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i oul = BCIS Horiie -L'og7In ( `Uses RegistT ti&i Hot'Topia ,i ,Submit=Surchadje, Stais ff Fans; fub cations I FBG,Staff ,I BCIS, Site Map. un{is . j Search' I b � +. +hµ I —1 USER: Nb I Useir. al `r producL> Product or 9OUlica6onist y An411ratron 4,MY z`A hotivn.Detail SCA Pp NNED FL # FL155047,R3: pv + Application Type Revision v l/� Code -Version ;2014; St ��c�@�.COUnty Application Status Approved, A A Comments 4rehived' 15 4 Product ManufaeCUrer Etopayeuildrng Protlucts Company Address/Phone%Email, `8585Duke'Blvd: MaSbb,,gH.45040.' mwester fell@dopay.com Authgrized`S gnature SddWHarliiltori shami lion@cl"opay.som: i Technical RepresentatiV:e Address/Phone/Email I Quality Assurance;Representative Ad&ess/Ph6neJEmaW I Category; E11 nor Doors Subcategory Sectional ExterlbeDoor Assefbblies: i Cornphance`Method: Evaluatlon Report.from a FlondwRe0istered'A,rchitegtora=l.on5ed ; " Florida;Profes9lonal;Engineer' 0-.,EValuatiOn Report Hardcopy:Received Florida Engineer 6FA�chitect-Nar 6—who 8evel60ed, Scott,Hamiltgn the Evaivation' Report; Florida I:ieense. PE-63286 Quality Assurance Entity ;Intertek Testing,'$ervices NA, Inc:, Quality. Assurance Contract Expiration Date', 12J31/2032 Validated 6y 'Gary`P.fudh1dr° lO`V6lydbU6n Checklist,: Hardcopy!Received Cerbkate 6f'Independence, F1'15504, R3 Mir Qe-rfiflehti&f of Indeperideiice of Valida ions Entity . .Gary :Pfuelb2r.odf,- ;rt 155y, R3 COI Statement on lndeoendence -0F Evaluation Ehifity- , cottHamnaZ4 aff,, I Referenced,$gijdardrand Year(o€:Standar`d) Standard;*ear ANSIJDASMA 108; 2005 � ANSI/DASMA 11`5; '2005, ASTWE1886 2005; ASTM.`+E1996 2t)06 ASTMa'E33o 2002', TAS di 199a; TAS'202 1994; TAS+203 1'9g4' am F C^PY i �qducvf cl� I. U�t Y#@fence 'PUP -$taridord,5�, seqfqfl,;,Apm,,Pje Code; Product Niethgd Oat ;Submitted ' 03/4912015, NtdVali`dbt'd'd 03/25/2015� Date,,,,Peod);hg f4C,,Apprq,,4 03/29/ Pate;APPfoved 06Y.2312015 Dat2 R6VIsbd SutrimatV%of'Products: Modely Numper or Name Description 45504A- ;,,001 W3.�09 DSIE'rIA17-1: zqw� Double 6,x,t 2651,4051,;2 13 SF L3 ,Limits ',df,Use Approved,forusp inHVHz. Not 46s6iiail;c;n inib Uc 4)ms iSSOffgiAT Approved for use outside, HVHZ- Yes \'tdiifi6d:By-,S66tt.Haifiilt,6,riiFc'I PE 63286: rtipact b Cr-e-afeb b�JdprtY�fb�fidehffhW6,Pa N.-O, esigm Pressure *Voivatlp r6 thef., The;O Rft CBECL,- � 12 424df meets tlig wmd load requirements of t!?e building code 66t Created b edd6ht7h! RqF!jNOT meet the impact r6sistant:reouirernenL or bbirffi4ld6hregions" ;tbffiolyWith the lmOact, sista& wlndborne qfj-,§Q, BC). -15564i2 84,A,,94,, ,`a r lSteel :Pa'n-,'6,bim' "'Op 4,0"4 i U§T N66 w --(-,araggRQq,v `'S' 55S;,J, 8B-GD5Sj� ,4649 4213,5 5SViA3R5S,-'GR5SVj,AR5S` Z AR5SV,I� EQS$;��ED5.§V' Lupus of,Use Installation -,Ih ructi6ifs., Approved "- — PitSf 1- 11 1 111111111,--,.,., -. � � INO pf6ir6dl for ugid *0 -,butsidb� HVHZ:;,,Y,6i�, H, am, il V t, PE�, 32 ,qxqp* 0,'ep p4A.y.: Nb +�T 211PSF �P,Ogign py,.qsqqro. P'gF/ , Evedup"il, gepjptjsOther The Lict IBAI5-lj()4-1 --1 e6igA�e�,w, i 'n',d, � f bad requirements of r.66Jdl6g,.coJbjut,: 1;0ea teO�.by-Independent ,- Y,: QO,E$.,NQT'M6et6e iTrlpott,�resi§ta6treq6-treme6t&ie6r winubornexdebns regiaiis The product without glazing_,rnebES comply with the knpaqt.feshki�ht;,, ,003--,WS,1PAN,2 Ae 4Fj,41tsk 6Rstj- 4 GQSS%'-GRSS,-,G Units of Use Installation ,NstrLfctid Dn ,ApjVi,;4,.fdr ws646,MVHZi N6 �FL1550* R3SI6469 Approved fqr use pi i& HVHZVYes : v6rifjo-&By,: 56m,HOmilton FLjPE 3286," Impact Resstant Yes Created":6yIndependent 'Third , Noy Design Pressure 446 g ,;Party Other Sohd °doors (no glazing) br`do6fsWth!optional R3-AF C13PC 1ZQ424 irimpact',resistant:glazing�a`rc"impacGr,Esistant(Ia[ge;njissle Created by,IntlependenGTl�ard Party_. No. 004.W5-1A PAN--, 2F.1:S,3.-,-,,84A-,,,94',, Steel P6 g Doob le, -Car-( 73`75,J500j, 191 6,RST;" 6P-Sr-,. Garage 5s, ,tbss 66 i--EDSS 47 lCOUS Z- W 1211-114 c EL E Lssm�tj Z. INS 'Sl�aRl sr' L CMIS 444 PINEL DWSS MMS I--- TER� - E sf. wr 10 1593 W MOR M� 73'764, V= Wot - -INIER. aRs CR. I 4,c JLCS lu I'll-V is WNT -furACT RE=99, =,Wm tiV&f fil RESMI" PRNU n'DW;. 4 -,LZA,= StmW IED ICA -4 NIEq, S.E Lo Top. si� &�Crj;TEJ 12 SliEL'Top. := M— S ortSIS. IZ ,R U E•--- El ON L CF� L 01 W;i SE SHEET IV* FOR- umP-ACT, RE-SiSTANT, iCONSTRU-CTfGN-*,DETAIL. 76" AND" STA f�IIOAII,D CO�S C DEETFAl DE -TAILS" uw ROY Lu 77- Nov r iqlfll 2v � - e:[-! — VIC,, I, Py sel: 6 a �r gig Zen lip 10, the My,