HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1189 ._--_.__..~-- --_. v18 ... .1' __ -_..._-~~.__________."_ ._-~-----~---.......--_.---.--...-._---_._"-_.... .... ......- i ; I ;' j I . i t I I I ~ro"_nt (l01tpU,J. in the au ot twut,..~ thoUH>>4 tin,-niu (126.009.00) ])ollar., due tift )'I8.l'8 aner <<ah. Sa14, aortaase, be In<< reoor484 ~n JIort<<&&e BoOk N. at pap 202, 8t. !Dote Gount,.aeoord.. !hil teed 11 8inn eub~eo~ '0 all Stat., Oount, aDd Drau.s. and _tnhDaDO. ~ue. leriU tor the )'tar 1918, a4 thereafter. 'f()(DolHKK with all the tene_nh. h."41~ament. ~ eppurbnanoea. .ith eTe1')' prlrileg., fl ri8ht. titl.. Intered and e.tate. rner.lcm. re_ln4..l' aDd e.s..nt th.reto belonellJ8 or In aJJTftse ap~r~alD1DfU ~ nu .um to HOLD the ... in tee .1I1pl. torenI'. And the .aid part, ot the tir.t part doth oonnant with the uld part)' of ~he seoond , par' that U 1. lll'lrtnlq sel..d of the add prelll1...; tbat the, are f10ee of an lnoumbrano... exo.pt tho.e abo'n enuMrahd. and that It baa go04. r1sht and lawfUl author 1 t)' to sell the .. . . ....; and the .ald part, of the flrst part doe. hereb)' tulq warrant ~h. U t1e to sald land. and will deten4 the l&IIe &gaiut the lawful 01&1118 ot all persons whOlUoe....r. D WIRI8S 1DlJ51UiU1'; the .ald part1 of the tire' pari has onsed the.. pre8enh to be 81sMd 1n U. b, Us Pre.ldent. and U. oorporate .eal to be att1xed. at'e.t8d b, U. )'ear abo.... written. f I AU..t: wnnma CORPOJtA!IOX, :87 I'rel.eri ok p, J-ox Pre.l4ant. 8igMd, Sealed and Del1nred In Our Pre8enoez ROil Jnne JIoJlmua 1. P. WewaU fl S'fJ.D OJ' J'LORID.t ) . OOtJIftY 01" 9f. mOD: i I HDEBY Omt'lln. ~t on th1a 22114 4q ot Maroh. A. D. 1989. per.onal17 appeared b.:tore - heUrlolt P. :la and De.., Orawford. r..peoU....17 Pre.ldent and SeOZ'ttU')' of WYIfJl)R OORPO RAfIOW , a oorporaUon under the la.. 0'1 the Stat. or J'lorl4a, to .. knOWD to be. the . . . persOl18 clesoribed in and who eDouted tba foregolD8 oonn,anoe to OOODBODY PHORftI!S IIIC.. and .enral17 aomcnrleGged the eDoutlon ther.of to be1b611' b-18 80t ..d leed as auoh offloere. for \he us.. an4 purpos.. therein MnUonedl and that tu)' attlDd tbe o:tfl01al seal ot .ald oorporaUOIl. and tbe aald inatrWlent 1& the aot and deed of Bald oorporaUon. WIDBS8 IV .1pature and otflolal I.al at :lort Pitroe. St. Lu.o1e OoUJ1~)'. nor14a. {) the da7 )'ear hit aforesai4. y :filet 10.. .Izme Mollmus Wota?7 Publlo, State 0'1 ~or!da at Large J(r Ooaals8ion Bl:plre. Jan. 31, 1932 s 1'4.&)' ot 1prll J.. D. 1929, at 11:27 A... P. O. Eldred, Olerk OlrouU Court ~ ~.1~~ :D. O. n.t at ,.... ;1,c:..0":".- (....- .,; .~ ~ -:. . .. ~ i'" t....." ..................... J . .. t ..- - _.. - - _........._~-----.....'"".. ~ . . - : .: .~. ~. -.~.. ':~i~ftl1~~:?ii~~{J:J: