HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1227 556 ...---------.. ---.~- on ~ re.Identlal 10\. without the wrUhn oon.ent ot part, ot tho tIrat part and no buill- 1nB shall be ereoh4 at ale.. dlabnoe tlwn 26 teet f'r0ll tbe front llne of aD7 lot. or at a . . . leu dietanoe than a feet from tbe .11e Une of ~ lot. or at a 18.. 41s'anoe than 6 fe.t frOID the real' lino. ~, no unlawful or :laaoral uae shall be _de of the preal.e. ho~b7 oonve,ed. nor ahall tbe .alle no. any par' thereof, nor ADif IJlterest therein, be "Old. leaaed or otherwise oonve,ol to ~ perlon other tban the OauO&sian raoo. prorided that no\h1ng herein oontained shall prevent the keeping and ..intaining .o~ ael'ftJlta on the .aid propari, tor reaaonable f..i~ UBe. 110 o~~.lde tollot shall be pora1Ue4 in ~ part of a81d aub41 vie 1 on but there shall be oonatruo"~ b7 add aooonA part, In oopeotion nth aD1' resldenoe on an,y 0'1 said lan_d. a sepUo \anlt 1ii aooordanoe with .peoifioaUona appiooved b, thl part, of the first part in wrU- .-- iD8. 110 S~I or billboards of 8D,J klnd or oharaoter shall be exh1bl ted. displayed, oon- .truoted or maintained in .aid subdiT1alon without the written oonlent 0'1 the part7 of the fIrst part. . ~ . ~ i" , . Ifo lot or loh in .81d eubdirislon shall be eubdlvlded or re-eubdivlded without the wrUten oonaea. mid appro.,.l of part, of tho t'ir.' part. ~t th'.)part, of the f1rsl part. it. luooeasor. or aaaigns. ehall have the right. frOID Umt to UlDlr, to releaso any of the abovo or toregoing restrioUoD.8. omd1t1ona, or limit- ationa b, sealed 'instrument du.~ exeouted in-'cooOrdlmoo with the laws of the State of Plorlc1a for the oonveyanoe of real estate. ~s deed is glven subJeot to any agreement _de b7 the Vendor .Uh eleoUlo lighting, gas, _tel', tranaportatlb. or other publlo aerrioe e.rporaUona. and the Vendor reservea to it8e11'. and ita a..lsna. the rlght to enhr upon tbe properi, for the purpose of oonstruoting. ereoUne and lIlIlintaln1n<< along the rear line ot' sai4 propert7 over a strip not 1D0re than flve. (D) feet wide, pole.. wires.- un4er8l'0und oondu1t~ or pipe., neoesaary to trlll1aa1t or furnish to aaid lot. or Bn1 other lot in .ald subdivision. eleotrio ourrent. telephone servioe. water and sewerage pipes, and '*0 repair. remo1'8 or replaoe aald pole.. wires. oonduit., pipes. eto.. and the Vendor further reserves the rigM, prior to aotual oooupanoy of aD)" lot. to enter thereon and at its own expenae to out srass. remove ..eb. oulUnte flower. and shrubs thereon. i'h1s deed ia ...auted purBtUlllt to and in tbe euroiBe of the power and authori ty gr~t- .d to and velhd In said truste. by the terwa of sa14 deed or deeb in trust dellvere4 to the said trustee and in pursUAnoe of the truat agree..nt above aentioned. lfhln deed ia III!lde sub- Jeot to the lien of over, trust deed or acrtsase U~ &n7 \bare be) of reoord In said oount7 8hen to seoure the pqment of 1I0ne" and reMlnine un.released at \be 48te of the delivery hereof. IN Wn'DSS WHEREOJ'.aaid part7 of the tult part baa GaUBI4 its oarporde seal to be hereto atflxed, and has oa11lled UI DaIle '0 '0 signed to the.e preBenis by UI President and attested b7 its OaBbler, the da7 and 1ear first abo.. w.rlt'en. POR! PIIRC!: JWIJ( AID moB! COMPJIfY. B7 Car1H.PQ Pre Ii dent " .lUe,-: S18nld. "alot anA delivered In \he preslnoe ot: Curti. lI. l_ttl "' . (Corp.Seal) : / \"'" . / ~ 1). O. lfe])ou&a14 Oaahle J. S. laslOn .~~'~~:?;~~?~1~~:~~!:Ia~~~t~2~~~~~i,~~f: '. - . . '.... . :'<.:;!~~~~~~~~~~{~l~~~r: II 11 ) I~ I ~, ~. jj { :;