HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1124 I I . I I I - , -~""--_._"'._'--'._"---'- "- --_.~._.> .--- .,-.. .~-... --". -~---'._"'--_._--~..-_._-----....--..----,--_...__....._. --...-_...~. .,..------ 453 ~ Ll mente and imposition. hereinabon agree4 to be paid b)' \ht purohaser, whioh 88i4 deed, how- 1 . . . .. . enr. 1\ 1. asreed ahall oontaln the tollowlD8 oonD&nh to r1JD with the landt (a) That no mellber of the ne8ro 1"&oe .hall, 4ireoU.)' or inUreoU)'. aoqu1lre aD)' ht- erut in the Bal4 prell1e.., and In o..e ot any violation of 88id oo....nante. tUle to the Bald ./ premiBea ,hall IPBO faoto revert to \he -01llp8D1. (b) 'fhat the aald premiBeB shall be used on11 for Dwelling purpoeu and whon 80 ueed the grantor Bhall forthwith provide-for proper .~)' dlepoeition ot se.age. (0) 'fhat no building or addi t!on thereto Bhall be ereo1ied upon the 881 d premises where- b)' the front line of Bald building or add! Uon .hall be nearer to the. front 11ne of s81 d pr.- mil.. than twent)'-five feet from the front line thereof, and no re.iden'. shall be ereoted thereon oosting l.ss than t------. (d) It i. hereb)' Bpeoifioa11)' agreed that the ZOning S)'8tem is hereb1 adopted a' part ot the consideration ot this deed. The OOlllp&ny hereb)' agre.B to olear all Lots, 8ra4e and ourb all .treet~.la1 neoessar1 main 11ne sewer. and hard 8urtao4t. at least ten foot drivewaYB. All lote 8hall be, filled to an average e1eT8tign ot at 1ea8t tour feet above average water in Indian RiTer. 'fhe Company agree. to build. bo eleotrlo 118M 11nes aloD8 tbe main streets to the Ooean 1.1 Beaoh. r . I'f IS lIOTUALLY AGImID that the time of payment hereunder Is the essenoe ot tM s agreement. and that in oase ot detauU by the ~oba8er in oarryiD8 out any of the terms here"-f bJ hIm to be pertormed either in the makiD8 of the 8eyeral payments be~inegr8ed to be mftde by him, or otherwiBe. then thie oontraot shall thereupon be. and everywhere be deelled to be null and void. and aD7 payments theretofore made b7 the purohaser on thIs oontraot ahall be retained b1 the OOIDpan.)' as its own money. not as a torteHure. but as liquidated damages hereby mutaall;y tixed and agreed upon by the parties hereto. 'he respeotive benetits and obligation8 of this agreement shall inure to and be bindIng upon the 8ald parties and their respeotive suooessors, a8signs. heir~and personal representatives. but no assignment at this oontraot by the Purohaser shall b~ - n-1iA.... without the oODsent ot the Oompani endors.d in wri~ing upon such ass 18nment . ,:~orp .S..l:) Atte~~'~om88 . . Seoretar;y . FORT PIERCE FINANCING AND CONSTRUCTION CO~!PANY By F. G. UOMUl1en (Seal) President. E. Graoe Aylin (Seal) Signed. sealed and delIvered to U8 In the presenoe at ue: 1.J. ---------------------- G. L. Sul11 van u STATE OJ' FJDRIDA. l' .'c' ST. won: OOUJrlY. J I. G. L. Sull.lyan, a 'Notary Publio tor the State ot Florida at large. hereby oertify that at the 4ate hereot there personally appeared betore me. F. O. UoJfullen and E1W7J1 Thomas. 1N 11 moWD to me to be tbe Prew1dent and Seoretary of the !'OR! PIERCE FlIfAJ'CI1fG AND CONSTRUCTIOIf COMPABY, a oorporation, whose oorporate name and .eal are aftixe4 to the toregoing oontraot. and Bnerally aoknowlea&ed that the1 eJl:eout8d the toregoiD8 88reement as their tree and- vol- untU7 aot and as the tree and Toluntary aot ot the oorporation. tor the uses 81 d purpose. therein,..t forth. ~p= . --~ l Ginn un r au' band and notarial 8881 thiB 11th da1 of April, A. D. 1924. I I . \ (Ir.F. \' \. '- ... ~.. \ i i I ! It o L. Sulli TaIL... lfotar7 PUbllo. S'ale or l'~or1cla at Large. ~ Comal'Blon .~lreB: Oot. 2. 1927 : ~-:c;~,~:.f;'f::~:;<..:~~t:{~:~i~:.~{;~:.~g~~r~tji;~y,~: -:. ,'. ,_..;:-(,~~~i~tf1~t~/