HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB CONTRACTOR AGREEMENTBU3LDINGPERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT ` SCANNED BY RK Electric,, LLC St Lucie County haveagreedtobe (CompanyNanie%Individual Name) the Electrical Sub -contractor for Llnden M9rin0 Construction; Iric. (Type of Trade) (P rimary,Contracior) For the project located at f0.701 S. Ocean Dr., Lot (Proiect;Sii'eet.Ad'dress'. or I FL It is understood -that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above Irrentioned. project, the Building and Code Regulation Division. of. St. Lucie County will be advsed,pursuant; to the filing of a Change of,Sub-contractor notice. c_ CONTRA OR-SIGNATURE.(Qualir,er) SUB-CONTRACTOR,SIGNATURE (Quulifie" ) Maurice Petz PRINT NAMIK SLC 18466 COUNTY `CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida,Couutyof`St. Lucie The foregoing instrument was signed before me -thin 3� day of December ;20M by Maurice Petz who is personallyktiown ,&or has produced a as' a tire on. STAMP 1 na e otaryPubiic PiintName of Notary Public Ronald Kindel PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER' State of Florida, County bf c h The foregoing instrument was signed before me this, day of *ho is,persotially known k�sr has produced,a as Identification. Sig0afuee of Notary PutiGr 1 rl /04,11 t.C7 Pn'nt��f Notary Pgbtic JAMIEPUGH C O:G`G I N p.0 N CA'N MY90MM168I6N #W4i704 '" •4_�fP'sCommission H FF 91495'`9 EXPIEiES NOV14 9420 My Commission Expires. ; Revised 11/16/2dl6 9ondodthraughlstStatelrisurance: 1y;?o.�� + Sepfembet 01 20.19 STAMP