HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1111 r---___ I r i 440 ~ '~m"_, ~_______._~~ , , r~~ ~ '. ... "ORT PIIRCB PIlI. & CONS!. CO. TO no PO ~ WARRAHTY DUD ~OBT PIKRCB PIIWICINO All]) COll8'l'RUCTIOB COMPUY PORT PIEBCWl noBIDl WABRABTY DUD THIS IUDBNTURB. uade thia 26th dal ot ~ebr)Jary. A. D. 192i. between the 'ORT PIERCE 'IHAliCING AND CONSTRUCTION COJ.IPAllY. a CorporaUon organ:lad and exieUng under tbe lawe ot the state at Ilor1da. party at the tiret part. and ~re4 ~ee. ot st. Luole Count1. '10r1da. party ot the .eoon4 part: WITIJ3SITH: that the party ot the tir8t part. tor and in oonaideretion o~ tbe sum at T.n Dollare and other Yaluabl. ooneiderationa to it in hand paid by the 88id party ot the s.oond part. the reoeipt wb.reot i8 hereby aoknowledged. has granted. bargained and 801d to the .aid perty ot the seoond part, bis heire and assign. ,toreyer. all tbat real estate situate In County at St. Luoie and State at 'lorida. desoribed a8 ~01loW8, to-wit: . fl .rl I ! I I L I i LOl'S NUlIBERED .-6-6 0' BLOCK ilUllBEBBD tour OP 'ORT PIXBCE BMCI! SUBD~VIS ION AS THE SAMB IS SHOD, KARDD AIID DESIGlIATBD on A Plid 0., SAID SUBDIVISIon RECORDBD IN PLAT BOOk IO.Pour AT PAGE 68 II THB 07"ICB 0' THE. CLERK 0' THE CIRe.UI'!' COURT llf AilD .tOR ST. LUCIE COUNTY. ll'LORIDA. IT IS'MUtUALLY UlDKBSTOODAlID AGBIED by and between tbe parties that said Deed at Con- YeY8noe ahall oontain the tollowing oonditiona. restriotions, and limitations. whioh are in- to _ tsnded to be aDd shall be tak.n ae oo~enant./run with the land. and whioh are inten4ed to be to ~, and ehell be tak.n 88 oondition8 ot Bald oonyeyallO. and one ot the expres8 oon'iderations tberE:ot. via: .. fl .11 ':> 1. 110 r.Bidenoe or business building shall be obnatruot.d o~ ereoted on any lot h~rebN oonyeyed unless the S8me shall oost at least tiye thou8and EOLLABS. and bo at a perma~ent Dature, 8aid amount to be aotually expended in the oonstruotlon and ereotion ot suoh bal1ding. and not tor tee. in oonneotion therewith. or in the oonstruotion at allY out-buildings,thereoD. 2. 0017 one one-tami17 re8id.nce and ODe private garage building shall be .reot.d on on. realdenoe lute Bathing hereIn. howeyer. ehall prohibit the oOll8truo'Uon or ereoiion ot ..ryaut!*,.qqart.ra in oonneotlon with the garage on aaid lot. 3. No tent8 or temporarl building shall be .reoted upon. said property without the oon- seDt at the grantor herein. .. 110 houae. 8truoture or bUilding to be used a8 e businesa room, 8torage house, man- ~aoturlog establlshment, maohine 8hop, or tOt any other buainees or oommerolal purpose what- soeyer. inoludlDg aPfrtment hoWlS.. two-taml1y or doubletenemente bouee8, ho\els. sanitarium. o~ ohurohe8. 8hall be oOD8truote4. ereote4 or plaoed on any ot the Iota situate in Blooks , .. u .. ;.\ " :1 thr.e (3). BeyeD (7), ~lght (8). Il.ven (11). TWelve (12). Thl~te.n (13). 'ourteen (1.), 91x- , t.en (16). BIDeteen (19). TW.nty-three (~3). 'l'W.nty->>our (26), or Twen~y-Pive (26); nor ehall any 8~orage house, "Dutaoturing establiehment. oommeroial garag., or maohlne shop. be oon- .truoted. ereot.d. or plaoed on any ot tb. 10t8 8ituate In sald Blooks. Dor shall any busines8 or oQmmetolal enterprise whateyer, Inoluding apartment hous... ~wo-tamily or-double ~enement hous.s. hotels. 88Ditariuma. or ohurohe. be 0~erate4 or malntained tbereon; nor shell an7 struoture be ereoted or other proylsioD made thereon tor the oare at horae., oow_, oattle. hog. ot poultry; nor shall any bar.... oow.. 08ttle, hogs or pGultfy be 'kept or raiaed thereon.. 6. Do houae. .truoture, or bql1ding to be u.ed as a publlo room. store-house. ..nutao- turlng eatabli.haent, maohine_.hop. publio gar.,e,18bllo ga. stetion. or tor any other oommer- 01a1 purpo.e whatey.r. shall b. 00D8truoted. erooted. or plao.d on any lot eit~.. in en1 bloot exoeptln, Blooka One (1). two (2). Seventeen (17). TweDty~ODe (21), Twenty-Two (f2). , 'I r"'-"'~"---C' -~-----' --"- ~ - ~". n h' _.. ~~~~:~~:f~~lF,,'~~~~t~-~~~~:;:-~~~T?~~~~~flt ~-:~~~-~_.---:-,.~.::"__.,--.~~~ - --~- .-' , ,',... - .~~.::~~r~~~tI~~:~;:,:-f~{