HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1278 r'~ ) -.....-... -'_."~.....,-- "-'-"--. "---.'-- ,....--...... - .'- \ . 7 ; . I~" fL....-. --~-~.... ---__-...~__ _ ( -~~ - - --............-.. , I Piled a ! ; I ! 8 da7 of Ma7. A. D. 1929. a' 3:18 P. K. _~ '.') P. O. Eldred. OIftrlt Oiroui t Court '''" r "~ B7 ~~ 1~ D. O. l~ [r i I lB. A. BROWB, SHERIn' l ................... r.. ';" . '.. . .. '/ , TO SHERIn'S DEED THIS INDENTURE. Uade this 6'h da7 ot May. in the 7ear of our Lord one thousand nine hundrad and twenty-nine. between 'B. A; Brawn, Sheriff of St. Luole County, Florida, of the :first < . ST. LUCIE COUNTY BA"-K & TRUST CO I part. and ST. LUOIE, COUNTY BAWlC &: TRUsT 'GOJIP.&JIY. a oorporation. ot the seoond p'ut'. . i'lHERXAS. By virtue of a oertain exeoution iS8ued out of and under the seal of the Oirou1t~ JOourt tor st. Luoie Oounty aforesaid. tested the 31st day of YB7. A. D. 1927, at tlB suit of I ~ St. Luole Oount7 Bank & Trust Oompany I a oorporation. Plaintiff, aealnst Effie Daueherty, Defend- lant. direoted and delivered to the smd Sheriff. oommanding him. that ot the gOOds and ohattels, 1 lands and tenement8 ot said Defendant, he oause to be made oertain moneys in said exeoution ; ;speoifiod. the said lheriff did levy on and seize all the estnte. right. title and interest whioh the said Defendant had of, in and to the property hereinafter desoribed; and on the first ,Konday in Hay. A. D. 1929. beine the Rule Day of the mont~, and a legal sale day, sold the said ; property at publio auotion j~ front of the Oourt House. in the Oity of Fort pieroe. said Oounty ;and state. havine first given publio notioe, ot the time ~nd pl~oe of suoh sale. by advertising : said property for sale. in manner and form as required by the statute in such case made and ;provided. in the Fort Pieroe News Tribune, an ctfioial newspaper publiahed in said Port Pieroe, ! in said Oounty. tor t.h1r'y day~ next ~reoed1ng said daY ot sale, and that at suoh sale the said ~ propert7 was struok oft to the 8aid party of the seoond llart, for the sum of on HUNDRED AND ; NO/IOO DOLLARS. it beine the highe8t bidder therefor. and that being the hi8hest sum bid tor the' 'I . 8ame. , NOW. THIS INDENTURE Wr.rNESSE'l'H, That the said party ot the first part, as Shorift as aforesaid. by virtue of the said exeou\ion," and in pursuance of the statute in suoh oase made : and provided. and in oonsideration of the SUD of moner so bid a6 aforesaid, and in hand paid ;to the said party ot the first part by the said party of the seoond part. at and before th~ seal- : 1ng and dell very of these presen~B. the, reoe1pt whereof is hereby aoknowle48ed. hath granted, ibareained. sold end oonveyed. and by these presents doth grant, bereain, sell and oonvey. unto ; the said st. Luoie Oounty Bank &: Trust Oompany. the said party of the seoond part, all the 'estate. rieht. title and interest. whioh the Baid Defendant had on the 31st d~ ot 118y, 1927. : or at any time a:rterwarcl8, ot. in and to all that oertain land in the County of St. Lucie, ; Florida, known and desoribed as follows: ? J' Lot 23. Blook 29, Biltmore Subdivision, lying and being in st. Luoie County. Florida. TO HAVE AND TO HOIn said desoribed property ,unto said party of the seoond part, its fassigna and suooesso~8 forever. as tully and absolutely as the 8aid party of the first part. : as Sheriff as aforesaid. oan or should oonvey by Tirtue of said exeouUon, and the laws relat- , i iog thereto. i I1l WITBESS mIER~, !he said PlU"ty of the first part. as Sheritf as aforesaid, has here- set his hand'and affixed his seal. this 6th da1 of May. A. D. 1929. I i unto , I i I ; Signed, Sealed and Delivered in presenoe ofl B. A. Brown (Seal) Sherift St.'Luoie Oounty. Estelle Olark Eval7n J!onteomel'7 ., . - : \'.:. '. ,..: -.';::~~.~~ft~l1;~\~f,~~