HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1312 '( 41 - -~ ~- --.-- ...... ~ ............- -.... --~ ............ A. I. 1?16 U Dlollook II. lea' ." .-zII the hbU. ..or4a ot~".le Oomat7. ft01'lGa. IIOW. I~OD. th Rll. .. !hillSp. anI. Della PbiU1I.. hi. wtte. b7 ad through tutr 4u17 aD4 lawtal .outUllte4 .t'ol'Ml..1D-~ot. ROWU'I. PhlUlp.. 40 hereb7. renke aDlll aDnll ! . tbe all. powu of atton" &NIltel. to the u14 ...... ftN4. D WIfDIS 1PbuuO, t_ u14 p. Phillip. and DeUa PUntp.. hit wlte. bl ant 'hrO\18h , 'heir aUoru7-1n-fa.'. K0WU'4 Phinlp.. haft here1Ulh s.t their lwlda and a:tflx"d their s.ale. , thi. !O 4a7 ot _. A. ]). 1921. I I, P. Phillip. 117 KQWart Phlll:\p. (Seal) Bi, dul7 authoris.d attorne,- In-faot . Della PhilUp. B7 Kcnrarl. Phillip. (Seal) Bar dull authorlaea att0rD81- tn-faot. I~ Sf A,. 01' nw lWIPSBID , COlJ1l'fY .OY BlllaboroQ8h U I! HlvntRUEI) that on the 20 da.t' of 1IaJ. A. D. 1929, before .. the .ubaoriber. a ..tU7 Publ10 of the State of ... HamJahlre. per.cmal17 appear.a. BDW.um PHILLIPS' attorul- a-faot tor Dr. P. Phillips ant ])ella Phillip., his wife. who I sa _'\isfled 1a tile indhif:.ual cleao.ribe4 in and who exeouhd the foregolD8 reyooati OD ot power of aUorne, and he aoknowle48ed : ,hat he euout.d the .... for the ue. and pvpo.os therein exprea.el.. and the aid HOlnu,'" 1 Ph111lttl :tur~her aola1owle48ed that he exeouhd the foregoing re'!~oaUoD of power of, at t orne, b th. behalt f1t the laid Dr. P. Philllp. and Della Philllps. h1a wite. u their du11 auth- wised attorne1'-ln-faot. 8 ~,. I ha.... hereunto ..t rq hand and oUiola1 .eal at )lanoheater Count7 ot ... Ballpahlre. the da1 and lear afore.aU.. ot ~llabOrOQ8h. '..P. Se ) 1t1Jlni. Bulll 'ftJ1 Nohr, Publlo Jl;r OOlllD1es1on ex:piru ., ~U. 1932 1929, at 9137 A. .. II. O. Klc1red. Olerk Oirouit _ ~,~ 't~ Oourt ) . -' ,.,- ft1ed ~d reoar. Ii th18 M IaJ ot.,),.J'. A. D. I (Ot.Ot.Sea .J' ~ ..-;.,' r ,~. ~ D. C. .................. lIORY Bn DULllIT .to WAllRAIft D!D ftIS nu. JIlde the 11th 4AJ' of ~ 1.. D. 1928. b7 Jlerr7 Bee DttlaDy' ~ the COunt1 of st. Woh State ot norUa hereinafter oa1led the gran~or, h JlUaabeth B. SmUh of the Count1 ELI ZABMH B. SlII'rK I. of at. IAote .'ate of nor Ida hereinafter oalled the pante.. WI'DBS8ftJ1. ftat ~he Aid grantor~ tn oonl1cleraUon of !en Dollars and O.V. C. Dollars. : ~ . , ,he reoeipt whereot Is herebJ' aomowle4&ed. does giyt. gran'. bargain, ..11, allen. relll1se. re- leas., e~eot:t, oonn7 and oon1'lrDl unto the said grantee, and her helr11 and 888iena in :lee simple. the landa situate in St. wo1o Count7. Stat. of norida. deeoribed as follows: '!he Borth 10 aorea Of the .ou'h 10 aore. of the SWi of the SBt an4 the lJ aorea, _n or 18.. abutU:as the S8IH on ,he W.et and rwm1ne to the st. Luole Rlnr. ot 80.'1on t. !oWD8h1p Z6 SOU'i?h BaDB' 4.0 Ira.t. oonta1nJ.n& ~ aor... .ore or leaa. tof~ ' . '1'0 HAB AlfD !O HOLD the ....~~ h the heredUament. and appurtenanoe., unto ,he .aid grant.. and her heire and a.dens in :tee 81 lip Ie . .BJ) the .ald grantor. tOI1 hersolt and her heirs aDd leg.~ repre8entaUves. oonnan' with I - Mi4 srant.e. her hdr., legal repre.entaUn. and I.lI8lgnal fbat ea14 grantors 1s lnd.efea.1b17 t.~ ~~~~{~~f:~i{i~fA?~~jJ;t~~~~i1:~~!:~t. ..,' " . "'" "';.' :~''-~~Jff';1~~~:~'