HomeMy WebLinkAboutScan_1371 1:100 ._.. ..--- .. --"'--~--' ._. -.~ ...---,..~'---~._.....--.... ~-..~-- ~-_.... ."- -.-.. -'--.~-----"'-'-'-----',-, L_._ I I ._~ IIOIm1 8'. DJOm RIVER DRAIIfAGE DI8'. to 8'. ImI. OOUJlft I RIOU-Ol'-DY DUD 1'1118 DI))b!!ud. a41 'hi. the lltA 4a7 of 3ul7. .I.. )). 1929, b.tw.en Bor'h S'. IAlo1e " . . Ill"r Drainap Dl.'rio', b)' n. BoaI'I. of Suptryhor.. part)' of ,he fir.' pari, and ,he Ooun', of S,. '!Qoi.. in tbe State of norlla, partl ot ,he ...onl pan, WlfllXS8B'l'R: ~ba' the uid part)' of the fir.t part, tor anI. in .0u.id.raUon of th. .. o~ Oa. Dollar ('1.00) anll other ..luable toneU.traUcm. to it in hand paid b)' the part)' ot the .uontl par', tht reoeip' whereot i. herebi aokDowlec1g8d, haa grantel, bargained and 1010., and bl th... ...re..nt. doe. grant, bargain and, Bell to the Bail. part)' of the .to~n4 part, i\l .UOO"8~r. and aaeigna. a right-t\t-WQ and .al.Mn' PIftY J60.9) f..t wide in SeoUon 9 & 16 ~OWI1.hip 36 louth. of RIln8. IS Belt, in S'. mole Oount)', 1'10ri48, desoribe4 as tollowa'. to-wit: '!'he Kaet nn)' f.... of th. ".at Bin.t, I'lYe t.et of S.oUona B1ne(9) & 8ixt..n (16), fwp. 36 13., R. 38 E.., oontailling 12..17 aorea, Ilor. or 1.... n.t. .al.elDent i. expreael)' oand1tionel. ,upon the road eonbm,plated b.d1\! oonetruet.ed and uin- taine4 t. aDl d the 1enl 01' .1.ntiQJl dUlIlId neoel_17 ,)' the part)' ot tb.. tiret part aa the prop,er. ...,. and neo.B.aI')' .lention in 01'481' tbat. the road .., in all ..,S BerYe aa a ~k. to prennt ou '~4e wahra .nbriD8 the drain88. 418triot, and thie deed mall in no IDiUUltr Jt-.ndize the rig}l' ot 'he part)' of the tir.t part to adop'luoh additional ..aBUrtl al 8hall e.ell to it h. b. n.o.IItU)' .\0 properl)' prel.rT. the intereet. ot the draInage 41atrlot. !hi. laed 1a made tor the purpc,de o~ ghing and grant.lng. to the part)' ot the leoond 'part. its Buoooescrl, legal representaUvea and a88igns, a righ"i-o.f-.., and ea8tmen' in and to nit landa :tar publlo highway purpoee.., and 1. 11&48, exeout.d _4 de.llnr.d with the txprese un4.er8tan41.ng and oonU tion thd abould the aa_ e..r be 41aoonUnued or ab~doned ,al .a pub- 110 high1ra7 the t1 ne to the laae shall thereupon reYer' to and reyest in the part)' ot the first part, Itl Buooessore or a88~~. III WITIrlSS WmmBOl', the Bail. pari)' ot tbe tire' pan hal oaueed Ita name and seal t~e ~ [I :1 TI _.J .et ottioere 'hI. the 4&)' and )'ear tlr8t abo~e written. Board ot S~erYisore. Borth St. IQo1e Riyer Dra1na&e Li Di.'rlot, (SRAL) B7. 1'. O. J(o~len (SUL) n. Preddent (SEAL) Ute..., 1f1111ua 1. Warren (SEAL) n. 88 oro t &17 . ( I 818Md, a.aled and deUyored.in the pre.enoe ot: .I10nso Rouae Go org. H. J'Oft STATE 01' I'lorita ) COUllfY or 8t. IA1ai.) I l1IUU5.tII OER'lD'Y, th8' OIl 'hiB c1Q per80n&1.lj app.ared betore III, P. G. Komalen and WillI_ J. Warren to me well known and b)' III 'knOWn to b. the Presiden' and Se01'et8r)', reep- eothelJ', ot Board ot SuperY1eore, Worth St. !Aloie ainr DJoainage DlIItrlot, a oorporation. __ tho Jiereou who exeout.d tbe 1br.golJt8 1JlatrWlllnt a. *Uoh otfloer. ot .aid oorporaUon, and tbe)' aoknowle4ged to Rnd b.fore .. ,hat. thel exeouh4 th. 8a.e ae &uoh ottio.r8 ot laid oorp oraU on , tor aDd on 1 h behalf. tor the uae. ad p~~e~J, the".e1n expreele4. III 1fI'.ftfE8 WRBREOI', I ban hereunto .et 111 hand ~;:;,t;l seal a~ Port Pi.roe aald Count, and Stah, this 13th 4a7 ot .JUl:r, A. D. 1911 :'!J , , :.7:?~~:,::~ ~,,~;~ -~~f~~~~:i~::~;~i~~:f.,:~~f~~ -. "--- ~'".~., " . :-.- ': ;, '.~:~:".~:r~r[ti?f~l~I~~,