the trusses will be unloaded and placed in the storage area. 3. Identify on the Site Plan where the stormwater outfall will be located. 4. Provide a truck circulation plan depicting how the dumpster collection, fire department, and delivery trucks will safely maneuver onsite. 5. Dimension the drive aisles and radius of returns on all curbed islands. 6. Provide typical sections for the proposed gravel laydown areas. 7. The parking striping shall be a minimum of 6 inches. 8. A Site Development Permit is required prior to performing site improvement activities. Subsequent to DRC approval, the applicant may submit the required documents to Grant Chambers, P.E. in the Engineering Division. Documents are to include, a Site Development Permit application, two sets of plans, one copy of the stormwater report and other appropriate information. The Site Development Permit application can be found on the County’s website under the Public Works Department link. In accordance with the permit and Land Development Regulations, the applicant shall retain the EOR for site inspections and final certification. 9. For discussion regarding these comments, please contact myself at 772-462-2741 or chambersg@stlucieco.org. Please provide a response to all comments. I. Determination of Compliance with Property Acquisitions Requirements – Property Acquisition Division, Legal Department In reviewing Southern Truss – Major Adjustment to Major Site Plan, we have the following comment: Project Name: Southern Truss Companies Project File No.: RZ-4202126016 & SPMj-5202126036 11 The parcel has the following frontage: • Kings Highway a State owned and maintained right-of-way. Please contact the Department of Transportation regarding future right-of-way needs. • The East side of the property abuts Fort Pierce Farms Water Control District Canal No. 3. • Taylor Dairy Road, a 50’ County owned and maintained unpaved right-of-way, abuts Canal No. 3 on the East side of the property. • The South side of the property abuts Fort Pierce Farms Water Control District Canal No. 1. J. Determination of Compliance with Utilities Requirements – Fort Pierce Utilities Authority Please find FPUA comments regarding this submission. Electric & Gas Eng: Approved. Electric - The property is not in the FPUA electric service area. Located in FPL service area. Gas service is available from Kings Hwy. Please provide a copy of the gas riser diagram with the anticipated load (if developer is interested in natural gas service). The plan ultimately is for FPUA water/wastewater to extend north on Kings Highway. This concept and plan is entirely contingent upon DOT’s scheduling for roadway expansion/improvements. At this time however, water/Wastewater services are not available to the site in question. Once services are available, the customer/developer is encouraged to submit plans for review with sizes indicated based upon expected use. Estimates and invoicing will be generated once this takes place as per FPUA requirements. (see Developers Responsibilities https://fpua.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Developers_Responsibilities.pdf ). For more information and incentive available, please contact Ana Johnson AT 772.466.1600 Ext. 3012. Please provide a response to all comments. K. Determination of Compliance with Fire Requirements – St. Lucie County Fire District 1. Please submit a completed application for Development/Site Plan Review (St. Lucie County Fire District Development & Site Plan Review Application). This form is available on-line at https://www.slcfd.com 2. Fire District review fees are due at the time of submittal. An abbreviated fee schedule is included on the application form. 3. Please provide an electronic copy of the Site Plan (pdf format). 4. A separate review and permit is required for Underground Fire Mains connected to standpipes or sprinkler systems. 5. Fire hydrants (shall be) are provided for buildings other than detached one-and-two-family dwellings IAW both of the following 1) The maximum distance to a fire hydrant from the closest point in the building shall not exceed 400 feet. 2) The maximum distance between fire hydrants shall not exceed 500 feet. NFPA 1:18.5.3. Please provide fire flow calculations for hydrants. 6. An approved water supply capable of supplying the required fire flow for fire protection (shall be) is identified to all premises upon which facilities, buildings, or portions of buildings which are to be constructed or moved into the jurisdiction. The approved water supply shall be in accordance with NFPA 1:18.4. See “Needed NFPA Fire Flow Calculator Spreadsheet”. 7. Per the St. Lucie County Fire District Fire Prevention Code Resolution 647-17. At Least 13 feet 6 inches nominal vertical clearance shall be provided and maintained over the full width of all means of access. Including, but not limited to trees, canopies, etc. Project Name: Southern Truss Companies Project File No.: RZ-4202126016 & SPMj-5202126036 12 8. Fire department connections shall be located on the street side of buildings and shall be located and arranged so that hose lines can be readily attached to the inlets without interference from any nearby objects, including buildings, fences, landscaping, or other fire department connections. The locations of connections shall be based upon the access requirement s of the fire department. 9. The distance allowed between the fire department connection and a fire hydrant shall be no more than one hundred fifty (150) feet as a vehicle travels. 10. FD access roads (shall be) are provided such that any portion of an uns prinklered facility or exterior wall is located not more than 150’ from FD access roads as measured by an approved route around the exterior of the building or facility. (450’ for NFPA 13, 13D, 12R sprinklered protected buildings). 11. The Fire District reserves the right for future comments at the site plan & building construction phase. 12. Per NFPA 1114 Chapter 9, Section 1.3. Prior to the final occupancy of any building, the permitted water supply for fire protection, including fire hydrants and fire suppression systems, shall be installed, tested, and acceptable to the AHJ (SLCFD). 13. Be advised: Dimensions of largest vehicle are as follows: 38 tons or 77k lbs, 47.5 ft. total length, 21.5 ft. wheel base, 10.5 ft. total width, 41.5 degree turning radius. 14. Two-Way Radio Enhancement Systems/BDAS shall be installed, inspected and operationally tested in accordance with the manufacturer’s published requirements, by the local fire department, and comply with the most current edition of the Florida Fire Prevention Code and its incorporated standards and codes. Pre- surveys of radio signal strength shall be submitted to the Fire Marshal in the form of heat signature mapping or a certification document of radio signal strength provided by a licensed engineer. 15. Minimum Size of Water Mains a. The minimum size of water mains for supplying water for firefighting purposes shall be six (6) inches. b. The minimum size of water mains supplying hydrants on a dead end main shall be eight (8) inches. c. The maxim um number of hydrants located on a dead end main shall be one (1). d. Grid or Tee systems shall be supplied by a minimum of an eight (8) inch looped main. Exceptions may be granted based on the capacity of the water distribution system but in no case shall the main size be less than six (6) inches. e. The minimum size water main(s) shall be determined by the needed fire flow as established by the Fire Marshal and based on the current Insurance Service Office (ISO) requirements. Please provide a response to all comments. L. Determination of Compliance with Florida Building Code Requirements – Building/Permitting Department Plans Review has no comments at this time. When the project construction documents are closer to completion the customer can contact St. Lucie Building Department and schedule a pre-construction meeting for a preliminary review for the proposed structures before permit submittal. M. Determination of Compliance with Florida Department of Transportation – FDOT The only comment I have is that an access permit will be necessary to any State roadways. Please have the applicant coordinate with FDOT to review the proposed development’s access to Kings Highway prior to site plan approval. They may contact Dalila Fernandez by email at: D4AccessManagement@dot.state.fl.us or can complete an online request for an access pre-application meeting by filling out the District 4 Access Management Pre- Application Request Form. Once scheduled, the Village is encouraged to attend the pre-app meeting via teleconference.