HomeMy WebLinkAboutEVALUATION REPORT - ROOF DECKForce]Engiiieeiix�"g&i'Fesiing'yic:. - 19530R.unbletvooclDrive; .. Hnmble,TX 77338 Prciduct_Evalukion ,Report CARPORTS AN3�iNHERE• -HaEmp li goof Parriel overopen frarnrng Florida. Product Approval - 11401 1 Sc NN�D Florida 8mldi6oCode 1.017 Per Rule 6 (M- t Y M . 4% CO e4itod:2-D . Category:, Structural Components ;Subcategory: Foofbec(c Compliance,Method. 61G20=3AOS(1)(d) . NON"HVHZ Ptoduct•Manufacturer: Cotobrt Anywhere: 10858 S.E. County Road 221• Starke, Florida:32091 Ensineer Evaluator: Terrence'E. W61fe,_P:t. # 44923'. Florida Evaluation ANE ID:1920 . . .. . . lValidatoft.. Gary Hartman. P.E. #73227 Contents: Evaluation• Report . , Pages 1-.4, i �. Z No:449 , . jejA,� • .r �. 5TM7E OF' V re e Off• 1P�. � sm.�srmas �rg� .. ORI A•.4�e� andONM i jell'ss.' FU 27402.1 . Compliance Statement: i Product Descriptions, I Panel :MatOial/Standards: Panel Dimensioo(s)e PJanel Fastener: Substrate Description: Allowable. Design Pressures: Force Enginciiig &Testing tic. 10530 Ramw bleood Drive' ,Humblc,l+'t'773313 The product as described in this report'has demonstratedcompliance.with the Florida Building Code 2017, Sections 1504.3.2,1504.7 Hampton Rib 26'Ga, and 29 .Ga.. Steel RoofPanel, 36" Wide; through �6stened structural rdof,paiiel. StrucNIA'Application: Material:., 26. Ga. 5teel;ASTM:A792 or ASTM A653'G90 Grade,50- 29 Ga. SteeI;.ASTM A792, or,ASTNI_A653 G90 Grade.80: Conforming to Florida Building Code 2017 Section 1507.4.3. Optional paint finish.. Corrosion ResistancerPanel Material shall"comply witf Florida Building Code, 2017,; Section 1507A.3. Thickness:; 26, Ga.-`0.0185" min. order. thickness, . Z9 Ga.: 0.0142" min. order thickness ,Width: 36",maximurn coverage, Rib Height: %" major rib at 9" O.C. :Panel Rollfcrmer: MRS Metal RollformingSystems #1244 x % HWH SDO with 14mm, neoprene bonded. washing or, -approved ,equal: -Corrosion. Resistance:'Pee Florida Building Code 2017, Section 1507.4.4. Minimum 14 Ga.. (Grade 50) Steel framing, Minimum 16.Ga. (Grade 501 Steel �framm&or Minimum 18 Ga. (Grade 56) Steel framing. 5ee.Table A &. B for steel' gauge. Framing must be designed in accordance w/ Florida Building Code 2017. Tahla "A"'IR Aa_ 14—tnn Rih Rnnf Dbn"1 Maxtmum Design Pressure:, -57.3 psf -72.9 psf. 67.7 psf +46.9 psf +54.7 psf Panel Fastener Pattern: 271-2-1 2-1=2-1 244-1 2-1-2-1 . 2-1-2-1 Panel.Span: 5'-0" O.C. 4'-0" O.C: 4'-0" O.C., 5'-0 'O.C, 4'-0" O.C. Substrate: Min..14 Ga Steel framing Min.,14. Ga. Steel Framing Min. 14 Ga. Steel Framing Min. IS Ga. Steel Frarning Min.18 Ga. SteefFraming• 7,uesign i ressure mimes a 5atety Factor = z.u. CEIy No. • 1 a 'a • STATE OF0. r a r.Fs.. • 4.�. FL# 27402.1 J r c vtJe. 2 8' 2619 Force'ngir:icerxsrg' i4r Testing, :Inc. 19530 Rahriblew6cid Dtivc: . 