HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-5-11 Response Letter (1)
Engineering Design & Construction, Inc. 10250 SW Village Parkway, Suite 201, Port Saint Lucie, FL 34987 772-462-2455 www.EDC-Inc.com
May 11, 2021 Via: Electronic Mail
Tahir Curry
St. Lucie County Planning & Development
2300 Virginia Avenue
Fort Pierce, FL 34982
Re: Southern Truss
Pre-Application Meeting Response to Comments
Dear Tahir:
On behalf of our client, please find the attached response to comments received on
February 5, 2021 for a project known as Southern Truss. Each comment is identified
below followed by a response in bold italics.
B. Determination of Compliance with Land Development Code and
Comprehensive Plan Requirement – Planning & Development Services
Approval History:
• Existing Facility (Parcel ID: 1336-231-0001-000-2 / 2590 N. Kings Highway):
o On January 13, 2004, the Board of County Commissioners approved
Resolution No. 04-004, granting a Major Site Plan for a 63,780-sf
manufacturing building and a 5,000-sf office building known as Atlantic
• Approved and Unbuilt Facility (St. Lucie Blvd. & Taylor Dairy):
o On July 28, 2020, the Planning & Development Services Director approved
PDS Order 2020-042, granting lot split approval for the vacant 34.51 acre
property (Parcel ID: 1336-240-0000-000-3) to the east of Southern Truss’
current facility. The split intended to add 5.268-acres to their initial
expansion site to the north on St. Lucie Boulevard (Parcel ID: 1336-211-
0000-000-3) as detailed in the BOCC approvals below.
o On August 4, 2020, the Board of County Commissioners approved
Resolution No. 2020-156, granting an Amendment to the Official Zoning
Atlas from AG-1 (Agricultural – 1) to IL (Industrial, Light) for the 5.268-acre
portion of Parcel 1336-240-0000-000-3. This land is part of Southern Truss’
Major Site Plan approved for 6509 St. Lucie Blvd via Resolution No. 2020-
Staff Findings:
1. The proposed conceptual site plan conflicts with PDS Order 2020-042 (Lot
Split) and Resolution No. 2020-213
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- Major Site Plan approval for Southern Truss at 6509 St. Lucie Blvd. The
approved site plan identified the 5.268-acre portion of Parcel 1336-240-0000-
000-3 as a wet retention area (shown below) to support their proposed
manufacturing plant.
The approved Site Plan (Resolution No. 2020-213) shall be modified or vacated prior to
advancing a new Major Site Plan Adjustment to expand the existing facility (N. Kings
Highway) into land covered under the active site plan (identified in yellow above).
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
2. The Lot Split approved by PDS Order 2020-042 has unresolved conditions of
approval outlined below:
• Within 30 days of Lot Split approval, the applicant and/or property owners
shall record two (2) warranty deeds in the St. Lucie County Public Records,
reflecting the legal descriptions in accordance with the survey submitted by
Culpepper & Terpening, Inc., referenced hereinabove.
• Within 30 days of Lot Split approval, the applicant and/or property owner(s)
shall record a Unity of Title, or similar legal instrument, combining the
property described as ‘less & except parcel’ with Parcel ID 1336-211- 0000-
000-3. ➢ This Lot Split shall be vacated, if the Southern Truss Major Site Plan
(Resolution No. 2020-213) is abandoned but, prior to including Parcel
1336-240-0000-000-3 within a new Site Plan.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
3. Please note: There is an active Code Violation on the St. Lucie Blvd property
for the outdoor storage of materials. If the new proposal seeks to integrate this
parcel, the violation shall be addressed prior to DRC certification.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
Application(s) Requirements:
1. The 33,600-sf manufacturing building addition, open storage area and
associated site improvements require a Major Adjustment to a Major Site Plan
adhering to LDC Sections 11.02.04.D and 11.02.09. The Adjustment requires
approval by the Board of County Commissioners in accordance with the LDC
Section 11.02.04.D.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
2. The displayed expansion onto Parcel ID: 1336-240-0000-000-3 shall require a
Rezone to the IL (Industrial Light) Zoning District, in accordance with the
standards of review in the LDC Section 11.06.04. The property currently has a
split AG-1 / IL zoning designation.
