HomeMy WebLinkAbout30 DAY TEMPORARY POWER RELEASE061118-'19 12:38 FROM- 7728787656 T-662 P0001/0002 F-061 Pwt 140 206 Viljjnla Ave Fort"Pi.,2i- &.''FC34982 77i4iFax 772-402-644.3 kequeAlbe 30-tfay. T.e ' M'. Pamry PdWerAetease ,r \% I 1,00 Pem1t:N-DM'ter: \ AQ OUR UNDERSIGNED HEREBY PEQUEST RELEASE OF ELECTRICAL poWE:R To THE ABOVE DESCRIBED )ERTY, FOR A PERIOD NOT TO EXCEED THIRTY' (30) DAYS, FOR THE PURPOSE OF TESTING VSTEMS EQUIPMENT IN PREPARATION FOR A FINAL INSPEMON. IN 0ONSIDERATMN OF APPROVAL OF: THE 3E8� r WE-HERE9V AC K NOWL E b.M' ANb AGE AS' F 6L LOWS: I. This taWrary power release is requested for the above-vaod purpose only, and these will be no OCCUPancY Of any tYpe, other than ftt permitted by boiftl#on . during this time perjad, 2. As -witness by our signatures, we hereby agree to abide by. all terms arfd -conditions of this agreernerit, indudng Building Division Pblicy, which is incorporated her4,qn by reference. 3. All C017010n$'and requhw.". gs.ted in the attached document entitled "Requirements for 30 Day POWer for Testlftg"Mve bS611 fulfl]W'ind the premise is ready far compliance inspection. 4. All requests for an extension beyond 30 days must be,made in wrung to th . e Wilding'Official stating the reason for the request- kwer may be removed 1rorn the site d/br a -Stop Work Order issued if the Final InspeWon hc�O not been approved within 30 days. A fee of $100.00 will be required to lift the Stop Work Order. . WE HEREBY RELEASE AND AGREE TO HOLD HARMLESS, ST. LUCIE'COUNTY, AND THEIR EMPLOYEES FROM ALL ILLABILMES AND CLAIMS OF ANY TYPE OF IvATUpE WKCH MAY ARISE NOW OR IN 174 FUTURE OUT 01771-9:5 TRANSACTION, ImcLuDjNj3AW . DAMAGE--WWCH:'P4AY BE INCUFWD DUE TO THE D1960NNW'M1* 'NOFE,LrCnu'C'ALplo,WE..p,.]NTHEFVENTo' I - FVi0LAnoN'or-TKuAGiREEmEiyT. Mom UVED JUN 18 2019 Permitting rMitting Department St. 'Lucie County, FL