14umblc,TX 77338, T2hlp"ti" 2ci Cn- 4amnttin Rih'Rcinf Panel Maximum Design Pressure:, 57:3,Psf . -150 9 psf +39.0 psf.' +1431 Psf Fastener pattern:.. ' 6":3"-6"-3'=6"-3"-6" 6'%-6"-3"-6"-3"-6" fasteirer5pacing:" 9' 0" D.C.. 2'-0" O,t. •2'-o" 0.C.: •,Design Pressure includes a Safety factor =2 0' . ie.Coinpliance: The product 8escribed herein has dernonstrated_comoliance with - The Florida Building Code 2-O 7,'Section 1504.3.2; 1504.7. iluation Report Scope; The. product evaluation is limited to, compliance with the structural wind load; requirements of the Florida Building Code1017, as relates to. Rule\61G20-3. forrriance Standards: The productdescrib.-ed herein has demonstrated compliance: with: . •' ASTM E 1592=05,(2U12) Test method for structural performance -of sheet meial7oof and siding systems by uniform static air pressure difference: ■ FM 4471-52, !'Foot- Traffic.. Resistance Test `erence, Data; 1. ASTM E 1592-05 (2012) Test Force Engineering &Testing; Inc. (FBC Organization #TST-5328)'•' Report No: 667-0060T-18A-E, 667-0061T:18A-D. .2. ..FM 4471-10, Section 4.4 Foot Traffic Resistance Test Force Engineering &.Testing, Inc.,(FBC Organisation #.T5T-5328), Report No. 667-0060T-18F, 667.-0061T-48E 3: Certificate of Independence, By Terrence E. Wolfe; P.E.'(No.44923).0 Force Engineering&Testing;:lnc: (FBC Organization kANE ID:19201 . t Standard.Equivalency The FM 447140,.Foot Traffic Resistance test.standard is equivalent to FM 4471-92.. . ality Assurance Entity-, . The'manufdcturer has established compliance of roof panel products in accordance with -the Florida Building Code. and Rule,61G20-3.005 (3) fog man ufacturing,under a quality assurance program audited by an approved quality assu.rance.entitv.. 41 �.. O 6 r ,vt CE.1Vs� s'o mow.. •.te, �: No. 449 ve a' STATE QF •'a, ORI Qum ONIAL FIB# 27402.1 Minimum Slope liahge:, Installation:' Instilat , R lof Panel Fire Classification: ShearDlapfiragm:. P6s ign Proced!ure: ;FL# 27402.1 R)ice E ndt- Testing Inc. 19530 Rarfiblcirbdd DrWe k]unqb1cJ7C 770- - - 33 Minimum Slope shall . compiV with Florida Building Code 2017, including,Secticin 1567.4.2 and in accordance 'with, Manuf6cturers recommendations. Forsl6pes less,than 3.-1! 16p, sealant m' 6t be used inihe pin6l-yide laps. install perm—alnufaq.ttirers recommended details; Manufacturer's approved product (Optional). Fire classification: is notpart of this acceptance. Shbar diaph fagm, values ardoutsidethp scope of this.report. Based on the dimensions of the-structure,5ppfopfiate wind loads are determined using .Chapter -16 of the Florida '9611dingt6de 2611 for roof cladding . 4d loads. Theqe component wind for'roo f .cladding are compared to the, allowable pressure listed above. The design prof6sslo-htil shall select th . e appropriate erection xlekails-to referenceirihis drawings for proper f8tener attachment to his structure and analy'zp t' he panel fasteners for, pullout and: . pullover. Support framing must be in compliance 1.9n.ce with Florida Building C6de,2017 Chj4pier 12 for.sted. and Chapter 16 for structural, loading. C Ei. E C jq. N.. 40e' STATE OF 4V %6 rxrm o IL ID UDA. Ir, MAL s J-041-0- 18 1 2011$1, 26 GA.. HAMPTON. RIB FASTENER PATTERN -2=1=2-1 `—'#i2-i x 3/4' HNH S-01 V1/ 14MM BONDED, NEOPRENE WASHER 29 . GA. HAMPTON -RIB ;FASTENER. PATTERN ` . f R %r p #12-14 x 3/47 HWH SDS'•V/ 14MM 80NDEU' NEOPRENE }MASHER. Sfato at FlotliEts C.,0 A. #26M %�patt�Uriirhr� tEN No. 449a3 A'.. STATE Oil r W MW 10 , N1&am Force Etignneering & 'J['esting :$nc IM30 Rambicwood`Drive' Sturm blgjTX 77338 Product. EvAiatiort :Report: 4. _ - -.. -CAf PORtS ANYVIlt1ERE ;ffatnpfan fteb Roof Panel olcetppenr frgrmlag Florida, Product Approval # 274®2:1 Flor,•ida Building Code 1.017..' Per'Rule_.61820-3 Metho&I—D Category: Structural Cbmponents; Subcategory: goof Deck Compliance: Method: 61620-3.005(1)(d) NON'HVHZ• • ,Product'Manufacturer: Carpbr-t Anywhere: 10858 S.E :County Road 221 Starke; _Florida_32091 Eilkineee Evaluator:• Terrence E.. Wo1fe, P.E. # 44923 Florida Evaivatton ANE ID:1920 Validator:. . Gary Hartman;:P-E. #73227 Contents:. EvalivationBeport .Pages. 4 ' Leo` tt C E. E, ftois� �.cE.pS 4 2-1 ,o • STATE OF LORS1 ' v,e. smearsbia: fe F ' . ORAL FL# 27402.1 Ju viz 18 , ao:L 8 -17 Foice Enginceiirig &:T46ting Inc. 19530 Munblewood Drive.. . 1iuFnble,TX 7733E uinpliance'statement:. The product as described in this report hasdemonstrated compliancewith the -,Florida Building.Code 3A17; Sections 1504.3.2,1504.7. roduct D:escroptton: Hampton Rib-26 Ga and 29 .Ga. 'Steel. Roof! Panel, 36" -Wide, through fastened structural roof panel,. Structural'Applicaiiop 3nel';Mateial/Standards:, Material, 26 Ga. Steel, ASTM A792.or ASTM•A653 G90 Grade:50. - 29 Ga. SteeI,.ASTM A792: or ASTM A653 G90 Grade;80: Conforming fo Florida Building, Code2017Section 1507.4:3. Optional`paintfnish.. -Corrosion R_esistance::PaneF Material shall'camply'witfi Flarida Building Code, ',1011,.Section 1507:4.3. P nel Dimension(s�: Thickness:, 26,Ga.: 0.0185" min: order thickness . . 29 Ga: 0 0142" min_. order thickness idth: 36" •maximum •coverage, Rib. Height; YAII major rib at9"-O:C. Panel Rolif6frner: MRS Metal RollformingSystems Panel Fastener: 112=14 x %" HWH 'SD#3 wifh.'14mm'neoprene bonded, washing or approved' :equal. Coreosion.Resistance: Per.Florida Building Code 2017, Section 190T.4.4: Substrate Description: Minmum;l4 Ga'. (G(ade 50) Steel framing; Minimum 16 Ga. (Grade 50) Steel framing,•or Minimum.18 Ga.' (Grade 50) Steel framing. Sim Table A &: B for steel, !gauge. Framing must be designed in -accordance w/Florida .Building'Code 2017'. Allowable Design Pressures: 'TaFln`"eu.'�, P.�• Ft�mnf`nn R:6 RnnF o�nnl• Maximum Design Pressure:, -57.3 psf -72.9 psf: -67.7 psf. +46.9 psf. +54J psf Panel Fastener Pattern: 2-1-271 2-1:2-1 24=2-1 2-1721 2-1-2-1 Panel Span: 5'-0" O.C. 4'-0 O.C... 4' 70" O.C., 5'-O"-O.C. O 4'-0" .C. Substrate: Min..14 Ga. Steel Framing Min.14 Ga. Steel Framing Min.14 Ga. Steel Framing Min.18 Ga. Steel Framing Min 18. Ga. - Steel Framing -uesign vressure inciuges a_Satety Factor = 2.U. FL# 27402.1 Q; 4 +,<is• STAIE.OF r�snc ,�rl It ON�IL J uwt 18,, 2019 r ]Force Engiraceririg � Testing Iris, ' 12530FinmblewoodDrive, 2llamblc;TX°77338. - 44it.;,-FO 7a a. rramntnn R'.h'Rnnf D.nol Maximum Design Pressure:, -511 psf , 450.9 psf +39.0 psf, +143.1 psf• Fastener Patterm. 6"-3' 6 -3 -6"-3" 4 6 3-6"-3 FastenerSpadrigv 4'-0" O.C. 2'rT'O.C. 4'0.OX. -assign Pressure inUudes a Safety Factor= 2.0: )de Compliance: The peod`uct described herein has demonstrated compliance with' The Florida Building code 2017.'