RESPONSE: A application to rezone Parcel ID 1336-240-0000-000-3 was submitted
under separate cover on April 22, 2021.
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3. The applicant and/or property owner(s) shall record a Unity of Title, or similar
legal instrument to combine the 11.65-acre parcel (Parcel ID: 1336-231-0001-
000-2) with the 34.51-acre parcel (Parcel ID: 1336-240-0000-000-3) or portion
thereof concurrent with a modification to PDS Order 2020-042 (Lot Split in
conflict with the presented plan).
The applications, checklist, and fee schedule may be found on the St. Lucie
County Planning and Development Services website at
Combination of request form can be found on the St. Lucie County Property
Appraiser website at https://www.paslc.org/index.php/real-estate/real-estate-
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
Review of Conceptual Site Plan & Submittal Requirements:
1. The conceptual plan does not identify a loading zone for the proposed building.
Please identify a loading zone in accordance with the LDC Section 7.06.02.
RESPONSE: Please see site plan which includes a loading zone.
2. The existing/proposed lumber storage areas are not proposed as an all-
weather surface meeting the requirements of St. Lucie County’s Public Works
Department. Please identify the vehicular use areas, which shall be constructed
with an all-weather surface material such as concrete or asphalt.
RESPONSE: Please see attached site plan.
3. Please reference the 5th edition of the Institute of Traffic Engineers (ITE)
Parking Generation for minimum requirements. The current parking calculation
currently does not reference the ITE.
RESPONSE: The site plan has been revised to reference the 5th Edition of the
Institute of Traffic Engineers Parking Generation.
4. Please ensure the proposed parking area and vehicular use area labeling is
accurate. There are errors with the dimensions and parking space counts.
RESPONSE: Please see attached site plan.
5. A transportation impact study will be required as well as a circulation plan in
accordance with the LDC Section
RESPONSE: Please see attached traffic impact study.
General Notes:
• The existing 40 X 45 (1.800 sq. ft.) storage building was not included in any
prior site plan adjustments, per County Records. Please include in this
adjustment, further complying with the Permitting/Building Department for
securing a building permit for the covered storage area.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
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• If applicable, please identify if any shared access with Southern Truss property
to the north will provide for access or storage.
RESPONSE: Not applicable.
• Staff encourages the developers to coordinate with Fort Pierce Utilities
Authority for accessing water and sewer services to the site.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
E. Determination of Compliance with Environmental Requirements –
Environmental Resources Department
The Environmental Resources Department (ERD) is responsible for protecting and
preserving the County’s natural resources through compliance with the County’s
Comprehensive Plan (CP) and Land Development Code (LDC). The following information
is preliminary based upon the information provided for your pre-application meeting and
is intended to assist you in submitting a complete site plan application. Additional
comments may be provided at time of site plan submittal based upon additional
information received. We encourage you to communicate the project constraints,
timelines, etc. to ERD so we may better understand your needs and work together to
meet the intent of the Land Development Code and Comprehensive Plan and ensure a
sustainable environment for all citizens of St. Lucie County. The following items will be
required at time of site plan submittal:
1. A non-binding wetland jurisdictional determination and/or permits from the
South Florida Water Management District, contact: (863)-462-5260;
RESPONSE: Please see attached Environmental Assessment.
2. If a wetland is determined onsite, a Category (I, II, III), Wetland Waiver
Application (attached) may be required for any impacts to onsite wetlands and
required associated buffer per CP;
a. Incorporate components into the site plan to protect and/or maintain
wetlands, such as reduced paving, cluster site planning, etc. per CP
b. The County shall require a minimum 50-ft. buffer between Category I or
II wetlands or a 25-ft. buffer between Category III wetlands and new
development activity in order to protect water quality, preserve natural
functions, and preserve wildlife habitat. The buffer, as measured
landward from the approved jurisdictional line, shall be maintained in a
natural vegetative state and be free of invasive and nuisance species as
defined by the Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council per CP;
c. The County shall assess the specific and cumulative impacts of all
proposed new development or redevelopment activities, including
single-family building permits, on all wetlands that may be located on the
property in order to ensure that the natural functions of the wetlands are
protected and conserved through the implementation of wetland
protection standards which shall include consideration of the types,
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values, functions, sizes, conditions, and locations of wetlands per CP;
d. FYI: Category I and II Wetlands Waivers require Board of County
Commission (BOCC) approval, while Category III Wetlands Waivers are
approved administratively through the ERD Director;
RESPONSE: Please see attached environmental assessment.
