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ADDITIONAL FEATURES �f IN Id I, u, ,umbv l un V_ww 1-0,W.:U.r•.U„1. IL;ha4lr, lnl.,u,r.1 I1:11,•,rnh,dP,J lumt f-Ilp:••un-rr .j.n.,( r 9.mlhr I lar opn' .,' ,I r• m1x i••I rnh.utrrd •� lin'r,.md tr•mryr ra!ulr •.,Vr !,. h, rfrrt Irinpor..h1r,1 -IV III,. un urdun i,>slsla r, a', 1,orlur mdnce. iontfol wuh lhennal apphc thtl• DI du, I to, to l;il-IL-Oprr 111un. nunl.•I•..t r.,q:,bh :•n•li Ir:quiator wllac. ;:u cly •.landatcl :. upl ,rl of nmra•K ltr•1 ri nr.n ,m hanycl:.. IiJLI.I �IDL FaII IJI - _ - - I as c r � IGO nT� •I ,.J, I � Iy6 -1 11.6 \f iC J r r^rt 113 cml 159 r,,, dr„ ! d o•, a•I t rTl r m=tile AVAILABLE IN THE FOLLOWING MODELS Heat Von[ mu' mum Max,mum Model N Flnng Rate Gas type Exchanger McIth Depth HeIgM We,ghl Olamelcr' GPM CPM 1X,200N 200K DTII Na,u.al ,i a. Conper 279' 72.1 26,5 117It- 6'(^5 rm1 30 105 JWUN 26CK UtU Nat Alias Cut/!,;: :2.9, 22.1' 26,5 1201b,. 7'119 cm1 JO I JY16QON 399K DTU Ncdunl Gas Coapar :2'/" 22.11 265' 12611- d IN-1 30 1.0 JXi4CONN 749K DTU N:.rural Gas C.p, an,•kel 71.9• 221 26.E' 1761hs 9"170 c"d 30 Ica IX.4CONK .s, ..14. LOCK DTU NaItnA Ga: nopp°r 2:9• 22.1 76E I26111; 9. 120 un1 30 Ica JX 2GOP 200K It I U N.J.— Cuam•r 21 Y- 22 1' 26 5 1171ba 6 I'S •u,l 30 100 IX,260P 26CK IITII Propane Col,per 22.9- 22.1• 76.5" I201hs 7-(18 unl 30 100 JX,e00P 399K DTU Vmro ,r Cnh1Mr 77.9" 22, I'• 76,L. 12611n. a'170 •ml 30 100 1X,6COn14 399K 111U Net— cup-j'kel 22e- 22.1• 265 1?6lba. 9. 120r 1 30 iC0 JY,VFKIT JX, Penal to Acrc--y Klt Janch,-0- 1.60r..822.7933 jand �j �TICIt E'IC'ti `� 4 Olt, : r. t Ri-.5urm Ultra-Compact Lightweight Design Easy to Install TRADE SERIES i <; THE TOTAL PACKAGE The JXI' heater sets the standard In pool and spa heating technology with !Is ultra - compact s.ze, tighhvetght design, and ins_lalla'Ion flextc.lrty, making it a top cho ce to- pert profr,.,sionals and pout owners evurywhe-e. The htoh-elftcicncy, lcty-NIOx JXI Is avaltabte In -cry f3TIJ sins, 200K. 260K, 399Ie, and Q,ffered in both natural and proz;3ne gas models. ENERGY EFFICIENT 841„ thermal olftc encv rating and low-NOx design surpasses strict DOE Eno-gy Efficiency re joireme-0 Select JXI vvdh VersaPto or add the opt onal Versa Flo Accessory K t tc reduce energy costs even more. @e•st Retrofit Option plumbing fteRlb hty for quick ii MastertempQand Max-E'hermI I' ` replacement that requires no I plumbing!ad{ustinenls. , Ilt`.aly sppvro relh opt onal Vrr % IMeyrSted eyplSc t' i rmnprpm I � llttra-comiact Lightweight Design ' I--asy to store, transport, Anti t rnslall, 1!Ct _.;sdy fits on a 2 a ?' pad and is 38% lighter �- ,v Ih a :y"� snlaNcr foapnnt. s Rexible tristatl ition Top can be ca .,iy ierno•red for tncreaseri ar-ceti Iht6br and 4t ov,rl TSU rl grees so you never nee F to rotaR,, It ul .t.,. Also i Tcludc, a rUp up-lectncat aanol lot fnnvtmu•nI sr,rup .-ti:rl - r/7t n.. SAVE EVEN MORE WITH OPTIONAL VERSAPLO 'INTEGRATED BYPASS Here's How: >> 'I,, It, ;ta t r• tynv all, orgy •tl 3.r c{ ate+ay,• nu,., d uun•. runt n .. ILn ,11tr• `te of II•.,lit•::• t ,• 1" a 0 awl •t .un I" » .YI dhlh •J•_r 'a, o at. hvulc•, the brut-m Ilov nyp r.e t•air> b :,.,d en tall Ix L+ al t•, LoJ r nninq ,Y31 •r In , uq', lhw hr I F<chdngrl teh•+n Walt^ d, es -ot ^eeu to ' t., h••,r•e.I >> Val Iabte speed pumf s con tit . I LI❑ a.t i tov,t•r •,pe-eci.. avmg up In =.d 30 per year in o le, irluly costs b+rFlo Inle yr at:d ByF..nss is avatia L' e on s I> !,71. : Ad L. )-tart be cord: add:,d to any J/t hcal,, I tfio It( ld" Bypass Mode Versa Plumb -Ready Inatatl,awrr, to tr.r versa •IumL �.y�drnt' r.. Harp fdumt nag toctr anti iivi r ro, n'?:t. wn V. a t -r I, q Ine •.n,. tiIII, t n,clp vri "vo aoI,10 / Heat Mode Automation -Ready t'oav+ wcv._., t• I -It I'. it, ,rrjhttts ,t•':••t!u r .,atr•.l ita•ry 4ol..^nh � 1, vi".,', mt.t r•a a^,I IA:¢rd tnw C."t•f-o:d>I, •irlt; it P",,85t lnr tau •r:r • .:en'r.r Cr nt • Nwc Pur, F'ILI [tit ' AquaUnk- tAquaL' ink- COMPAMLE ADDITIONAL FEATURES FIN WFI(I-herco'11b-Ilan Venh11-rPrven,Jr•ard Rull3blv,bdlapu•d Ddferentidledl'r)ut Concaluli-Iek",'alit tnarllber for opt- to qa'; mlX for r-rharrpd FYrwand temperature ^,w trh^; rare' temperdlure'.r•nsol<, I UI IU410n reslSta^� e. prrl, I no, 1nce. conhol with titer mat aaphcable product for re lade operation. nxtdidsav„ it,tblr with requlalorvwve. salcly',twidaick— E.oPG(•r ul (`Uplo".' kcI heal vrt h myer5. INI t I JDI FRONT as 4- ` -- -- 190 cm1- - • -- •—. 1 saPb { 2L 9" 163 r—I I ' •..i ' 18 S" r i I t0 73' l /.,7 cml 126 cm) \,1.1E der Irj c, n'l n1!,n; dmt AVAILABLE IN THE FOLLOWING MODELS Heal Vent Minimum Maximum Model it Fang Rate Gas Type Exchanger Width Depth Height Weight Diameter' GPM GPM JXr700N 20CK B1U Natural Gas Capp- 27.7- 72,1 76.5` 117 lb,. 6' I'5 ^m] 30 100 JX1260N 260K B I U Nat.,A 6.-s Copper 22.9- 22.1' 46.5 1201bs, 7'I-8 em). 30 Wo JXi400N 399K B`U Natui at Gas Capper 1.1.9' 27.1 7.6.5 126 ths. 6 170 tin( 30 100 JX1000NN 399K DTU Natural Goa C,.mcm•kel 2e.9' :.2,1• 165' 1261hs. 8, 120 rml 30 100 JXt4G0NK 400K DIU P'anual Gas Capps+ 779' 221 26 S' 126 Iba, 8` ;20tm) 30 '00 JXi200a `ioOK nT II Pieria- COPP- 219' 721 265' 117lb, 6' I'S-ml 30 too JXi260P 260K BTU Prepa•e rapp'x 2%9 22.1 26— 1201 bs. T I'u- I Jill too JXd,cop 399K BTu Prapa— Coppe, 2719' 27.1' 16.'. 12611hs. 8' 170-1. 36 on JX,4_OpN 399K BTU Prapa^e Cupramckel 22.9' 22.1 26.5- 126 lb.. 8 1,0-1 30 00 JX)VFKF JXI lr,-Ft. Accessory Rll jandy co^1 I '.AO) 8:1.^.7911 ja 9 Ultra -Compact Lightweight Design Easy to Install TRADE SERIES 1! HE TOTAL PAC KAG The JXi " healer sets the standard In pool and spa heating technology with its ultra- cornpoct S-ze, lighlwe ght design, and nstattation flexicJ ty, making it atop choice for pool piole5�,ionals and pool owners everywhe-e. The hlgh-efficiency, loud-NOx JXI is avaflable i-t three BTU sizes, 200K, 260K, 39?K, and offered in both natural and prooanc gas models. ENERGY EFFICIENT 840,o thermal efficiency rating and low-NOX design surpasses strict DOE Energy Efficiency reotareme,-Ii.l Select JXi with Versa Flo" or add the optional VersaFto Accessory Krl'o reclu:L energy costs even more. Uttra-Compact Lightweight Design easy to Srore, lronsael,1. and install, !X, n%stty hits un a 2' x 2' pad and o.3 '16 li9hler with a 28" .,mailer foWlIrnnt Best Retrofit Option Plumbing Aexibitity for quick MasterterrI and Max-F'-Therms replacernent that requires no plumbing odivaimonts. Fie-Alble Instaltation Top can be easy removed for Incr: ased accc,t bilrty and ro!n e d 180 der rues sit yo,. never need Iv rotate hpaders_ Also i ,ciuclw. a flip up e!octi ical oenpl for c nnvsnra-nl setup and ,xi vire. If SAVE EVEN MORE WITH OPTIONAL VERSAFLO " INTEGRATED BYPASS Here's How: >) f hr hraler is lyw "Ity oniv u,-d 3 .`; of av5 r,iyc an16,11 pump I untim:+, the other 96.; r. of lho 11n1e t^e I.2a! can Iv. byt=a�<pd }> ,,.Xi w;th Verna` o a,tivales'he ::uilt-in flow oypa•;•, valve b�sLd en call foi heat to avoid r,,nning lh-VUgh tho heal exchanger when water r10es 'lotneed to be heated y) Variable speed pvmrs can be. I un at .+ towe °,peed, •,avmg up 10 $350 per year in ele:.tricity costs'" VersaFto Integraled Bypass is availab a on spler.! model;, or can b¢. casilyadclA,,d to an'yJXi hale, in Ihr Ircld" Bypass Mode Versa Ptumb -Ready Insta:lation in the Versa Plumb system' reouces pn nhinry cnsts and in€rrases enf, gy efhripn�y. all,us,^q the smallest foclp,fnt avaitah'.e. Heat Mode Automation -Ready Convenience buAi n w th anytime anywhere rm,tre+f hx,rn yuu n-oltttp dpvap, Ac}ua ink and Kcivaf mi; Cumpmiblo vi'ih its R5485 i •te,rface. Ct•n-er Of j Wet, Gunn, t Dovue foul. Equipment AquaVnk' ZAquaLink- COMPATIBLE - - - - — SER$E a G G L N e Ht4rs - - - - Cyr:,, � - - _ - - SCgNN�o i UCie CO 0ry cries1'rt, K {' ` CARTRIDGE FILTER �Fv�-.y�..:F.. � a�i`�s-f.,.