.Section 1504 3.2.1504.71 iaiu'ation RepbrtScope;. 'The. product eyaluation islimited to: compliance with, the structural Wind load . requiretnentsbf the Florida Building Code 2017, as relates to Rule.61G20-3:- wformance Standards: The product described hecein.has demonstrated compliance:with: '. ■ ASTM'E1592-05'(2012).Test°met6adfor structural performance of sheet metal roof and siding systems by uniform static air pressure difference .. ■ FM 4471-92•- FootTrafftc Resistance Test 6ference-Data; 1. ASTM E 1592-0$ (2012) Test Force Engineering &Testing; inc '(FBC Organization #TST-5328)'t. Report Nor667-0060T-18A-E, 667-0061T-18A-D: 2. FM 4471-10, Section 4.4 Foot Traffic Resistance.Test Force Engineering &Testing; Inc.,(FBC Organization # TST 5328)': Report No. 667-006OT-18F, 667-0061`f 18E' 3: Certificate of Independence By Terrence ;E. Wolfe, P.E. "(No. 44923),@ Force Engineering & Testing, Inc: (FBC Organization # ME ID:1920) st Standard Equivalency: The FM.4471-1Q,Foot Traffic Resistance test standard is equivalent -to FM 4471-92. iality Assurance Entity: The manufacturer has established compliance of roof panel products in accordance with,the Florida Building Cade and Rule 61G.z0-3.005 (3) for :manufacturing under a quality assurance program audited by an approved . :quality assurance entity.. 40 CW. 4491!9 ENsFZIi �. STATE OF.. x �a, AL A s�.�rrrse. R I CD6 O 0 l l yt.► 27462.1 6ice Ehgific6i k'&T.6tingInc. 19530.R--6Irw'-d Driv4i. -Hurnblj:?C, 77310, Minimum Slope Range: Minimum Slope shall comply with Florida Building Code 2017,,in'cluding,S , ection 1507A.2accordance and Iri actor ce with:Manufacturers recommendations. For sldpAs , * ;less than 3:11, e - laps alant.mustrbe used in the panel side laps. In'sialla.fion: iristi(I per manufacturer's recommended details. Insulatiow; ManufactUrer's approved product(Optional), Roof Panel Fire Classificatio'm T6re clas'sificatibmis not part of thK acceptance. Shear DiaphragM: • Sbeat,diaphr5gm values are outside.the scope of this,report. 7 Design .Proced.ure: Based on the dimensions of the structure, approp appropriate -wind are.riatei. . loads det0mingdusing Chapter 16 of the Flo,rida'Building Code 2017 for roof cladding wind loads'. These loAdsforroof cladding are compared to the, allowable pressure listed above. The design professional shall seledthe appropriate erection deiails to reference in his drawings for properfastener' attachffi.en't to his structure and analyze.the panel fasteners for pullout and: . pullover. Rover. Support framing must be in'compliance with Florida, Build ihg C446 2017, ChaDier,22 for steel; and Chapter 1:6-6r structural loading. FL# 27402.1 C C E tj.S Zk STATE OF o pj ID lip ODA. s, NUM 201's 26' GA.: HAMPTON RIB ':FASTENER' PATTERN .2-1-2-1 g %f 12-14 'x, 3/4" 1 S03, W, '1�IPA ;BONGED., NEOPRENE WASHER 29 GA. HAMPTON ..RIB FASTENER PATTERN 6'1A"-VA".=6"=3°=6.0 G" - — _- t/ 12-14 x 3/4- HWH SD3' W/14MM BONDED NEOPRENE }MASHER_ ' 11,00 of oati t0 C.OJL W26-M EuiirgJ o No. 44928 :• STATE OF F, t M-0 1 8- 318