HomeMy WebLinkAboutFIELD SURVEYField Survey Date: 7/15/2004 Customer: Real Stone and Granite Phone: 489-9964 Owner: Jose D & Lilliam Ubilla Phone: Address: 427 South Market Ave Fax: 489-3607 Ft. Pierce, Fl 34982 Cell: i W x H MFG Model Zone Exp. Design P.S.F Test P.S.F 14' x 14' ASTA 233 +/-37.5 +/-56.25 Commerical Building Wall Construction Vertical Jambs Header Spring Pad Re aired Anchors e e2 Remarks Floor Plan Interior Existing ExislIting e5�7ce 61 Existing Wall I TABLE 1606.2C -TABLE 1606.2E I TABLE 1606.2C ROOF OVERHANG: COMPONENT AND CLADDING DESIGN WIND PRESSURES FOR A BUILDING WITH MEAN ROOF HEIGHT OF 30 FEET LOCATED IN EX POSURE B (per)' Basic Wind Speed'V#nph 3 second -gust) Effective Wind Zone Area (W) 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 Roof Angle > 0.10 degrees .25.9 -31.4 -37.3 43.8 -50.8 -58.3 2 10 2 20 -20.6'. -25.5 -30.8 .36.7. 43.0 49.9 -57.3 2 i 100: -!19.8 .24.4 -29.5 -35.1 41.2 47.8 -54.9 3 10 -34.8 42.7 -51.6 -61.5 -72.1 -83.7 -96.0 3 20 -27.1 -33.5 4 0.5 48.3 -56.6 -65.7 -75.4 3 -.100. .10.0 12.2 -.14.8 -17.6 -20.6 -23.9 -27.4 Roof Angle > 10.30 degrees -27.2 43 5 4 0.6 4 8.3 -56.7 -65.7 -75.5 2 10 2 20 .-27.2 41A 4 0.6 48.3 -56.7 -65.7 -75.5 2 100 .27.2 ..33 , 5 -40.6 48.3 -56.7 -65.7 .75.5 3 10 -44 7 -56"; -81.2 -95.3 -110.6 -126.9 3 20 -40.5 -50.0 -60.5 -72.0 -84.5 -98.0 -112.5 3 J 00 .-28.4 -35.1 42.4 .,.,.50.5 -59.3 -68.7 -78.9 Roof Angle > 30 - 45 degrees .24Y -730.5 -36.9 -43.9 -51;5 -59.8 -68.6 2 10 2 20 • -24.0 ­29.6 -35.8 42.6 -50.0 .58.0 -66.5 2 Wo -22.2 -27.4 -33.2 -39.5 46.4 -53.8 -61.7 3 .10, ;24.71 -30.5 -36.9 -43.9 .51.5 -68.6 3 20 -24.0 .29.6 -35.8 42.6 -50.0 .58.0 -66.5 3 100 -22.2 -27.4 -33.2 -39.5. 46.4 -53.8 -61.7 o For SI: I psf - 47.88 N/m2, I Ift 2 - 0.0929 M2, 1 mph - 0.447 m/s. Note: For effective areas between those given above the load may be interpolated, otherwise use theload may be interpolated, otherwise use the load asso- I ciated with the lower effective area.. TABLE 1606.2D Mean Roof Height Eii-6--id, 6191 C D is . 1.00 1.21 1.29 1.47 1.55 25 30 I.0011,00. 1.35 1.40 1.61 1.66 35 40 1.05 1.09 1.45 1.49 1.70 1.74 45 50-. 1.12 1.16 1.53 1.56 1.78 1.81 55 60 1.19 ! 19, T.59 1.62 1.84 1.87 Note: All table Values shall be adjusted foriDther expo multiplying the above coefficients. Ls exposures and heights by mul p ying b a ve cen HT Effective Wind Area 'V# Basic Wind Speed V (mph - 3 second gust) Width Height I 90 100 a 110 120 1 140 150 (ft) 00 Roof Angle 0 - 10 degrees Y.;' 8 8 "1 5 .41 , 9 11 7 -13:3 14.5 .16 17.5 .19.9 20.9 .23. 6 24,5 .27.7 28.4'.32.2 32.6 .36.9 10 10- 1 :1 =11.4 11: 14.0 7 17.0 .19.0 ' 20.2 -22.7 1 23.7 .26.6 27.5 -30.8 1 31.6 -35.4 - :15:4 1010 .10.7 10. 13.3 •14.9 16.1 -17.9 R995_W;2_-52_'rftPk26J .29.1 1 30.0 .33.4 11001 Ang Angle IV 0cgTcc3 9 7 16 7 114 :12.9 JA2.9) 26.7 -30.2 31J 1,2 10:9 •12.2. 1 12.3 .13.7 15:2 .16.9L 18.3 -20.4 :25.8 218 •24.3 25.6 .28.5 1 29.� �.0 11- 41- 1 a4 ii - v.v7z7 3,q m, I mpn - u.ii / rrvs, 1 pst 47.98'N/sq m 16.12 FLORIDA BUILDING DI . NG CODE - BUILDING FIGURE 1606.2a - FIGURE 1606.2c (Table 1606.2E continued) I. For effective areas or.wind spl ay.kintcrpolattd,otherwisc use the load associated with the lower effecdvi 2. Table values shall be adjusted for height and exposur; by. multiplying by adjustment coefficients in Table 1606.2D. 3, Plu3..and Minus 3igns.3igni pressures acting toward and away, from the building surfaces. 4. Negative pressures assume door has 2 fee.10widtli building's end- zorl WINDWARD ROOF WINDWARD ROOF LEEWARD ROOF LEEWARD ROOF I J .1. t I 196L - ol- S2 ED li 112 W. .... .. L TRANSVERSid. ELEVATION LONGITVIDiNAL-ELEVATION IFIGURE,1606.2a APPLICATION OF MAIN WIND FORCE RESISTING SYSTEM LOADS FOR SIMPLE DIAPHRAGM BUILDINGS 3 4 4 LONGITUDINAL Q Q LONGITUDINAL ROOK W! "J ANGLE END ZON4 I E LONGITUDINAL I E '74 T WNDDIREdTI011 FIGURE 1606.2b MAIN WIND FORCE LOADING DIAGRAM Fill BUILDING CODE - 13UILDING 16.13