-�.,1 y`� f •}".Z �it� ,. Y ��� y��%'t�M "Li,.. - V - 1 L '1 s ,_n.` tl• �� t .sir- i 1 ; :.,.�,� c a �' 4 _ r.. •RkE1VED N,0-M013��{$. •� = ff�' - - NO Alff:__�___� I J7� � �� � , '� a. `mar �",��" ''� ,y�2, � ��� � � did.' 7•� Y� a �?� � on - iL # I yp�yl. "% a '7: -$g L •S § '. 1 � r � �e-f }64r � s• i .. e y - i^ Ve , �+•f�gN`,+. L � `,,mil. .. ^�-�` - r- . CL senes TRIDDE F1UER.. I Jandy Pro Series CV & CL Cartridge Filters The CV and ICL Cartridge Filters set the benchmark in cartridge filtration. Loaded with user-friendly features, Jandy Pro Series Cartridge Filters optimize surface area and help provide.clean, sparkling water. They are constructed of durable and corrosion - resistant mrterials for maximum durability and are available in 340, 460 and 580 square foot models. » The included Sweep. Elbow and unions allow the fitter to easily connect to nearly all Jandy Pro Series products 9> 2" x 21/�" Universal Unions and easy grip handles snake installation and cleaning.easy » Extra t rge 2" drain part allows for easy cleaning » UniquelI pressure gauge features clean/dirty indicator that -can be customized, tnaking'it easy to assess fitter cartridge condition CL Filter CV Filter PERFORMANCE CV/CL Filter Head Loss Curves 28 26 24 22 20 18 Dealgn 16 Head 14 .LOSS (ft head) 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 12 10 8 Design Pressure 6 Drop (PSI) a 2 — CL340 CV340 — CL460GV460: 0 01_580 CV580 0 30 60 90 120 150 F1oviR2te (gpm) Specifications and Dimensions, CL lk CV Series Filters ModeLNumber CL340 CLG50 Cl580 Z CVO CV460 CV580 Filter Area 340 ft2 460 ft2 580 ft2 (t2 460 ft2 580 ft2 Design Flow Rate .37 gpm/ft2 .33 gpm/ft2 .26 gpm/ft2 .37 gpm/W .33 gpm/ft2 .26 gpm/ft2 Maximum Flovi 127 gpm 150 gpm 150 gpm 127 gpm 150 gpm 150 gpm Six Hour Capacity 45.720 gallons 54,000 gallons 54,000 gallons 45,720 gallons 54,000 gallons 54,000 gallons Eight Hour Capacity 60,960 gallons 72,000 gallons 72,000 gallons 60.940 gallons 72,000 gallons 72,000 gallons Maximum Working Pressure 50 psi 50 psi 50 psi 50 psi 50 psi 50 psi Cartridges Required 4 (85ft2 each) 4 (115ft2 each) 4 (145ftz each) 4 (85ft2 each) 4 (115112 each) 4 (145ft2 each) Shipping Weig�t 93 tbs. 951bs.. 101 lbs. 106 lbs. 106 lbs. 112 lbs. Height (M 41 inches 41 inches 47 inches 41 inches 41 inches 47 inches Footprint 25" dia. circle 25" dia, circle 25".dia. circle 25" dia. circle 25" dia. circle 25" dia. circle Distance Between Inlet and Cutlet 8" 8" 8" Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Zodiac Pool Systems, Inc. i Zodiac Pool Systems Canada, Inc: 2620 Commerce Way, Vista, CA 92081 2115 South Service Road West, Unit 0, Oakville, ON L6L 5W2 1.800.822.7933 1 www.ZodiacPootSystems.com E 1.888.647.4004 1 www.ZodiacPoolSystems.ca ZODIAC° FAMILY OF -BRANDS I Heritage of Excellence ©2016 Zodiac Poi Systems, Inc. ZODIAC@ is a registered trademark of Zodiac International, S.A.S.U., used under license. SL6257 Rev B 0316 an C::Z _ �� Pro Series UyZODIACSNI `.� - ' to — •- ti ,�„M CV =CLsrmnrmsCrystal. CLbar-" Clari y,- 3 � YCARTRIDGE FILTER ,.mil t •�1 X,. ... e - i.. j c s+ low r t y r- .�. ass:»_ ..-�K=�'"�"�,•: My- +�w � _ � �Y ® .,�' _ �� -. :.f.. . ., A '.• =y, .. �.. 4�R �"T'^54 j.� �n�"�'[ryp.'d�-Wr� z���.. �{� •� Y:: �.. ,..'µ.. �.1 � * � �S - +<� v.� -��i» t'-��`yl •mil 0 ��.J �A•M,"J 1f_ ."f � ^��.