3. An Environmental Impact Report (EIR) consistent with LDC 11.02.09.A.5 and
Chapter 6 of the CP Policy shall include but not limited to the following:
a. An assessment of the impacts upon onsite habitat (i.e., upland, wetland,
etc.), vegetation, and wildlife, etc.
b. A plant and animal survey for any onsite Federal and State protected
species, specifically the Federally-listed Crested Caracara and possibly
the State-protected gopher tortoise. The Crested Caracara survey must
be no older than the previous caracara nesting season (January – April),
contact: 772-462-3909;
c. If applicable, identify all onsite wetlands by category (i.e., Category I, II,
III) following the general classification system for the purposes of
protecting wetland functions and values within the County per CP Policy;
i. Provide discussion of how avoidance and minimization is being met,
i.e., no reasonable alternative exists, and avoidance and
minimization of impacts cannot be achieved;
ii. UMAM scores may be required for any impacts to wetlands;
RESPONSE: Please see attached environmental assessment as requested.
4. If applicable, a Preserve Area Management and Monitoring Plan (PAMMP) for
all onsite preservation/conservation areas (i.e., wetlands and required
associated buffers, preservation/restoration upland area, etc.) per CP
A condition of approval will require recording of the PAMMP and a protective
Conservation Easement in the Official Public Records for all preservation
RESPONSE: Please see attached environmental assessment.
5. A boundary survey, which shall depict the approved State and Federal
jurisdictional wetland line(s) and required associated upland buffer per LDC
RESPONSE: Please see attached environmental assessment. A site visit with
SFWMD was conducted on April 23, 2021 and confirmed that there are no wetlands
within the project boundary.
6. A site plan consistent with LDC 11.02.09.A
RESPONSE: Please see attached site plan.
7. A landscape plan consistent with LDC 7.09.00, including but not limited to:
a. A 15 ft. wide landscape buffer along all road rights-of-way consisting one
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(1) native shade tree every 30 linear feet and a 24” continuous native
hedge per LDC 7.09.04.A;
RESPONSE: Please see attached site and landscape plans.
b. A 10 ft. wide landscape buffer consisting of one (1) native shade tree
every 30 linear feet and a 48” continuous native hedge shall be required
when an off-street parking area or other vehicular use area will not be
entirely screened by an intervening building or structure from abutting
properties per LDC 7.09.04.B;
RESPONSE: Please see attached landscape plans.
c. Surface parking and other vehicular use areas shall have at least one
(1) square foot of interior landscaping for every eighteen (18) SF of off-
street parking and vehicular use area and appropriate landscaping per
LDC 7.09.04.C;
RESPONSE: Please attached landscape plans.
8. A tree survey (if applicable) consistent with LDC 11.02.09.A.2.i;
RESPONSE: Please see attached tree survey.
9. A tree mitigation plan (if applicable) consistent with LDC 6.00.05.D.
RESPONSE: Please see attached site plan which includes a tree table.
F. Determination of Compliance with Engineering & Water Quality Requirements
– Water Quality Division, Public Works Department
The following comments are offered based on plans dated December 10, 2020.
1. King’s Highway is an FDOT Right-of-Way. Please coordinate with FDOT for
permitting improvements within the Right-of-Way or any required Right-of-Way
dedications. The contact for FDOT Right-of-Way dedication is Nesa Harden at
954-777-4437, nesa.harden@dot.state.fl.us.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
2. Provide a tabular breakdown of existing and proposed impervious areas by
RESPONSE: Please see attached site plan.
3. Provide the flood zone and FIRM panel for this location on the Site Plan.
RESPONSE: Please see attached site plan.
4. Dimension the driveway width, radius of return, and setback from side property
lines and adjacent driveways. Section 7.05.06 of the Land Development Code
includes minimum setback requirements for driveways.
RESPONSE: Please see attached site plan.
