HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCJOSEPH E. SMITH, CL : OF THE CIRCUIT COURT _ SAIN`.i L0CIE COUNTY FILE # 4444814 OR BOOK 414.2 PAGE 1994, Recorded 06/08/2018 10:15:58 AM RECEIVED NOV 19 2018 PERMIT NUMBER , ;tltin'5part:Uraxe,.WPan•tg.t Oit�I JJjtt"Lude County. Permitting 1 .NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT The undersigned hereby given notice that improvement will- be made tct i:ertain real property; and in aecordarrce with Chapter 713, 'Florida statutes the following information is provided in the Notice.of'eotnmeneemenL ]. DIrSCRIPTION OF PRnPER2-Y (Legal desi rdotionantd sweet address) TAX )FOLIO NUMBER:•-1- 3 0 6 —1 1.1 0./;0 SUDDPQSIOA�, ' ' wj3 SBLOCK TRACT � LOT BT:DG UNl f 6/7 34 39 all that part lying northeast of 95 2. GENERAL DESCRtMON OF TMPRO'VEMENT:. single 'family' r e s i ti o n c e 3. OWM'R INFORMATION: -:•• a, Name w .n r, o A 1; ; 1 A ,1{j_ cri,�- in o r n t j b.Address 8000 S. USl, Suite 402F• PSL, FL 34952 c.interestinproperty SCAN d. Name and address of fee simple titleholder (if other than owner) . '13 4.CONTRACTOR'S NAME, ADDRESS ANDPHONE.NUMBERt Wynne Development C'orporaCiorl7QuC1e� .8000 S. USl, Suite 402i .PS'L, FI 34959 777 R 5.51 C-01inty 3. SURETY'S. VAME, ADDRESS,AND•PHONE NUMBER-ANDBOND AMOUNT: 6. LENDER'S, NAME ADDRFSS,AND PHONE NUMBER: 7. Persons'. within the State of Florida designated by Owner uponwhorh notices or other documents may tic served as provided by Section713.13 (1)(a) 7., Florida Statutes: J NAME, ADDRESS AND apish Lakes B2 8.. addition to himself orherself,• Owner designates the following to receive a copy, of the Lienor's Notice as provided in Section 713.13 (1)(b), Florida Statutes: NAME; ADDRESS AND PHONE NU..MMER: 9. Expiration date of notice of commencement (the expiration date is, year from the date of recording unless a different date is specified). ; 20 2.01- 0590 --- Matthew Lyle W�nn.e, Vice Pri�-­;r3ent Signature of Owner, or Print Name and Provide Signatory's Titlebtfice Owner's Authorized Officer/DirectorlPartner/Manager State of 9lorida County of _ qJ_ . L y r-,'i e - The foregoing instrumentwas acknowledged before me this. G? Y day of _ %%�% i'4 if .20 1 By Matthew Lyle Wyhhe ,as VICE ARFs" DFur (Name ofpersort) r xype of auth,ority..:eg: Owner, officer, trustee, attorney.in fact) Forwynne Building Corporation (Name Of party on behalf of whom instrument was. executed) Personally Knowo or produced tilt following type of ID: QQ�- r '' ' OOROTHYANN SAWN 11Z I V Aw .E�i9 4 iv Qa �{M :-. MY COhShfl�S10N x GG 030145 (Printed Name of Notary Public) (Signature of Nd Pubic) t �� EXPIRES:OctoDer2, 2020 Bondec Thn: Notary Public Underwriters Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have read the foregoing and that the facts in it are true to the best Of my n w belief (section 92.525, Florida Statutes), S TATE OF FLORIDA Signature(s) Of Owners) or Owner(s)' Aathori2ed'Officer/Director/PartnErfN tM4C'gn'otned above: THIS IS 10 CERTIFY THAT THIS MA By: ---" By TRUEAND CORRECT COPY OF'THE - Rev.03arM1(Reeordinr)