� Y. Yn i,4 •sue — � '� s _t t ^. - r. CV-CL SEries - C CV,-CL Jandy Pro Series CV & CL Cartridge Filters The CV and CL Cartridge Filters set the benchmark in cartridge filtration. Loaded with user-friendly features, Jandy Pro Series Cartridge F Iters optimize surface area and help provide clean, sparkling Aater. They are constructed of durable and corrosion - resistant m terials for maximum durability and are available in 340,46( and 580 square foot models. The included Sweep Elbow and unions allow the filter to easily connect to nearly all Jandy Pro Series products 2" x 21h Universal Unions and easy grip handles make installation and cleaning easy Extra large 2" drain port allows for easy cleaning Unique pressure gauge features clean/dirty indicator that can be customized, making it easy to assess filter cartridge condition DIMENSIONS CL Filter CV Filter 11119:11NIGINZYM CV/CL Filter Head Loss Curves 12 10 28 26 24 22 20 18 Design 16 Head 14 Loss (it head) 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 8 Design Pressure 6 Drop (p51) 4 2 - CL340 CV340 CL460CV460 0 'tea' CL580 CV580 0 30 60 90 120 ISO Flow Rrte (gpm) Specifications and Dimensions, CL & CV Series Filters CCV3�40 Model Numberl CL.340 CL460 CL580 CV460 CV580 FilterArea 1 340 ftz 460 ft2 580 ft' 3 460 W 580 ft' Design Flow Ra4e .37 gpm/ft2 .33 gpm/ft2 .26 gpm/ft' .37 gpm/ft2 .33 gpm/ft' .26 gpm/ft2 Maximum Flow 127 gpm 150 gpm 150 gpm 127 gpm 150 gpm 150 gpm Six Hour Capacity 45,720 gallons 54,000 gallons 54.000 gallons 45.720 gallons 54,000 gallons 54,000 gallons Eight Hour Capacity 60.960 gallons 72,000 gallons 72,000 gallons 60.960 gallons 72,000 gallons 7Z000 gallons Maximum Working Pressure 50 psi 50 psi 50 psi 50 psi 50 psi 50 psi Cartridges Required 4 (85ft' eachl 4 (115ft' each] 4 (145ft2 each) 4 (85ft' each) 4 (115ft' each) 41145112 eachl Shipping Weight 93 lbs. 95 tbs. 101 lbs. 106 lbs. 106 lbs. 112 lbs. Height("A") 41inches 41inches 47inches 41 inches 41inches 47inches Footprint 25" dia. circle 25" dia. circle 25" dia, circle 25" dia, circle 25" dia, circle 25" dia. circle Distance BetweI n Intel and Outlet 8" 8" 8" Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Zodiac Pool Systems, Inc. Zodiac Pool Systems Canada, Inc. 2620 Comnr.erce Way, Vista, CA 92081 2115 South Service Road West, Unit #3, Oakville, ON 1-61- 5W2 1.800.822.7Q33 1 www.ZodiacPoolSystems.com 1,888,647.4004 1 www.ZodiacPoolSystems.ca ZODIAC® F�MILY OF BRANDS Heritage of Excellence ©2016 Zodiac Pool ystems, Inc. ZODIAC® is a registered trademark of Zodiac International, S.A.S.U., used under license. SL6257 Rev B 0316 Poolguard Alarms - pool alarm, door alarm, gate alarm, pool safety, child safety Page I of 2 • HOME I CONTACT US I BUY POOLGUARD I PRODUCT MANUALS [WARRANTY REGISTRATION e. a• � r I m j 10 1 u� rdo J!I�fl Poolguard Alarms: • Pool Alarm — Model PGRM-2 • Pool Alarm — Model PGRM-SB • Gate Alarm Door Alarms - NEW • Door Alarm - DAPT-2 (Sounds in 7 seconds) • Door Alarm - DAPT-WT (Sounds immediately) Information: RECEIVED NOV 0 6 2018 Lmole Gountyt Permitting SCANNED BY DOOR ALARM - Model DAPT-2 St Lucie County POOLGUARDIPBM INDUSTRIES, INC. has been manufacturing pool alarms, door alarms, and gate alarms since 1982. All Poolguard products are proudly Made In the USA. Poolguard Door Alarms comply with all building codes and are UL Listed under UL 2017. The majority of children that drown in pools go out the back door first and Poolguard's Door Alarm can help protect those doors. Adult pass through feature allows 15 seconds for adults to pass through the door without the alarm sounding. POOLGUARD DOOR ALARM 1 Year Warranty -UL Listed to UL 2017 • Important Safety Feature • Complies With Building Codes • Simple To Operate • Automatic Reset • Battery Powered • Easy To Install • 85 dB Horn At 10 Feet • Pass Through Feature For Adults • Low Battery Indicator PG DAPT-2 Manual 021115:Layout 1 2112/16 12:15 PM Pagel When the 9-volt battery is low, the door alarm ham will chirp once every 10 seconds -this means It is time to install a new battery, Battery [do Is approximately 1 year. Test your door alarm weekly by opening the door and allowing the alarm to sound. 