HomeMy WebLinkAboutTERMITE TREATMENT CERTIFICATE0310512019 08:35 S&W Planning a Development Services Building &:ode (Regulation Division 2300 Virginia Ave Fort PletCe, FL 34982 772-462-2172 Fax 772-462-6443 (FAK)772 5691063 P.0011001 RECEIVED MAR 0 5 ?019 Permitting Department St. Lucie County CERTIFICATE OF TERMITE TREATMENT CONSTRUCTION SOIL TRVATM ENT SQA NOD SQUcr+e count,, PERMIT #: M- 0o57 JOB ADDRESS: 31*Y -9 Lae, Zsot c 4ft D Ar-r(/ BUILDER/CONTRACTOR: PEST CQNTROL. CONTRACTOR: EViCT-A-BUG TERMITE & PEST CONTROL INC. PEST c6NTROL LICENSE #: J13176775 We, the undersigned, hereby certify that we have pretreated the above described construction for subterranean termites in accordance with the standards of the National Pest Control Association. Square feet if area treated: 2(20---- Percentago of solution: .05% Date of Treatment. % Footing 1st Treatment Re -Treat Driveway 1°C Treatment --�—Re-Treat Other i1st Treatment ,_ .___Re -Treat Chemicals used: DOMINION 2L Total gallons used: Time of Treatment: ,_....Slab __.__ 11t Treatment Re -Treat ,�Poais . .� Treatment Re -Treat of Exterminator bate/ Notre: There must he a compleied form for ea&r6qulred treatment or re -treatment and this form must be on the jo b site to be pkked up by the inspector at time of each Inspection or the scheduled lnspet�on will fall and a relnspectlon fee charged, FBc104.2.6 Certlflcate Of Protect" 7)VOnent for preventlon of termites, A weather reslstantfobslte pasting board shall be pro'vlded to recdkv duplicate Ttwtment trertif9cates as each required protective treatment Is completed, prov/ding a copy for the person the permit is issued to and another copy for the bullding permit !l/es The 77estment cenftate shall provide the product used, Identity of the appllcator, time and date of the treatment! Me location, area treated, chem1hal used, percent concentrOW and number ofgellons used, to establlsh a verlfleble record of protect>'ve 06tment. !if the loll chem/cal barrier method fbr termite preventlon Is used, flMlahterlortreatmentshall be completedd prior to Anal bullding approval, St Lucie County requires for the finial Inspection for CO, a Permanent Sticker to be placed on the electrl�al panel box cover, listing all the treatments and dates of applications. Revised 03/05/2019 11:27 7724F2F-a48 SLC CODE COMP PAGE 01/01 0310512019 08.34 MW rAity772 50 W P.0011001 Planning & Development Services RECEIVED 13"llding & Coded Pi Mulatlon J0Ivislan ® 23oo Vltglnia Aver MAR 0 5 2019 FM P140MG, FL 34e82 772-462-2172 Pax 772-462-6443 ST. Lucie County, Permitting CERTIFICATE OF TERMITE TREATMENT CONSTRUCUON SOIL TREATMENT PERMIT : I M-00, 7 Joys Aaa SS: 31 Y ��' �r e BUILDER/CONTRACTOR: 4w eA& iin (s PEST CONTROL CONTRACTOR: EVICT-A-BUU TERMITE & Pi:aT COWROL INC. PEST CONTROL LICENSE # 4817,57res We, the' undeerstgned, hereby certlfy, that we have pretreated the above described construction for subterranean termites In accordance with the standards of the National Pest Control Association. Square feet if area treed: Percentage of sowtlon: a� Date! of Treatment: Chemicals used: DOMINION 2i. Total gallons used: ARM lime of Treatment:', �► _ _ - -� . �Fopting Slab -6-1'' Treairl lQnt ----- � "treatment e-Treat _Re Treat —Driveway ''___ " Dols 1't Treatri eant 'L- 151 Tt eatment �Re-Treat - . Re -Treat other Perim far Rna me on let Treatment _ate -Treat Extenrinator Data We, 71teemW,6ez=mP4 fwmforea euW�4nwhw=rr&&wftwtand drls Aorta must he on theJob site to be picked up by the Inspector at°t#w ofwch Inspedbo or the scheduled Inspscdon Wrtbl1 and a re - hspeebbn ke two FBC104.1.6 aWMN of Prot 77 eM77ent hor premtlon ortem ft, A wat+ier msi antfbbV13 posdhg bo d shml &- pivvlded to receive dupftie 7araft Gtlt Cer=stes as each lagu1md ply WVW &wA7 sra't & mnp/eted, prouldlr& a copy for the person the pen"It is Lmted b 46d aWtlrer Opy lbr the bul -79 penult fts The 77 »trent Cei�6 shall prove* the praduct ussd, ld mmly orthe app(wor, dme and date of Ills bwbnenlr S& hCOU04 effla bested, chemical peront concen.t7 Yes and number ofgaftw rwd,, iv osuUM a vet tb@ meord of pmftdiva j b w1m--nt. LObl a sal/ cheml4Rl barrier method I6r term6 pmmtlm is used►19na1 exterhlr ftw& entsha11 he cPmpleterl phbr to Anal building app!vvl, St Lvarle'�County requilms for thei final inspectlon fbr CO, a Permanent Sticiter to bed placed on the a lean 1 panel box coveer, Bating all the treatments and dates of applications. iMNd