HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1102 -".--' ."",,--- ... '~T"'_~ _ ~~'_~__'__._"."_'_______._~.__~_._~~......,...._. __.________ l ~....-._- ~. ---.........- 431 \,,,- , , : , i thereot to be '''lr tree ..~ end 4,.d tor the U8ee end purpoaea therein mentloued; and the 88id . ser,vB. A. Prloe'the wite ot the said B. Prioe, on a separate and priyate examina.~ion taken 1.1 , and mede by and betore me, ond,aeparatelY and apart trom her 8aid huaband, did aoknowledge that she made berselt . party to the 8ald Deed ot Conveyanoe tor tbe purpose at renounoing, relin- quishing and oonyeylng all her rlght, title and inte~e8t, whetber at dower or at 8eparate pro- perty, statutory or equitable, in and to the 1~nd8 therein de80ribed. ond that she exeouted SRid deed treely and volunt~rily. and without auy oonstrftint, tear, apprehension or oompulsion at or trom her saId hU8band. IJ ,. ot 81g~8ture and otfloial seal at Dell'8Y Beaoh in the County ot Palm Beaob and state year last atores8id. .......... ............. Willoughby, A. Brennan Jlot;rry Publ10 Uy oommioslon expires 26 day of April 193p Potary Publio for the state ot Florlda at Large Uy Commission Explres Apr. 16, 1930. ,e " 'c 0.,. ?' L ~"" ~" ....~ ,~ P. ~. Eldred, Clerk Clrouit Court ny~L~ D. C. Piled a~reoorded this I ct.et .Seal) ~' I , ,It o/;;-rf"- =.;;,..- JIOI)!:L LlJID CCllPAJrY 16 day ot ~eb. A. D. 1~~9, at 11:&8 A. ll. to WABRAlITY DlmD ROBER! S. LITfLl Humber at l>ee4 686+. IJ THISlDDIUTURX. .ade thi8 19th d8Y at J8nuary in the year A. D. nineteen hundred and twenty Din. between the MODEL LAUD COUPANY, a oorporatlon duly establi8hed Bnd exi8ting under the la.. at the ~tate ot Ilorida. party ot the tiret part, and Hobert S. Little ot the County at Pelm Beaoh and ~tate at 'loride party ot the seoond port. WI!H!8SBrH. that the 8ald par~y at the tir8t part. tor aDd in oonsideration ot tbe 8um of Ooe ThOusand anenty I'iye and 20/100 Dollars. to it 10 hltD4 paid by, the said party ot the ..oond part, ~t and betore the 8ealing and delivery at these presents. the reoeipt wbereot i. hereby ~okno.ledged. hatb granted, bargained, sold. released, oonveyed and oontlrmed. and by thes. pre8ents doth grant. barga1n. oell. release, oonvey and oont1rm unto the said party at the seoond part hie heira and aS8igns. ALL thoBe traota, lata or paroeUot land, 81tuete. lying and being In the Count, at St. Luoie aDd state ot ~lorida. known and desoribed 8S i u. r'.,. . : ,. - ;: .... ,'t tollowa: Lot One Hunc1ro4 helY. fl12) and that part at .LOts One Hundred ~'hirhen f 118) aDd One Hundred nineteen (lli) 17iDg EDat ot ~ainage Canal 10. One Hundred Three (108) a8 now 1008ted and oonstruoted oyer and aoross said Lots One Hundred ~hirteen (113) and One .fl :Ii IUDdr.d 11nete.n (119). at 800tion 'lye (6). 70WDahip ~hlrty ~ix (36) South. Hange 'arty (.0) Eaa., aooording to aurv.y at Iranklln ~he.n, C. E., 9nd plot ther~ot reoord- ed 111 Plat Book 1, .Pa.e U. ot tb. reoorde ot at. Luoie County, I"101'14a, oontaiolng S.Y.nt.e~ and nlb.ty-two hUDdre4tha (17.92) aorea, more or less. Exo.pting and reserv- ing trolD thie.. oooveyanoe th. South Norty One alld ODe-halt (.1''.) teet. whioh bas been ~ ' d..4.' to the Borth St. ~ole Riy.r Dralnag. >>iatrlot tor oanal purp08ea. T08ether with all a04 8ingular, the right.~ members, hereditaments an~ appurtenanoe8 to the 8aid pr.mia.a belonging, or ln en,.l.. appertainlng. TO BAn Ali'D TO HOLD .11 and singuler. the pr.l..s and_ appurhn80oea, and every part there- ot. unto the 8.14 part7 at the aeoon4 part hi8 helrs and a881gDa, in tee almple, t9reYer. A.n4 the 881d perty at the tint part. aud ey.r7 psrt'aud paro.l thereat, unto the 8aid e.81sn8. sgainst the 8ald party ot the tirst ./ 1ta SUoo'8~re. the abOYe 4.soribed prem18es, and party ot the seoond part, a04 hi. helre, and part and lta suooe880re, a04 agalnat all In4 i " :~t-:jXE~l~~~~~~~~f:~_f~~~~~~r~2::~\{~': ~ ....-...........~