HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1270 ;, I, \!,:(._~~~.-1-'---'i.,.~..::.....,~- ~;"'''''~-'''.u._''-''o.._ ~_ .'_.. '__-.-__.. ~-_-.._...._---......,~..,,~... ~'I .. ...___ iL~:I{.~;f:~~!r~1'~~\~~'-~~~:~fni~y~~. r ~ ;; 1 i t i , {; , ! .~ I ~ ,. j ~ i , , J ; r l '-. ~.;. fi1~ ~,.litJ . j i i 1. t. , .~ i" ,j ~ ! ~ r- ., . 1 !; , i I . i } ! i c -m... jJ - f! ~ ., .-, 1- .1 <~.; 1 ~i t -;I , 1 .!\ ~- 4-" .. r ~. "'i, : fi ;~r t. i ! < , fs'; ! ~f' " ( ~ i ;,J 1- 'f i " ;. 1. l .- t , ~ ;:. ? t:... ~~ '{)99 ~e !aet Three ~uar'ers (Bf) of Seotion 26; The East Halt (Bl) of Seotion 3&; \ end all of Seotion 361 , I 1-11 ln Townehip M South, RllD8e 38 Eaat. r TO RAn: Al'f]) TO HOLD. the 88id property tocether with all heredi t8J'llents and appurtenanoes thereim.to belonging or in any wise apperhlning. to the on~ proper use. benefit and behoot 0'1 8ald part, of the .. the/seoond par', aeTrustee, and h1a suooe.eor. or aosigns in fee simple ~orever. Pull power and authority ia hereby granted to said Trustee to improve. manage. protest and Bubdivlde said premises or 8IlJ' part thereof, to dedioate parks. .treets. highw83S or alleys and to vaoate any subdivision or part thereof. to file plats, and to re-subdivide said property as often as desired. to oontraot to sell. to sellon any terms. to oonvey either with DD without oonslder~tion. to donate. to dedioate. to mortgage. ple~s or rtherwise enoumber; to lease said property, or any part thereof. from time to time. by leases to oommenoe in praesenti or in futuro. and upon any terms and '101; any period or periods of time. not exoeedine 198 years. and to renew or e-'end leases upon any terms and ~or any period or periods of time ~rtd to amend, ohange or mOdi~ leases and the terms and provisions thereof at any time or times hereafter; to partltlon or to exahan8e said property. or any part thereof. for other real or perSJnal proper-ty, to grant easements or oharges of any kind, to release, oonvey or assign any right, title or Interest in or about said premises and to deal with said property and overy part thereof in all other ways and for suoh other oonsiderations as It would be lawful ~or any person oWning the same to deal With the same. whether similar to or dif~erent from the ways abov6 speol~ied, at any time or times hereafter. This Deed is given subJeot to all existing rights o~ way ~or oana1s and pub1io roads. 1Ihis Deed given subJeot also to ${iOO,OOO.OO Mortgage from East Coast Development Company to Glrard Trust Ccmpany. dated Deoember 31. 1920, and reoorded in the publio reoor4s of Saint Luoie County, Florida. In no oase shall any party to whom said premises, or any part thereo~ shRl1 be oonve~ed, oontraoted to be sold, leased or mortgaged by said Trustee, ~d in no oase shall any party dealing with sald Trustee in releation to said premises, be obliged to seo to the applioation of any purohase mone,. ren' or money borrowed or advanoed on said premises. or be obliged to see that the terms o~ this trust have been oOlDplied with. or be obliged to inquire into the neoesslty or expedienoy of any aot of Baid trustee, or be privileged or obliged to inquire into any of the terms of said trust agreement. the Interest of eaoh and every benefioiary hereunder and o~ all persons olaiming under them ls hereby deolared to be personal property and to be in the earnings. avails and prooeeds ariaing from the disposition of the premises; the intention hereof being to vest in the said Eugene U. Gaillard the entire legal and equitable title infee, in and to all of the premises above desoribed. IN TESTIYOBY ~)oF. the J. R. H. Oorporation. & oorporation has oaused these pres~nts to be signed by its President and attested by its Seoretary. and oaused its oorporate seal to and for the aot and deed of 8aid oorporation, the day Bnd year first I I above 1. R. U. CORPORA'l'I Oil , By Rlohard MoOullooh ns President. Uteat: t1eo. Q. Thornton Its Searetary. .. __L---_.._ -.... --~.~ --.--------.-