11 , • • , 1 I I A111L REPAIAS POOLGUARD Is sold with a limited warranty to cover defects In parts and workmanship for one year from date of purchase. (Retain proof of purchase). If Poclguard exhibits a defect, please tail our Customer Service department at 1.800-242-7163. Unauthorized returns will not be accepted. Proper repair is only ensured when the unit Is returned to the manufacturer. Visit our websfte at www.poolpard.com to fill out your warranty registration Information. PEIM INDUSTRIES, INC. P.O. cox see NORTH VERNON, IN 47265 812-346.2048 Poo,guarde PSM INDUSTRIES, INC. stir MADE IN THE USA REV. 02-15 L" -Supervise children at all times. -Never permit swimming alone. Never leave a child alone, even to answer the telephone. -Always remove the entire solar cover from a pool before swimming. •Remember that alcohol and water safety do not mix. -Have your pool area fenced and the gate locked to prevent unauthorized entry to the pool, and Install a gate alarm. -Lock and secure all doors In the house which permit easy access to the pool, and Install a door alarm, -Have a responelble adult teach swimming and water safety to your children. •Maintain clean, clear water In the pool. -Do not swim during electrical storms. -Do not permit battles, glass, or sharp objects to be used around the pool. •Ask your pool dealer how you can Improve your pool safety —they will be glad to assist you. -Above all: remember that common sense, awareness, and caution will allow you to enjoy your pool. Pooiguard' �ti www.poolguard.com iM CONNECTING DOOR ALARM TO SENSOR SWITCHES READ THE DOOR ALARM MANUAL FOR INSTALLATION ON ONE DOOR FIRST. THE SENSOR WIRES ARE PERMANENTLY CONNECTED TO THE DOOR ALARM. CONNECT BOTH SENSOR WIRES COMING FROM THE DOORALARM TO THE SENSOR SWITCH ON THE DOOR FRAME THEN USETHE SUPPLIED JUMPER WIRES TO CONNECT TO THE SCREEN DOOR SENSOR SWITCH (SEE DIAGRAM BELOW). THE TWO SENSORS SHOULD BE HOOKED UP IN PARELLEL WITH EACH OTHER. • THE PLASTIC COVERS ON THE SENSOR SWITCHES 6 SENSOR MAGNET MUST BE REMOVED BEFORE INSTALLATION • SWITCHES GO ON THE FRAME BY THE DOOR • MAGNETS GO ON THE DOOR ITSELF -SEE PICTURE W MANUAL EQUIPMENT NEEDED A. ONE DOOR ALARM AND 2 MOUNTING SCREWS B. ONE SET OF SENSOR SWITCH AND SENSOR MAGNET AND 4 SCREWS FOR DOOR FRAME A DOOR C. ONE SET OF SENSOR SWITCH AND SENSOR MAGNET, JUMPER WIRES, AND 4 SCREWS - FOR SCREEN DOOR FRAME AND SCREEN DOOR IFYOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS CALL US AT 1-800-242.7163 SCREEN DOOR MAIN DOOR r--, � sw7ra DOOR ALARM �I rGur �I Poolpuam Figure 5 ASSTHRU SWITCH HORN, id DOOR ALARM InstallationInstructions SN'NAUNG I i si s °°°NALA N LISTED �,olg�ara� ti• \\ • swen'cleiu Yy su+snw Figure 1 The hornIs eSdB at 1 o feet IMPORTANT READ THOROUGHLY BEFORE USING ALARM The product has been designed to aid In the detection of unwanted Intrusions into unsupervised areas. POOLGUARD DAPT-2 IS A SAFETY ALARM SYSTEM AND NOT A LIFE SAVING DEVICE. It should be used in conjunction with the safety equipment currently in use and should not affect existing safety procedures. Poolguard Alarms - pool alarm, door alarm, gate alarm, pool safety, child safety Page 2 of 2 t I • The Door Alarm will sound in 7 seconds when a child opens the door, and the alarm will continue to sound until an adult comes to the door and resets the alarm. • Poolguard Door Alarm will sound in 7 seconds even if a child goes through the door and closes it behind them. • The Door Alarm is always on and will automatically reset under all conditions. • Poolguard Door Alarm is equipped with an adult pass through feature that will allow adults to go through the door without the alarm sounding. • Optional screen door kits can be purchased for the alarm, this kit allows you to get air