5. Provide additional survey for the ditch that connects the detention pond to the
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canal. Is an easement existing over this ditch?
RESPONSE: Please see attached survey.
6. Provide a truck circulation plan depicting how the dumpster collection, fire
department, and delivery trucks will safely maneuver onsite.
RESPONSE: Please see attached truck circulation plan as requested.
7. Dimension the drive aisles and radius of returns on all curbed islands.
RESPONSE: Please see attached site plan.
8. Provide typical pavement sections for all vehicular use areas. Vehicular use or
storage areas are required to be paved with asphalt or concrete.
RESPONSE: Please see attached site plan.
9. Provide property line cross sections showing that adjacent properties will not
be adversely impacted.
RESPONSE: Please see attached site plan.
10. Provide a detail for the ADA accessible parking stall complying with current
FDOT standards.
RESPONSE: Please see attached site plan.
11. Provide details for curbing and sidewalk complying with current FDOT
RESPONSE: Please see attached site plan.
12. Trees placed within 10 FT of drainage structures or pipe shall include a root
barrier product to protect the drainage system.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
13. Landscaping shall not be placed in the bottom of swales or retention areas
where they will block stormwater conveyance.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
14. A Site Development Permit is required prior to performing site improvement
activities. Subsequent to DRC approval, the applicant may submit the required
documents to Grant Chambers, P.E. in the Engineering Division. Documents
include, a Site Development Permit application, two sets of plans, one copy of
the stormwater report and other appropriate information. The Site Development
Permit application can be found on the County’s website under the Water
Quality Division. In accordance with the permit and Land Development
Regulations, the applicant shall retain the EOR for site inspections and final
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
15. For discussion regarding these comments, please contact myself at 772-462-
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2741 or chambersg@stlucieco.org.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
G. Determination of Compliance with Property Acquisitions Requirements –
Property Acquisition Division, Legal Department
In reviewing Southern Truss Pre-App, we have the following comment:
The parcel has the following frontage:
• Kings Highway a State owned and maintained right-of-way.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
• Parcel 1336-240-000-000-3 was approved for a Lot Split in PDS Order 2020-
042. A condition of that approval was that within 30 days of the approval the
owners shall record (2) warranty deeds in the St. Lucie County Public Records
and the owners shall record a Unity of Title combining the parcel with parcel
1336-211-0000-000-3. There is no record for these transactions in the Public
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
H. Determination of Compliance with Utilities Requirements – Fort Pierce Utilities
Below are FPUA comments regarding the submission for Southern Truss – 2590 N Kings
W/WW Engineering: At present, FPUA Water and Sewer services are not available to
serve this development. Water and Sewer utilities for this area are tied to the Kings
Highway Improvement project.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
Electric & Gas Engineering: Approved.
Electric - The property is not in the FPUA electric service area. Located in FPL service
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
Gas – Service is available to the site (From St. Lucie Blvd and Hammond Road). Please
provide a copy of the gas riser diagram with the anticipated load (if developer is interested
in natural gas service to the propose site). For more information and incentive available,
please contact Billy Dupre. Attached below is a copy of the FPUA GIS map.
Billy Dupre
Business Development Representative
Gas Operations
1701 S. 37th Street, Fort Pierce, FL 34947
Office: (772)-466-1600 Ext.4705
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
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K. Determination of Compliance with Florida Department of Transportation –
The applicant is strongly encouraged to coordinate with the Department to review the
proposed development’s site plan and access to the State Road. Please contact Dalila
Fernandez by email at D4AccessManagement@dot.state.fl.us or can complete an online
request for an access pre-application meeting by filling out the District 4 Access
Management Pre-Application Request Form. Once scheduled, the County is encouraged
to attend the pre-application meeting.
RESPONSE: Acknowledged.
We feel the attached adequately addresses staff comments and respectfully request
approval of application. If you have any questions regarding this application, the attached
documents, or the project, please contact our office.
Patricia Sesta
cc: John Byers – Southern Truss
Z:\EDC-2020\20-381 - Southern Truss Expansions\ENGINEERING\Documents\Submittal Documents\Comment Response Letter\2021-05-11_T_Currie_Southern_Truss_Pre-App_Rsp2Cmts_Ltr_20-381.docx