HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1173 502 - -----.- '"_......-._--'"'~.-.._._-_.- ---------.-----.----...-.....-.. --- -....--_._.-..._-_.~.._..- ~.......--- - -- -- Sf AD OF ~u)RIDl ) OOtDIft OP 8t. Luoh ) ! Il5IUlDI OKMD'!'. ~bat on .thia"~ p.ruoDal17 appeare4 b.tor. _. an ottl"r du17 au\horla.d to a4ll1D1ebr oath. and tak. aolmcnrl'4&Mnt.. Illude I. Golda_Uh. a widow to me weUlmown and known to ID'" to be tb. In41Y1dual deeorn.d in and who .xeoubd .the for,soin<< . teel. and sh. aoknowl.tse. betore me tbat ehe .xeoubt the .ame tre'17 and TOluntarU.~ tor the purposes therein _xpresee4. LJ ..a1 at .ort Pleroe. OOUDt)' 0'1 St_ Luole and Stat. 0'1 :flarHla. ot Jlaroh A. D. 1929. " .. HeJen S. Groh XotlU7 Publio. ., OOale81OD .zpire. .lul.1 7- 19.1 18 daJ ot IIlr. A. D. 1929. at 3:28 P. M. P. O. Bldrel. Olerk 01rouit Oonn ) ,.. ).., . '. ....... r_ 1 '.. ... f ~ -~1~ D. O. . . ~ . - .. : ..;~i........ DGUS 8U1IDR SPBOUL KlSHll to . IWlna's DUD TKI8 IlIHIIt'OU. IIlte the Ihlrtunth d.a7 0'1 Karoh 1929. between l.n,gu8 8UJ11D8r. a. .,.,UL lOSfBR III OlUlfODY. of the 'lira' part. and O. -. OaboY 0'1 the aeMnd put: .R1f1r-Ue. the Oirouit Oourl 0'1 tbe 21-' ltLd10ial 01r0111t of the Sta" of :flor1da. In O. E. OAROW anI for the <<fount)' ot S,. Inol.. In Ohanoe17. on 'he fifth 4Q ot Deoemb.r, 1928. aa!ilJ.! "ther " " ~}~ thinge orclered. adJutlBe4 and dooreed. In a oenaln oauee then pendiDg in the s41d , be- been O. E. Oabo" OOlllpla1nant, and Jo.eph S. fila. and loaeph O. Sohr.lner clefendant that the .on8asel1 prem.es mentioned in .al4 4~ore.. and hereinafter parUoular~ delorlb."d. be eo14 b)' _14 ..at.r. at publio auotion. the 881d JIIlster flret s1rine-weeks noUce 0'1 the time and plaoe o~ eale, In a newspaper published at )'ort P1eroe. norl4.a in the sald Stah, to-wit: the I'ort Pler.oe if... 'Prlbune .111) EmmlS. the .aid Speolal ".hr, J.Dgua Bulmer and part)' of the first part ~o the.. pre.enta. 1n pureuanoe o~ the sa14 order and deGree o~ the l181d Gourt in CJhanoe1"7, did. on the :fourth 4.a)' ot JIuooh 1929. lIell at publio aUQUon tlw add .000\688ed prem..s. hereln- atter parUoular17 4esoribe4, haring '111' at slnn prertoUB notiOl ot the tl.. aDd plaoe of lIale. "ith . deacriptlon of the said premi.e., agreeable to tbe order afor.said; a' whioh .ale the wd ~or\6ased pr..l.... hereinafter parUoularq desorlbed. "ere sold to the 8814 pari)' of the aeoonA pari tar the ._ o~ liTe thousand 40llarl. that belnBthe highed s. bidden for the .ame. iJ XOW. fBDD'ORB, !1118 IlIDD1'UB WIf:n9SftH: 1'hat the 8a14 Sp.olal Xallter. in order to 0&r17 Into ett.ot tbe laid IBle 80 _d. as atore..i4. in purauan~ of the laid deoree of the ald OOUl't U 0han0e17. in oonalderation of the prell11.... &Ild ot tbe aaid 8QIl ot 1'1" !'housan" dollars. pai4 at the U..of the eDoution hIIreot, b7 the 881d part- of the IIOClld part to the .ald Speolal ashr, the reoeipt whereot he does bereb)' aolmow1lGBe. has gretel. barplJled and 1014, allened. released, oonT8)'el. and oonflraed. and b)' thele pre..ntl doea . srant, bar&&1n and .e1l. aUen. releas.. OODTe)' and oonflnt unto the .dd paM)' of the aeoClld pari. and to hi. heir. end ..slsna fore Tel' , t. o.rtaln paroel of land In the COUllt)' 0'1 8t. lAol.. 8ht. ot nor14.a. desorlbel. ae t011ova, i'ba louth Halt (Sj-) ot Lot :fIn (6) and the" Xorth Halt (lit) of lA)t 11s (6) ot B100k .ourl..n (1.) a. .bon _ tile ...e.sol.tlll&>> of the Xorth pan ot the OU7 ot I'on Pl.roe, norl4a, a. plaUel. b)' 1. O. :friel, and 1'830rl..d in Pla' Book One (1). at P8&' ". lJl the Olerk'. oftloe ot th. 01rouU Gov' o~ St. Luoit Oount)'. norUa. 11 ~~ i lJ - J ~. ....-- . . ... : 'I~ ~':,;'.(~:-~\~~~:~~~J~~?