through your screen door without the alarm sounding. • Poolguard Door Alarm uses one 9-volt battery, (not included) with a battery life of approximately 1 year. • The Door Alarm is equipped with a low battery indicator that will audibly alert you when your battery is getting low. • Poolguard is the only door alarm that is UL listed under UL 2017 for water hazard entrance alarm equipment. Door Alarm PDF manual All Products Proudly j NSF. @US C E �j Kr.a CALL TOLL -FREE 800-2 2=716 AquaLjnl('RS ADVANCED AUTOMATION TECHNOLOGY These interfaces are the perfect companion to Zodiac's top -of -the -line Jandy' Aqualink RS systems, and enable total control of your backyard experience. Adjust pool and spa temperatures, turn on water features and lights, adjust sanitizer generation, and much more, with the touch of a button. Aqualink RS systems integrate premium design ingenuity, style, and ease of use for the ultimate pool/spa automation experience. AQUALINK RS SYSTEMS ALLOW YOU TO: • Control individual pool and spa equipment from the convenience of your home • Automate daily pool equipment functions, such as filtration, sanitation and cleaning • Protect your equipment from damage due to freezing • Manage up to 32 pool and spa features • Integrate pool and spa automation into most leading home automation systems ENERGY SMART PROGRAM AquaLink RS systems have built-in energy savings programs, allowing the system to automatically adjust routines and schedules with the changing seasons to optimize energy savings and maximize efficiency. JANDYAQUALINK RS ONE TOUCHTM • One Touch features macros for an easy "set -it and forget -it" experience • Customize your entire system to bring your backyard to life • The small panel, which is the size of a double light switch, can be flush or surface -mounted to fit with any room decor. Additional bezel colors available JANDYAQUALINK RS ALL BUTTON • Brings the convenience of pool and spa control into your home • Simple to operate, attractively styled, and easily installs indoors • Custom labeled buttons to match your system and backyard environment AQUALINK WIRELESS HANDHELD REMOTE CONTROL • Complete system control with a wireless, handheld remote • Uses inexpensive, long-lasting, AA batteries. No charger needed Tough, water-resistant, soft -grip housing. Perfect for• • a R worry -free control in or around the pool or spa - Back -lit display for easy reading - even at night AQUALINK RS SPA SIDE CONTROLLERS Convenient spa -side controls for system control from inside the spa F0.es , pUM? RELAX And enjoy an easy way of life with AquaLink9RS Controls iAQUALINK'" & AQUALINK RS COMPLETE CONTROL Monitor and adjust all equipment controlled by the AquaLink system. • Pool Temperature • Spa Temperature • Waterfalls • Spillovers • Laminar Jets OPTIONS • Light Dimmers • Pool Cleaner • LED Color & White Lights • Landscape Lights • Filter Pump • Booster Pump • Irrigation & SprinkLcr Systems • Fountains • Dehumiflers & Chillers • And Much More • PureLink " salt -water sanitizer integration • Chemical automation to automate pH balance and sanitizer levels • Home automation interface to seamtessly integrate with most home automation systems an Pro Series -7 Tfi YonzAC® ,i bz r. ib If IL e ti .` a $' � •,•z °, + tf ,x � fit` S f !` . � l Te*_ M UM .IPr" l - o ..`[ � '* .! y� - : > *�srr�� '1 ��,r��;r"'�"n� .-���rr � -,ir _ -.'�•i"� :�y: ., "'s�?�+ 1r.; •,._ :•r Yam.+ r jam: d , - •sz>K8C'':}�if•. tom` .• � • r Create_a - = Aq �=— NOVKwo .-� - k Aq * J YY i 4'A•.u^;lf3ddd aMO i,hR y5 fpiF� R:.±: #'� .wr �(rf� i, :f � 4•.p y.. a `F, �� :: is y.:.- ;. rr rs t_ �C•*S..tf �t�8 1.1 �J.{{xf Y qti s Xc rtt aL��S ,hr•s• '�lto'e 'Ys-. ,.[ Y" q y..a. �.a� r d `r.-a` d ". xs � r.Y , �� Sf : r i � �tFk x � _s • �t VP -x; ar t �v[ t `.4x -• t e �',�& •a t i 7 if .