HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1201 , 530 I I I j i I~ ._~P_'__._'_------~-_.._-_.. ._p_.____, ____. "'0 _...____.______. ......._.----.L b'oplos hnlop~~ ft_ 10 WARRl1l'rY tuD .Alto Aba. ,~~.,. . ., j.,;- . ., !HIS IIDDtullZ. ..de thi. l6\h da)' o~ April, A. D. 1926, ];.I5"l"lfJ5U 'hoopioa Deftlopment OOlllpa!\y, a oarporatlon ez1et1D8 unl.er the la.. ot the Stah ot PlOri48, hariJS8 Ih prlnolpal plaoe ot bWl1De.. 1il the <<rout)' ot st. Inole ant state ot norlda, pert, of the f'tin pari, and Alto A4aa. 0'1 the Gount, of St. Inole aD4 State ot Plorlda. part)' of the seooM part, WImESSJ:m. !bat the sald part, of the ~ir.t part. tor and In oonllderatlon of the sum 'ot l'en . . dollars aDd other nluable oonsl4eraUcm," to 1 t In hand pald. the reoeipt whereo~ 18 hereb, a.oknowlec1&el. has sranted. barsaiDed, .old" aUened. teml.ed. released. oon.,e,ed and oonflrmed, anA b, tbe.. pre.enh loth Brant. barSain. ..11. allen. real.e. releale. oonn, and oon:tira ',~ r.1 t UD'to the s&1d part)' of the .eoont partp ant. hi. heir, and a88igna torenI'. all that oertaln paroel of land ~1n<< and be111B in the Oount)' ot st. ~le and State o~ Plorl4.a. mare parUoul- ar17 dnorlbe4 as tollon: Lot , Of Blook 2. Oonez Park be1D8 a aubd1Ylalon 0'1 Lota 42. ", and 46 of the oorreoted plat of JlarariUa. reoorbd in Plat BOOk D. P88e 38 St. IAlole Oountl reoorda. fl TOGftBBR with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurhnanoes, with .very privilege. right. '1\le. intere8t and estate. renrsioil. remainder and e..emen' thereto belon,gln<< or' bi aDTflse appertaining; !'O HAVE AlfD TO H'O~the lame in tee simple foreTer. Ani the aa1d part)' of the 'III'S' part doth oovenant with the 881d party of the se~nd part that it 11 lawful17 seized of the mid premisea; that the)' are free of all inoumbrano18. and tbat U baa good rt8ht and la~ ~uthorUy to sell the 88J1Ml; and the sald party of the fll"d part doel hereb)' 1'\11l7 warrant the 1;1 Ue to sald land. and ,,111 detend the same 88a,inst the lawful Olal11l8 of all peraone "houDlnr. Dr WItlmSS WHEREOF. the sald par', of the ~lrl' part bas oaused these preaenh to be signed in lh n_ b)' Us Pre81dent. and U. oarpOltate eeal to be affixed. .UI8\ed b)' it. leoret81'7 the ~ (Oorporate Seal) ;1) i1 AUest: r. J. >>irk .... 8iped, Sealed and Dsl1 nred In Our Pre.enoe:) !replot Denloplllent COmp_l B7 D. O. Ba7nes Preslclem W. H. Hvrl. ) ) Bft~ .r,uln. Sl'.lH OP PJDRIDA OOUl1'Y OF St. Luoie) I HlmDY OER'lIPT. 1lha_ on this 16th dt.10~ .jpril. .l. ]). 1926. betore .. per80nal~ appeared D. O. 1Ia1D8.. and.. 1. Blrlt an4--------. Nlpeotin11 Presiclent and Seoretl.r7 of ~oplos DeveloplHn' Oomp&D1.. a oorporaUon under the laws of the State o~ norl4a. to me known to be the persons de.oribed ln and who e:noute4tbeforegolne oonveJ&Doe to Alto Adams and .n'8ral~ aomcnrle4Bed the exeouUon thereof to be their floee ao~ and deed as auoh offloera. for the Wle. and purpo.e. therein mentloned; and that they affi:xe4. thereto the offiolal aeal of said oorporaUon. and the Hid lnatru.nt 18 tbe aot and dee4 of .ald oorporatlOD. WIftlSS .. s1&na~are and oftiolal Mal .~ ft. P1eroe In the Oounty of St. :Wo1e and ~r6 I. .1 .). Stde aforesaid. ::~ BTel.7n .r.nltlD8 (Seal) 10t&1'1 Publlo. Stat, of nori48 at Large. It) 00., exp. .l'ul.J 10. 1929 ';-, .~ ~~;:~!f~~~~;::f:ffF;'~f{~~i\1~;~tt~r;~t: 1.-. ., .