HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB CONTRACTOR AGREEMENTSISSUE DATE PLA► MWG & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES . Ending & 'Code Compliance Division the I Z_ tec-T r, Z e. (Type of Trade) For the project located at . BUILDING PERMrr SUBwCONTRACTOR AGPMEMENC 7 r, -c— e— Name) RECEIVED NOV:n 7 2018 Permitting Department St. Lucie County have agreed to be Sub -contractor for ,ol ,? Qc e, l �,/✓^ (Prim . Contractor) Street Address or -Property Tax II? #) SCANNELD St LUCie County It is and rstoodthat, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. State of Florida, County The foregoing instrument wai signed before me tbia� day of by who is PersonIally known %- or has produced a i as Identification. STAMP Sienature of Nofary Pahhe U. O RACTORSIGNAT {Qualifier) PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Monde, County ofs The foregoing instrumentwas signed before me tbis 2t day'of byu��s who is personally known V__or has produced a as identification. STAMP Signature ofNotary Public V Print Name of Notary Public 4W 1401SJY. PUNC WA 04 & ",� I:AURA� C EOl3E � Kerb Eudka •• My commlasWo.. P 878543 ?. . $r G emission G 02Z076 Revised l l/I6/�016 expires a5�25►a0Wo , o �,, Expires Octobe?21.2020 Ba�dlh+uTrcyFatnfrbulaiiCel00�38�f0f9 lA�f4F7'7�� For- projo.It JO&W4, a <1�iky4Y E��p E V��0 * ����FW lig, M§ RECEIVED Nov: 0 7 ante im�.> Permlttin9 DePartme�T ' LIi ; "NEXT St. Lucie Cc+ f6.r Wynn@ Omi®piftff ............_.. Pip) 1 9 A l li ; ? a, wp cam will iv ow pUrma SCA '.��a�AFadin:s�ra�?�tares�iP,,r�b�fa��e�x#F���� Ate .a ' :�'�v�$�+'�,oh�il�Y'kuA�r�aer�#����e�!►�xid�_ . ._._ ' ®R]t1elliResGinn. DOROTHY.ANN BASKIN MY GOMh41SSi0N # GG 030145 �To:c, October 2, 2020 BY %„M .ota Bpnd'd-ThruNryPublicUndenmtm EXPIRES: i PERMIT# ISSUE DATE .. PLANN N'C• & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES i' )Building & Code Compli4ace Division RECEIVED )SUM—D*G PERMIT NOV .0 7 2018 SM-CO19TRACTORAGIiE£MENT Permitting Department St. Lucie county' Comfort Control OT St. Lucie County, IAc. haveag�ceed'to'be (Company NameJndividu4 N=e) . the HVAC Sub-conttactorfor Wynne Development Car (Type of Tirade) . (Ptbiaty Contractor) For the project located at �9 •� SCANNED '(Project Street Address Or Property Tax ID #) St Lucle Count�- Yt is understood that, if there its any change of status, regarding our participation with the above 17<aentibned . project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the Ming of a Chang'.b of Sub -contractor notice. Xatihew Lv':-Ie W 08898 8288 COU YCERTMCATI0NNJNfflF.1� COUNTYc>�TrFrcATro�N1`w1►�EK $tote of ]Florida, Coumty of ��, ��� StAiciof Fiorid8� Co>onty of �^C.�V �'� The foftgohlg tnsttwntat was stE med hefore me tbis�� clay of Thetfo re�oiag instrument was s ^�• r� Tuned before me this�'�'' i>Iay of wha is personally known @0 or has produced a whoispersonally known eor has produced a9 as tdeia 'ice@on as identiBeation, STAMP' goatnre of Kota ublic STAMR /� . Siguature ofNotay PnbI �1 fi A/N k7ASi�r n� �O �o`i�-lf1/JV B�J ,-irJ pnntl�ameofNota :ptrb)lic.. print Name of NotaryI+ubiic DOROTHYANN BASKIN MY COMMISSION # GG 030145 """' .,: •�•'�?+:`;s!�-, DOROTHYANN BASKIN � EXPIRES: October 2, 2020 MY COMMISSION # GG 030145 ' .. „q`••' Bonded ThIu.Notary Publlc',Underwrilers 3s� Q ;e EXPIRES• October2, 2020 �;o „°• Bonded Thru'Notary PublicUnderwriters Revised i1/16/2016 ZOOO/ZOOOd tLO—1 999L8L8ZLL , d,l aO 6u i p [ i no auuAM —WOdd g L: Z L g t ,-6O—' I, AlYT+�'x:i .Iz .uk����gr8,�+�gt�� �C�.g�����e• B��is>ra>�ft• $�TiLISIfEBV1<J7'. RECEIVED Nov .0 7 7019 Permitting Departmerr St. Lucie. County tat ai t> aabr fw- T-ynr:rr; , I% sVge :{3 p tl; : i';tw •C;or g:#: (1'riit>a3iCAritCtASCMNED oa BY: roCounty .. • .�� : g •.. .::'° �Pa'Fo�'uvit� :tl�e a�rov��;in�lti� ...... . ;:mod }fie 1 ox :D +isz :n :S .Lu r Co l bg:adu sei1pursumitt.. fie: C, �aa�ty i�owp' •_::or`��s.pk4t�4#f�11:�. � � . • ... . '• dgYP' DOROTHYANN BASKIN +; MY COMMISSION•# GG 030145 EXPIRES: October2,2020 BondedThnitPgbticUnd�rwr'lets •c..u�L'11FY•:�+it�'��CA;TYb�f:•1�St[T �•---�—:. 51�'te:pf�to�7da;::Coud�y;d�• G!C• - Tlre::Fareb49n it t ui�ie'utaysssigi4etl bsiOremd':tlii w .1Y£ wit,, perso9�'Uyliuri w,!t: 0F�iaspti(tduc�fd%8:' aseutefcatiom STAWW ' Sioalute.oldta>r! utilis: 16,4- SKI Print 1�"artte tif.itibtary;Fubtitr . . o,<<,,%:Bi'�;.� DOROTNYANNBASKIN MY COMMISSION# GG 030145 EXPIRES: 0ctober2, 2020 �•.•.•O° Bondetl,ThruNotary Public:lJ . t�9