�. �r'�,b9. '�., 'r,. r �f^i,: 9 3k �b»" '-_T'� _�. r � � �� :h zt 'i �''�%i�xL .. y� f ,��� s ti .... —p- , ; c I{? s�,+;+r.��. ''a..Y,��. a7.��..'3• .._ ,... e i3; 1r,:»'-+�ra .s;;'.�`�fi3 � ♦ 'S• �. _^t:,y . a I �x t rfs,;t s � K C�i,'-X t` � rP•,.. a"I w �^Jr'' i i,y`[, ^ r - - — -- 'i,{- X.✓.:e .Xe [ .d " r. � .rrx mi s. E to i "�' - - a ht *y�{;�jy � �y �{ f �r i ��rit��y ;T. h@ a'`.1-.�� ���``" � ��� r� ;rh f�y�,�✓,. sgj �''��w ._- . _ __s _.._ � _ -_ _.. -- ks��'x_e:_".ii`s�_aL�+ S".'wr ��F. ' �' ��� 'lS�.kie��wdt,L+e f,«�' 1 '.�cvY1�-�f�.�m' �...�.`5 .u�i��k�i��...r �;,... k.;•.- :..-� _. _� P- "a 3 .jesURPuree WATER PURIFICATION j THE HEAVY-DUTY STAN®ARD FOR MAXIMUM PERFORMANCE AquaPure'! salt -water chlorine sanitizing systems use salt -water to deliver high-performance water sanitation with uncompromised performance, reliability„ and hydraulic efficiency. Robust Features • Automatic self-cleaning feature, which ensures consistent operation and extends the life of the cell. • Professional -grade,. ruthenium coated titanium electrodes for long-term reliability. • Exclusive Tri-Sensor technology — reliable electronic water flow detection to ensure maximum performance, even at very low flow rates (to take advantage of the benefits of VS pumps). - urynai aouurty r tau-vut iOr uCCui aye aalc levrc uruiI-cuun • Flow, temperature, and status readings provide instant feedback on the current operation. » Easy Integration • Seamless communication with AquaLink® Control systems, enabling easy monitoring of salt levels and convenient, precise sanitizer output settings. • When combined with PureLink' power centers, AquaLink and AquaPure work together for the ultimate in pool, sanitizing and remote operation convenience. Zodiac Pool Systems, Inc. 2620 Commerce Way, Vista, CA 92081 1.800.822.7933 I www.ZodiacPooLSystems.com .............................................................................................................. Zodiac Pool Systems Canada, Inc. 2115 South Service Road West, Unit #3, Oakville, ON LSL 5W2 1.888.647.4004 1 www.ZodiacPoolSystems.ca " Jandy Pro Series 2" x 21/F universal unions Ruthenium coated titanium electrodes for Long-term reliability Exclusive tri-sensor technology Heavy duty construction Installs horizontally or vertically, in -line or as a 900 elbow 40 SPECIFIGAT10N5 Model PLC700 Digital salinity reading Flow, temperature, and status readings ArfuaPrrre •� _ _ _ Heavy-duty, powder- y coated steel enclosure Easily integrates rates with AquaLink and iAquaLinK" Automation Systems PLC1400 Pool Size* Up to 12,000 Gallons Up to 40,000 Gattons Input 120 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 1.5 AMPS 120 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 2.5 AMPS 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 0.75 AMPS 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 1.25 AMPS Output' 22-30 VDC @ 3'AMPS maximum 22-30 VDC @ 6 AMPS maximum Chlorine 0.6251b./24 Hr. (283 9m/24 Hr.1 1.25lb./24 Hr. (567 gm/24 Hr.) Recommended Flow Rate 20-120GPM 20-120GPM *Pool sizes are generalizations and may vary with environmental conditions. Poolswith greater -exposure to sunlight may require greater ch1,...:-- _....a.._.:..... n P ..11.. M1 2 . Exceptional Hydraulic Efficiency 6.00 5.00 in 4.00 0 J •a y 3.00 x d ti 2.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 Leading Competit 40k r Leading Com 15k etitor PLC1400 PLC700 20.0 40.0 60.0 80.0 100.0 120.0 now (gpm) Lower head loss = more efficient rn, 02014 Zodiac Pool Systems; Inc. SL6605 Rev B 0414. oC\IY� NSF ZODIAC ZODIAC® is a registered trademark of Zodiac International, S,A.S.U., used under license. F u other trademarksusedherein are the property of their respective owners. nlCWELESS LED LIGHTS NE .. ay s F 71 = _ '�� ..�5+L6+' i.5� .��`�.'�-3F'�'.�S"•_J:e"r/Y... �� -�a. _3W�� _ R E.0 E IIJFx ��' -'+'x x v_. ,:.�.,,-„ , ..-.' .«.... '..}..:.... ....... . ..... ... _ _ .,. :._ ..,. «... ... , ... �.,.. .... Ltd"` , _ -.dousat i' [. J.x e,.-4�;'bR,:.rw,f.. ►g..�Wr.;�i.aG' Y ...,vim. �:ass.✓w,i:,,..r"e!#`'n-oi'?'r.;Tsi.�."!�#�.ni .� •.x u�i--;''"'"' OTHER LIGHTING OPTIONS i Control Your Lights i from Anywhere Jandy Pro Series Nichelcss LED I Lights can be controlled anytime, ; anywhere with iAquaLink. Colors,`"' ' LaminerJet Lit Bubbter Celestial e-, settings, and light displays can be k�o selected from virtually any web- `_ - - connected smart device. Lighting can f , also be controlled with any Aqua Link automation system.* E 'A%odt mk RS Pirnowa,e Rev R or newer Aq-a. Pb!, Lit Falls Pool. & Spa Landscape Frm,vai a Rev 6 cr newer Lighting Enhancements Illuminate your backyard paradise with our other l available products including lighted bubblers, lit falls, laminarjets, celestial fiber, and landscape lighting. TECHNICAL DETAILS Easy to Install Easy to Upgrade Requires no bonding or Use a longer niche traditional niches, and conduit for easy are installed using a upgrades standard 11/2-inch fitting. Jandy Pro Series Underwater Nichless LED Lights Description Power (Watts) Easy to Trust Redundantseal technology ensures that the electrical conduit is not a potential teak path. 50' Cord RGBW Watercolors 9 JLU4C9W50 Jandy Pi Seiics 20 JLU4C20W50 Nine Fixed Colors & Five Color- Shows. For use with Jandy Automation. 30 JLU4C30W50 9 JLUW9W50 White 20 JLUW20W50 Jandy Pro Series White -Only lights. _ _ 30 JLUW30W5u" 100' Cord 150' Cord JLU4C9W100 JLU4C9W150 JLU4C20W100 JLU4C20W150 JLU4C30W1GO JLU4C30W150 JLUW9W100 JLUW9W150 JLUW20W'100 JLUW20W150 JLUW30W100 JLUW3CW150 ZODIAC' FAMILY OF BRANDS I Heritage of Excellence Zodiac Poot Systems, Inc. Zodiac Pool Systems Canada, Inc. 2620 Commerce Way, Vista, CA 92081 2115 South Service Road West, Unit H3, Ookvillc, ON L61- 5W2 1.800.822.7933 1 mvw.ZodiacPootSystems.com 1.888.647.4004. 1 www.ZodiacPoolSystems.ca ZC' ; Z3d-ac Pccl Systans 1•r 2C74AC" s a ray stered trademark .f Zal.a: Internatioral. S.A.S.U., used ur1,-1.ense. Apr1eS is ..o, a Pailicipant n a spzwflscr ai M s pre.,=kn. All CC.;'.r iravEai arks : sed I:er&6 are the propartr 6 tree respective owners. SL65L2 Rer A u115 _Y 4 . Create a Brilliant Pool Dynamic Light design comes to life with brighter, more radiant illumination options BEAUTY AND PERFORMANCE Brighter Energy -Efficient The Brightest Light RGBW lr'rnnolorly ; rr,dm.o-, tip to Iady Pin cw,w, N,r heh-,, I Ffl You Will Never See 2a0 / brighter than lh, IwA-generation Lights ve low-volla•ie ('IYVACI and Two -Inc h (5c1111 Ien,et, ew b,vely nlchelcss light. avadablr- with 718, )DW, and 30v! vmHe d.trmq lh., rlay tima I„- 1"n'. Setter Illumination nidx power dr.cw uptiuns- s¢e altowc more tight,. to N. in,1M ern Pruvides w;oer beam p,egd'-o Enhanced Output re-Ailtino in 'rinre even tlghling whd(. brighten the liar ",t-! ) yea [I, of -el S. D..wa,••, ,r not(- i ad ant Low,redoungv but quh,. er-perieni.e fi�nlurr It RIiUW iec -urology Rich Colors, Display Options niJ, PLofiW Waleicolols jnd Whde-only Ncw lealunng brilliant whil. Luht end madel5 arc OfW:r.d In Ihr,W duff rUnl 9 Vlbi dnl 0101 , and 5 ezcd,nu Light power uw�ds. shows with RGBW Watercotur lights. FLEXIBLE OPTIONS RGBW Walercotors IAvaltabte m 9W, 20W, 30WI BETTER ILLUMINATION Up to 25 Greater Beam ' Spread _-- _— — Typical Bcam ENERGY SAVINGS 500 Watts 27 Watts BETTER ILLUMINATION 95, LESS ENERGY White -only (Available in 9W, 20W, 30W) Use More Lights For More Even Lighting i T,aditI-A 3 Jandy Pro Series Incandescent L ighl Nicheless LFD Lights BARELY VISIBLE Actual Size Go beyond accent lighting! Jandy Pre Series offer un r' the anly me helm;, hgl ting lvws desitjned for general pool and spa lighting.