HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCUvbarn I,. tarii•rn, ;,.;ZXXV Vr' •rrt� C1KE:ULT C:UUX'1' — NAINT Lk�9 COUNT$ FILE # 4.496412 OR BOOK 4197 PAGE 1156, Recorded 10/30/201e`01:46:56 PM I I I I I ` I '000 I CX I p "�"" ncti Sp�rcrktg4rved 7ivaeeurdbyt lnry NOTICE.0F COMMENCEMENT The undersigned hereby given. notice that improvement will, be made to certain r6217operty, and in aeeordanea with Chapter7I3: Florida statutes the following information kprovided ,inthe NoticeOfeommcnament, 1. DFSCRIPTtON OFPILQPF.R7 of egal description and Street address) TAX FOLIO NUb Z=- 3 4 4 4 _ 4 A'1-� 7 0 4 —0 0 0 9 �_.—___•__Sbanishn _ • z:'GENERALDLSCRD'noNOrrvmROVEMENT:--iny'la_fbtbi`1`y 3:!b-:i:aence _ SCANI0IE� 3:OWNERDWORMATION.- a. Name w�•,..o a:;;ia;.9 Ci7rFseLt3tir�rt •1 b:Address 8000 S. USl, Suite 402,- )?SL, FL 34952 0 ;Atetu(;Rpropetty a In' d. Name and address of fee simpledtleholder'pf other than owner) St Lucie County 4.CONTRACTOR'SNA4AAD.DpM$ANDPSONENi7W=.'. Wynne Develdoiaent Corporation 8000 S. US1,_ Suite 402 Psr .. Rr. ado4h 777_0'70—ccc-1 S. SURETY'S NAMES ADDRESS AM PROW NUMBER AND BOND AMOUNT. — — 6. LENDER'S NAME, ADDRESS AND PONE NUMBER- '7. Persons within the State of Florida designated by Owner upon whom notices other documents may be Served, asprovided by Section 713.33 (1)(07. . Florida Stattites: _ . NAME,ADDRESS AND PROM NUkm:DOuj ,Brantley 1 SilVer- Oak' -Dr. S: bt addition to hiarsetf or herself,' Owner dc4gnates'the following to mcaivea copy of the Lienor'a Notice as provided iuSection 713:13.(1)(b), Plorida Siatutes: NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE DIDMEER. •. 9; P.icpiiation date of notice of wmmeaeeinent (the expiration date Fs l year from the dawof recording uotess'a different date is specified) _ 7A Matthew Lyle Wynne,Vi a ai3ent Signature of Ovinrs or Print Nome and Prdvide:Mgnatory's.TIW6f11ce Owoerspnthorized Officer/DirectorTartnerlXanuger State ofFlorida County Of Rt _ rntr•yg . • 7hetoregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this a a day of gy Matthew Lyle Wynne as_ 1/1 a•i= &,zgsibFw-r (tune.of person) (Type of authority ... e:g;' wrier, -officer, trustee, attorney in fact) Po,Wynne Buildinq Corporation (Name ofpactyon'hehalfOfwhom instrument was exeetuedj FinanallyKnown✓orproducedthe folldwing:type,orm �o12aTlIy f-hiyN ,E�9S ,o � ,^ .i t.t MYCOMMISSION ber2-230rd5 1PiintcdNamnofNotnryPublie) �S\.t' { EXPIRES:October22020 (Signatureo otaryPutilie)� ( JFj ,ag: ,aoro,enwwarynu_ayeubarmtws 'Underprna)ties cf peijury, I declam that I have read the foregoing and that the facts in it are true,to'the, ,best of my knowiedge and belief(sccfion92:32$PloridaSbtutes): L Signatures) of Owners) or Owner(;)' Authorized Officer/Director/Partner/Manager who signed -above: By ax.:ovsxumttt�aod .. STATE OFTLORIDA ST. L'UCIE'COUNT1i THIS;IS'TO CERTIFY THATTHIS IS A TRUE AND CORRECT COPY OF THE ORIGIN Date: