HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUB CONTRACTOR AGREEMENTSA the PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPIMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division Electric Inc Name/Individual Name) (Type of Trade) BUILDING )PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT SCANNED BY St Lucie COunty have agreed to be Sub -contractor forrL,�G;� (Primary Contractor) For the project located at 5 1 ?J o'1`A C �k� " Co i — t'� 367 GC50 � (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation With "the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the Mini of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. CS?RA�CTO I—GNATURE (Qualifier) PRINT NAME i COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of\ <� The 4.dayforegoing instrument was signed before me this of _ ;na2s.:K , 20t by who is personally known 10'� or has produced a roacgYruQ��o KATRINAnUCINHC * W COMMISSION # GG 033n0 Q EXPIRES: September 26, 2020 0 bonded Ttw &:dgel Notary Services Revised I11W2016 i SUBCONTRACTOR SIGNA (Qualifier) Edward June PRINT NAMf1; 10892 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of norida, County of St Lucie 2s'ci The foregoing instrument w,nas S4� d before me this-- day of 201 b �. ti[I�C! who is personally known for bas produced a as ITat'd, tification. STAMPSTAMP "tune of Notiry Public Stacey Garcia PrintNamc of Notary Public STACEYGARCIA MYCOMMISSION#GL 0 EXPIRES: May i60eirdedTivuNotaryPubricrs PERMIT# I I ISSUE DATE PLANNING &-DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division SGANNED BY BUILDING PERMIT St LUCie C01inty SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT have agreed to be I Company Name/Individual Name) the t Sub -contractor for Coastal ilding Contractors LLC (Type of Trade) (Primary Contractor) For the project located at 5713 MYRTLE DR 3402-609-0307-000-4 I (Project. Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is iunderstood that, if there is any change of status regarding'our participation with the above mentioned I proj ct, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filin�g of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. c�� State of Florida, County of fk� The foregoing instrument was signedbeforeme this w day of 20 by \�W, who is personally known 1, or has produced a as Priname of Notary Public Puz�' KATRINA KLUCINEC * MY COMMISSION # GC 033130 EXPIRES: September 26, 2020 f 9lFOF 0:0:p Bonded Thru Budget Notary SeMOBS 'S Revised I1/1612016 :± I � I ' I SUB•CO RA Tt5 SIGNATURE (Qualifier) PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of t t&S.�--c•- The foregoing instrument was signed before me this Ij4 .day of tom'{. _ h? r 2dt by,- t�)le t LtAdkta yN who is personally known _o`rbas produced a as identification. STAMP {j` STAMP .Signature of Notan• PulflikV Print Name of Notary Public I., RHOIIDA+. LAFFERTY ,- ? MY coMMISSION r GG0587700 pr�o� EXPIRES January 08, 207.1 PERMIT # ISSUE DATE PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division rr C. (-i A V i C A- t-_. /� I P,--, I (Company Name/Individual Name) the Alm 0-0Q-bi-F,0Qr000 (Type of Trade) BUILDING PERMIT SUB -CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT 7 1rIo1JiiJe, SCANNED St Ley uc a COUnt have agreed to be Sub -contractor for Coastal Building Contractors LLC (Primary Contractor) For the project located at 5713 MYRTLE DR 3402-609-0307-000-4 (Project Street Address or Property Tax ID #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing of a Change of Sub -contractor notice. �C>NTRACI .SIGNATURE (Qualifier) PRINT NAME I z� 1z1 COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER State of Florida, County of �t V. The folregoing Instrument was signed before me this (,:::—D day of 201LKbbyy I i 1n who is personally known y or has produced a as identificatio STAMP Signature of Notary Public Print Nami of Notary Public 2o01!pueel KATRINAKLUCINEC * My COMMISSION # GG 033730 H Q EXPIRES: September 26.2020 j9rZOF f�bonded TlWu Bu*t Notary Servicos I Revised 11/16/2016 SUB- TRACTOR NATU unlitier) PRINT NAME COUNTY CERTIFICATION NUMBER ,� State of Florida, County of, ;4 __ PPI Th'�1 e foregoing instrument was signed before me this`day of (krQ'L- l - ;20��by6UUi: 1Y1 Q-"l-) JA.���'G-' whorls personally known Xor has produced a as identification. ' isq, �.-�i `I� --STAMP Signature of Notary Public Doi �; M i yc/2 Zvi cZ__. Print Name of Notary Public =iev � NotarydaDeborQMy Com7ito� ,dI Expires PLANNING & DEV ELOPMENT SERVICES Building & Code Compliance Division BUILDING PEMMIT SUB-CONTR.4.CTOR AGREEMENT St Lucie nth a (d t o -q-) 10(9,o( C� CnC . (Company N 1ellndividual Name have agreed to be th �e (Type of Trade Sub -contractor for /�I� ct?j - C*yr (Primar�� Contractorr)) / �� For the project located at, l% %')) (il (/ '? Oa � q_ O �� —0 0 v _ C/ (Protect Strcet.Ad •ess or Property Tax III #) It is understood that, if there is any change of status regarding our participation with the above mentioned project, the Building and Code Regulation Division of St. Lucie County will be advised pursuant to the filing ofa Chance of Sub -contractor notice, Ci!lrlZ� ' R'Sl i�iATUR. Lvumtifier) PRLN'TNA\1C, • �=�91 z1 C011\'TY CERTIFICATION 'NUMBER Stateo0lorida, County- or—% i - xf Tide f�oreg_oiing_ia/strumcnt lsys signed before me this day of who is personally known V or has produced a as i[icntifrcil � w , SignatLreofr. taryPublic �M1IP Print of Notary Pubhe SIDS-CONTRACToltSIGmA71IR unlit" er) CJ y -ABC' n PRINT i UNIE %0.9 COUiVT1' CERTIF ICATION INMIIIER State bf Florida, County of��� fr�� The forego inginstrument was signed before me this S " day of Who iS personally known 1/ Or has produced a . as identification. • }� 1 1 / V { 2F 51Ai<YP Srti a reorNotaryPublic Print Name of Notary Public 60",P&,,� KATRINAKLUCINEC * * MY COMMISSION # GG 033730 N Q EXPIRES; September 26, 2020 9rFOF Fto�c Bonded Thru Budget Notary Services o, r "ks Notary Public State or Rotlda Revised ill/1612016 :� Jennifer Davis v ea My Commission FF 966029 for rvo� ExplrOr 02/29/2020 PERMIT# ISSUE DATE -PLADKWG & D EVF.�I�GPI TN'T nR`jCPS _.... SCANNE® Building & Code Compliance �?MSIO' n BY St Lucie (�®u►� i BUILDING PRIMIC ty SUB-CONI'RA,CTORAGREE MT have agreed to be (eam my Naze dividLa] NmTc) ��,� the�_ c t , ' a >:tk) ICI c . sr tr-contraetor fo a c� 1, tL (Type of Trade) jTdmary. Contractor) 1• or a proj eet located at: {Project Stzeet Add r fir� Tax ID� �� It i"s understood that; if thew is any change of stags .regarding our part cigation with the above mentioned - project; the Building and Code Regul4on DMsion of St Lucie CoulQty will beadvised: pursuant to the fili>z� of a Change of Sub -contractor hotise. co 4_ S GiVA LIRE (Qu mer) SUB-cONr A�,crORS1dRiT mE (Qnam-r) PRQVTIMAM, FRii11T NAM CAA Z k o cmo JPY CCit iG�TIOI NT3it$3EI2 COUN"I'Y GERWICAMX PIU&S M State ak�bTocid�, C(ianiy of � � Sffite of mares C0,6LY f Thefor iiutrnmen-twzssi�medbeforemethis da9QF Theiorcg ` iwtr mentwassi.-nedGefor`emetliis d#yof 20 by �G�,Y� ' 20�6y w$6,is iersoDallykwowa ✓or3tasprodncedaII. whoispemnaUylo¢owaihaspcbdaccdA STA1W 2ottg N,�c KATRINAKLUCINEC * MY COMMISSION # GG 033730 vy oe EXPIRES; September 26, 2020 9r'�OF FO� Bonded Ttuu Budget Notary Services tL.�esed j: tl>,F24I�: STAMP 2otigvrr ,6 ,4MdN*)EiWN - *WPWMMION#GGOM3 6 c� EXPIRES:Apii25,?A20' p: ,4W9,,II e6wedTf 8 udget tiafarY Seivices