HomeMy WebLinkAboutNOCA. am.Lwn, %.AZr.M VC' UI1f.;14111: UVUk— bAIVIr JUUIZ UUUNT1 FILE # 449.6413 OR BOOK 4197 PAGE 1157, Rdcorded 10/30/2018 01;46:56, P14 SCANNED BY NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. J St Lucie County The undersigned hereby givan,notice, that improvement will be madt,to certain real property. and in a-wdanca with Cb-ptcrM. Florida statutes the f6jjcjwjngjfformWmx Is provided in the Noticeofcommcncement. LPESCREPJION M0FP'Itl?p (Legal description m%d streafaddress) TAX FOLIO NUMBM- 3AjA-5AJ � SM111ON.1 -%,,Z-0CZ-TBmd--- LOT____.)5L-DG UNITC;,r, - r, n. ,- -- Cn, A` I GENMAL DESCR1PTION OF DE 3. OWNER INFORMATION:- a. • 0. Address d. Name and address offbe simple titichold6r'(if other than own-), 4. CONTRACrORS NAMFADI)REW AND PHONE NUNMER: -Wynne DeveKp_p_m_ent-Ccjrpoj:ati'6g 8000 S- USl-, Suite 4021, EM, 7L 34952 772-&7A-451 1 5- SUREMS NAME, ADDR= AND PHONE NUMBER AND BOND AMOUNT:. 6. LENDER'S NAM ADDRESS AND PHONE NUhMM- 7. Persons within the State ofFlodda designated OZj2�j p Whom notiC40Lesorother omentsm be served as provided by , Section 713.13 ())(a) 7.,,Flozida-Statdte By NAbM ADDREW AND PHONE NrjM'BEP- -D'6tig,Brantley I SilVer. Oak Dr. SLR'7FE,=2o±=; Ii8----- 8. In addftlon to himself or hczsclfy Owner designates the following to receive a copy of tha Liens' Notice as provided i . n Section 713.13 (1)(b). Florida Statutes: f;AM'.�D L , , ' DVEW I AND PHONE NUMZM- datcof notice of caMMenoment (the expiration date 41 year ftornAht due ofricarding uitless a dlff=At date is sprciflcd) Signature of.Owner or ,bwoter'sAuthorized OfficerADIredur/Parosek/Manager Matthew Lyle Wynne, Vice -President PiInt f6me 2rid Provide Signitoryli Title/ofrict State CfF1*dd2 - Th a fe golng instrument was acknowledged before me this 'L� --ac5-- L-duy,of - - Q- 77� 6 6 �20 -Je By mthey Lyle Wynne is, V 16 LE J '1Z 9 9 1 bk-:7W T (Name ofperson) (type ofauthority-r-g, Uwrw. officer, irus(eittorney in r26t) (118mevfparty on behalf otwhom imtrument waS executed) Personally ndwn✓✓ or produced the fbllowlnglype,ofM: 00110 YA1 *K"' it MYCOW� =�s ""..O,.IP2.2020 (Printed Name of Notary Public) (Sisnatural&w0tary Public) Under,penafdes.of pmjuq, I declue'thatl have read,lbe foregoing and that the,hcts in it are tma to the btst_of M Signaturc(s) ofOwner(s) or OwAWs)' Authorized Officer/Director/PartnerA&nager who signed above, By: Hy FL ST ORIDA LUCIt Co 11 UJVTY To C A", .; —"--R71FY