HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1337 -- - -~-~. --_.p_--, -..-. --.~_.~~" .- -...--....-y.-.........--.-.. .-.- .......-.. . ,--,-1 66 \H - r:' .. . . ---- .~~ ~ '-.---...'-. ing, or in an.ywi.. apper\a1n1ne. and the ,re.,ersloD and reversions, remainder and romainders, rents. issues and profits thereof: AND ALSO all the estate, rieht, title, interest, homes'ead.. dower andrieht of dower, separate estate, proper'y. possession, olaim and demand whatsoever. at; U. and in. equity. either and both. ot the 8aid parties of the firs' p~t, of. in. and to the same, and every part and paroel thereof; ro ~AVE AND TO HOLD the above desoribed premises. . eaoh and every, unto.the said parties of the seoond part, their suooessors and assiens. in fee simple, absolute, indefeaslb17, torever. And the said parties of the tirst part.for themselves and their heirs. exeoutors and administrators. Joint17 and severally. oovenant. prom~se and seree to and with th~ said parties of the seoond part their suooessors and assigns. tt~t the said parties of the first part. at the t 1me of the sealing and deUvery ot theae presents, are lawfully seized in fee aimple of a gOOd. absolute snd indeteasibl, estate ot inherit.lloe of and in all and sineular the above desoribed premises, 'eaoh and ever7, and have eood right. full power and lawful authority to oonve7 the same in manner and torm aforesaid; that the said parties of the seoond part. their suooesaors and assiens. shall and may, at all times hereafter, peaoeab17 and quie~ly have, hold, use, oooupy. possess and enjoy the above desoribed premises. and eTery part and paroel thereof. without any let. suit, trouble, moleatatlon, eTiotion or disturbanoe of the said parties of the tirst part. their heirs or assigns. or of any other person or persons lawful17 olaiming or to ola1m the same; that the same, all and sill8ular. are free, olear, disohareed and uninoumbered of and from all former and other tItles. olouds and inoumbranoes ot what neture and kind soever; that the said parties of the first part their heirs. exeoutors and administrators, eaoh and every, shall make. oxeoute and aoknowledee suoh-turther and other deeds and assuranoes &S by oounsel learned in the law -.) bl':' oonsidered'reasonably proper to e1'feotuate tho full intent and neaning ot this instrument. - I . .... J ~ ~ SubJeot however to any unpaid taxes or asses8~nt8 now liens against the sBid premises. And the Skid parties ot the first Plll'\ for themselves and their heirs. the above des-' oribed premises. and every part and paroe1 thereo~, unto the said parties ot the seoond part. their suooeS50rs and aSSigns. against the said'parties of the first part and their heirs. and aeainst all and ever7 person or persons wholll8oever lawfully olaiming or to olaim the 1:1f\IlIt, shall and will warrant and by these presents torever defend. This alienation is with the Joint oOn8ent of husband and wife. where that relation exists. IN WITNESS. WHEREOF. the said parties of the first part have hereunto set their hands and seals eaoh in the prosenoe of two subsoribing witnesses. Signed. s8alea and deliTered in preBenoe of U8: hwe7 Crawford !lar7 O. Orawt'ord o. S. Swann Bonnie L. Swann (Seal) (Seal) .- J STATE 01' I'lorl4a ) SS. COUNTY OF St. Luole ) I HEREBY OERTIFY. That on this 9th day of April A. D. 1929, beforB me personally appeared 0- S. Swan"" and B*+e L. Swan.... his wife. to me .ell tJ;1own and known to me to be the individuals desoribed in and who e:uod*4nthe tOr8eoing oonV8)'anoe to I'reo.s G.. Dr1Booll and wofle K. Swartout as Exeoutrioe8 of the Last 1111 and Te8\ament of Uart1n .... Dr1eooll, deoeased and severally aoknowled8ed the 9xeoutlon ther~Of to be their tree aot and deed for the use. and purposes therein mentioned; and the laid Bonnie L. Swan/the wife (\f the sald 0 . S. Swan-/ on a separah and prl~" exaa1nation Uken and made by and before, me. and se,ara1el, and apar\ from her said huaband. dJ4 aoknowle48e that she made herself a part)' to the said deed of oon- ft7anOe tor the plll"pOH of renounoing, rel1ntl'llshiD8 and 00nVe71I16 all her ,.1IM. tH1e and '}) .-. .0; ~.t ~~.~f.i _..?~~~},~r1.~t~{;~:~2:}~~;5~~f1~~.~~~~~f{;. } -1 \ i , -.- - .- -...- -~ ----~~....-._-_._- : ,~.: . ,~~- .~'~a~~!l~~~~1\~~~~~~;~~